Author Topic: Karl Rove Promises October Surprise - (Update) Bin Laden Dead?  (Read 5519 times)

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Karl Rove Promises October Surprise - (Update) Bin Laden Dead?
« on: September 21, 2006, 02:40:02 PM »
Karl Rove Promises October Surprise

Ronald Kessler

Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006

WASHINGTON -- In the past week, Karl Rove has been promising Republican insiders an "October surprise" to help win the November congressional elections.

President Bush's political strategist is also saying that the final two weeks before the elections will see a blitz of advertising, and the Republican National Committee is deploying an army of volunteers to key locations to help the grass-roots effort and monitor the elections.

The RNC is offering to fly in volunteers and cover their expenses.

Rove is not saying what the October surprise will be. Asked if he would elaborate and give his thinking about the coming elections, Rove told NewsMax that his take largely parallels what RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman said in a Sept. 5 NewsMax story.

As for the October Surprise, Rove said, "I'd rather let the balance [of plans for the elections] unroll on its own."

The previous NewsMax story quoted Mehlman as saying that Republicans will hold their majority in the House and Senate. He bases that conclusion on a recent meeting with his regional political directors, on private polling, and on analyses of individual races.

Mehlman conceded that the House is in a "competitive situation." In the House, 35 to 40 seats are in play, he said. In the Senate, 12 or 13 seats could change hands. To tilt the balance, Democrats would have to pick up six seats in the Senate and 15 seats in the House.

But, Mehlman said, "I believe that the combination of the relatively narrow playing field, the relatively strong financial position our folks are in and the national party is in, the good turnout operation that we have, the motivation of our base, and the lack of motivation of their base as indicated by turnout in a number of recent Democrat primaries," will do the trick.

Meanwhile, Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., the chairman of the Republican Study Committee, told the American Spectator Newsmaker Breakfast that even in Indiana, "There is no question that there is public consternation about our progress in Iraq." However, he said, "Hoosiers want us to come home, but they want us to win and come home."

When he was with Bush recently, the president asked him, "What do you have to say, Pence?"

"Thanks for being more determined than our enemy," Pence said.

"I like the way you put that," Bush quickly replied.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2006, 01:12:05 PM by R.R. »


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Re: Karl Rove Promises October Surprise
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2006, 03:34:57 PM »
Karl Rove Promises October Surprise

Ronald Kessler

Thursday, Sept. 21, 2006

WASHINGTON -- In the past week, Karl Rove has been promising Republican insiders an "October surprise" to help win the November congressional elections.

I am sure the "surprise" will be dragging out the old bogeyman , Osama, to further scare the American Sheeple. That is clearly the reason Bush hasn't bothered to capture him. He keeps getting his kooks re-elected when he appears. And I am sure Osama is glad to help re-elect the RW retards because he might not be nearly as successful as he has been if their were  intelligent people in power in the US.


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Re: Karl Rove Promises October Surprise
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2006, 07:12:31 PM »
I am sure the "surprise" will be dragging out the old bogeyman , Osama, to further scare the American Sheeple.

If the Democrats were actually strong on national security, it wouldn’t matter, would it?

But the Democrat liberals are so weak that they do everything they can to minimize and brush aside the threat of Islamic extremists.


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Re: Karl Rove Promises October Surprise
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2006, 09:47:40 PM »
I am sure the "surprise" will be dragging out the old bogeyman , Osama, to further scare the American Sheeple.

If the Democrats were actually strong on national security, it wouldn’t matter, would it?

But the Democrat liberals are so weak that they do everything they can to minimize and brush aside the threat of Islamic extremists.

The Dems are strong on national security unlike the Reps that are strong on exploiting national insecurity. If you were so worried about Islamic extremists why didn't you finish the job in Afghanistan where they were instead of attacking secular Iraq where they weren't? The Taliban is now on the resurgence in Afghanistan . That is the problem with halfaseed Bush and his kooks. Now it is obvious they never had a plan except to scare stupid Americans into voting for them so they could rape, plunder and pillage US more.


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Re: Karl Rove Promises October Surprise
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2006, 09:58:32 PM »
"The Dems are strong on national security unlike ..."

Under what terms do you mean ?
What Democratic President has improved Defense in recent times?
I think you would have to go back to Johnson.

What is the voteing record of the Democratic Congress re. defense.

Most importantly , what are the Democrats really telling us they would do?


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Re: Karl Rove Promises October Surprise
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2006, 11:23:43 PM »
If you were so worried about Islamic extremists why didn't you finish the job in Afghanistan

What in the world does that mean? That's just a DNC talking point.

instead of attacking secular Iraq where they weren't?

Zarqawi was sheltered in Baghdad, as was Abu Abas. Saddam had links with al Qaeda as well as radical Palistinian sunni terror groups.


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Re: Karl Rove Promises October Surprise - Bin Ladin Dead?
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2006, 01:05:36 PM »
I wonder if this is the October Surprise?

"According to a reliable source, Saudi security services are now convinced that Osama bin Laden is dead," said the intelligence report.

 According to this report, Saudi security services were pursuing further details, notably the place of his burial.

"The chief of al-Qaida was a victim of a severe typhoid crisis while in Pakistan on August 23, 2006," the document says. His geographic isolation meant that medical assistance was impossible, the French report said, adding that his lower limbs were allegedly paralyzed.

If true, I hope the bastard suffered.


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Re: Karl Rove Promises October Surprise - (Update) Bin Laden Dead?
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2006, 02:39:43 PM »
Interesting......though I'm not going to hold my breath at any time
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