Author Topic: BT , I`ll understand if you suspend me for this.TWO DEAD COPS!! the fuck !!!!!  (Read 16117 times)

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Yep     :-\
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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remember people tend to tell police officers to not bother them and only go after real criminials. I guess it take two dead cops for them to finally do just that.

  This is a bit disturbing.
  I wouldn't have asked for it.

   This will be an interesting experiment if it continues for a while.
    If the injuries and fatalities resulting from crime rise, the lower level of police effort will show its cost.
    If the injuries and fatalities overall go down then New York has had too much policing.

    Eric Garner was killed by his arrest, I hope his case is unusual.
    Past mayors have endeavored to make the city cleaner and safer with more policework, did they over dose on that?


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If you were Black and constantly harassed and frisked by cops, I think it would be warranted if you thought you were over policed.

Suppose that every time you walked out the door you were stopped and frisked by rude Black cops. How would you feel?

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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If you were Black and constantly harassed and frisked by cops, I think it would be warranted if you thought you were over policed.

Suppose that every time you walked out the door you were stopped and frisked by rude Black cops. How would you feel?

   I guess I would feel like looting the Winn Dixie?

    Eric Garner was apparently arrested several times without any need, I note that of his 30 arrests nine were for selling untaxed cigarettes.

     The state of New York LEGESLATURE should answer for this.

    The greed of the government in taxing society to the limits of its ability to bear it is a direct cause of this death.

     What choice the police had did not include anything like leaving him alone.

    This tobacco tax is credited with saving a few lives by making dangerous cigarettes more expensive, this should be juxtaposed to the destruction caused by a black market and enforcement of an unpopular tax.


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If you were Black and constantly harassed and frisked by cops, I think it would be warranted if you thought you were over policed.

Suppose that every time you walked out the door you were stopped and frisked by rude Black cops. How would you feel?

Let's see some facts that support the claim that blacks are frisked by cops every time they turn around or walk thru some door.  Don't worry, no one is going to hold their breath waiting for you to back up your opinion

Plane is again dead on, in that your beef isn't with the's with the legislature, who pass the laws, that the police are by law required to enforce.  And not just the ones they like.  they aren't sheep, they're employees of the people, who pay their salary.  And they are legally required to enforce all laws that they observe being broken.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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   This will be an interesting experiment if it continues for a while.


1)Criminals will not take a holiday while the police do, but people will not report as many petty crimes, so reliable figures will be hard to come by except from emergency rooms and morgues.

2)Serious crimes , injuries and deaths  will not be equal in all neighborhoods , those neighborhoods that already has a bad problem will see the most increase.

  I don't really know this will be the case , but if I am wrong I will learn even more than if I already know.

  If I am wrong , and there is no increase , then I will consider it proven that New York City has been over policed.


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Actually legally thier not required to enforce all laws they do have power of discretion. It's really needed in order to do thier job properly. 


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That is particular of crimes that they may see one time, such as a parking infraction or even a moving violation.  If someone is consistently speeding however, despite repeated warnings, they're going to get more than a ticket.  They're going to get arrested, or at minimum, lawfully detained & handcuffed in the back of a patrol car
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Let's see some facts that support the claim that blacks are frisked by cops every time they turn around or walk thru some door.

they may be frisked everytime they resist arrest or refuse to comply with a police officer's instructions.
most of these cases that end in tragedy would not happen if the person had been cooperative with the police.
i know just like with any profession there is is percentage of nutty police.
so i am always very respectful, yes sir, no sir, and do just as they ask
in the last few years i've been pulled over twice for VERY QUESTIONABLE reasons
but even under those circumstances I was quite respectful.
the big picture is to cooperate, not get arrested, not get killed....
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Let's see some facts that support the claim that blacks are frisked by cops every time they turn around or walk thru some door.

they may be frisked everytime they resist arrest or refuse to comply with a police officer's instructions.
most of these cases that end in tragedy would not happen if the person had been cooperative with the police....the big picture is to cooperate, not get arrested, not get killed....

Precisely.  But know, these raice baiters are literally making things more dangerous, not just for blacks, but anyone that feels compliance with law enforcment is now merely an option.  Thank you Obama, Holder, Sharpton, and clan     >:(

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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But now the major portion of the protesters are not black so race may not the the issue anymore. Maybe the growth is not race baitting but actual issue of police conduct. I did say at the beggining the police chief was acting like a douche and still is. In fact nationally police frowned upon the back turning of the officers to the mayor. It actually gives the impression police won't listen attitude. Started this. Post pointing out a line has been crossed meaning knowing whose right will not solve this and this will grow. Note the protesters are trying very hard ignoring the death of the officers effect thier cause. Note the work slowage of the officers. It's gone too far and im betting something carzy  stupid new happen jan. 2nd


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There has been no issue with Police conduct Kimba.  Grand jury's have looked over all the evidence we're not privy too, and concluded nothing criminal.  Be it the Zimmerman case, the Brown case, or the Garner case.  Now, if the officer involved in the Garner case used a technique that is neither sanctioned nor authorized by the NY City Police Dept, then he should be reprimanded.  But that's not some egregious police conduct analogus to simply harrassing black folks for no reason, outside of their color.  THAT's the false narrative that's being pushed.  THAT's the race baiting, by hard core leftists of all racial persuasions being pushed

And THAT's what's making the situation far more dangerous, as it not only implies that compliance with law enforcement is largely optional now, it encourages folks to do exactly what that thug did in assassinating 2 police officers....neither of whom, were white either.  Officers across the country will now react in 2 even more cautious, with a finger on their firearm or tazer, when approaching someone acting suspisciously, even if they're only listing to their ipod.  Or simply stop arresting people.  Neither of which is a good for the safety of this country

And here's the kicker....all these folks berrating police for some supposed country wide epidemic of gross misconduct, if they hear someone coming into their home, thru some window, who's the 1st person they're going to call?  Absolutely, the Police.  And are they going to complain of some misconduct, if the person who was just trying to rape their daughter is aggressively pulled off and handcuffed?  Unlikely
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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I'm not directly talking about the conduct of those cases but it is a serious factor. I'm going to say something which will highly likely be ignored. These cases by alrights would be ignored but due to previous event it would of still happened if not by these people. If i state to not avoid a riot is to just not have a unarmed black person to get shot in the month of december. Is it possible? Repeatedly it stated those officers did thier duty but thats not the issue. The issue is can those deaths with those job requirement be avoided


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I think that if any member of anyone's family was choked to death by some cop over a trivial crime, they would seriously pissed and would have a right to be seriously pissed in this case both at the cop and at the grand jury.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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You're right Kimba, in the sense it would be ignored since there are numerous current examples of white folks shot and killed by officers that get no attention whatsoever.  Example after example of blacks attacking, even killing whites, based principally by skin color,  that receives squat media attention.   There's a narrative that's being pushed,  and any/all evidence to the contrary must be ignored
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle