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Guest 10:36:07 AM Viewing Who's Online.
Guest 10:36:06 AM Viewing the topic Blagojevich one strange dude.
Guest 10:36:04 AM Viewing the topic EU aims to criminalise Holocaust denial.
Guest 10:36:01 AM Viewing the topic Speaking of Politics as usual.
Guest 10:35:55 AM Viewing the topic Obama throws Israel under the Bus.
Guest 10:35:51 AM Viewing the topic McCain-warns-there-will-be- war.
Guest 10:34:47 AM Viewing the topic No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!.
Guest 10:34:27 AM Viewing the topic Bush stern warning to Cuba. Another Castro is unacceptable..
Guest 10:34:00 AM Viewing the topic No..
Guest 10:33:40 AM Viewing the topic Bush' Signs The Military Commissions Act Of 2006.
Guest 10:33:17 AM Viewing the topic pretty bad.
Guest 10:31:50 AM Viewing the topic Breakfast and Brunch: Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins | Submitted By: Jan .
Guest 10:31:31 AM Viewing the topic Call God 'Allah' to ease relations .
Guest 10:31:21 AM Viewing the topic "Clinton's Presidential bid hinges on Failed Surge".
Guest 10:31:20 AM Unknown Action
Guest 10:31:01 AM Viewing the topic Driver's licenses to illegal immigrants?.
Guest 10:30:48 AM Viewing the topic How minimum wage works..
Guest 10:29:34 AM Viewing the topic Speaking of Politics as usual.
Guest 10:29:24 AM Viewing the topic FEED Seafood: Lemon Garlic Salmon | Submitted By: Christine .
Guest 10:28:51 AM Viewing the topic A nation of whiners.
Guest 10:28:14 AM Viewing the topic Triple-slit experiment confirms reality is quantum.
Guest 10:27:40 AM Unknown Action
Guest 10:27:36 AM Viewing the topic Are People Really "Born Gay"?.
Guest 10:26:27 AM Viewing the topic I want to talk about atheism.
Guest 10:25:35 AM Viewing the topic this is whyI don`t telecomute.
Guest 10:24:07 AM Viewing the topic "What I particularly abhor is inequality".
Guest 10:23:48 AM Printing the topic "Trump warned Germany. They laughed. Now they face a major energy crisis!".
Guest 10:23:40 AM Viewing the topic Economic Disaster Looms.
Guest 10:23:39 AM Viewing the topic Did you know that Filet o' Fish is an al Qaeda favorite?.
Guest 10:23:31 AM Viewing the topic Turkey's buddy Iran is hiding Osama Bin Laden......