<<Actually ignorance is demonstrated by those who don't wish to acknowledge both the Constitutional mandates the Fed is under, as well as the strange position that postWWII has facilitated, that of the U.S. somehow being requested to be in so many places, militarily, to help secure & defend countries & locations, where those countries have no need to develop their own military, or substantive means of defending themselves. >>
Geeze, I didn't realize. My apologies for my ignorance of the U.S. Constitution. Just where in the U.S. Constitution is the U.S. Federal government obliged to defend, say, Sweden? or Denmark? or Viet Nam? or Iraq?
<<This addresses Js' point as well, as to why these other countries can be doing so well, compared to the U.S. The reason is is these other countries and geographic locations have no problem accepting the U.S. as the principle means of enforcing international will, . . . >>
Enforcing international will? What happened, did George Will go international? Seriously, I'm pleased to see that some logic must be seeping into your head from somewhere, against all your efforts to ward it off, because you seem to have given up the absurd pretence that the U.S. was somehow interested in enforcing international law. So now it's "international will" is it? Like the widely expressed international desire for the U.S. to invade Iraq and dictate not only its basic form of government but that it pass a hydrocarbons law friendly to foreign investment in the industry?
<< . . . thus the bulk of their $$$ can go into more social programs, while a large bulk of ours goes into our ability to defend ourselves from all forms of threats.........>>
Threats related largely to your continuing interference in and aggression against the persons making the threats. Defending yourselves against self-created enemies, which Denmark, Sweden et al. haven't been so foolish as to create in the first place.
<<Hypotheticall, if some country attacks Sweden, who's likely to come to their aide militarily? If they were to ask of course. You thnik Sweden or Denmark could mount any significant defense from let's say....China or Russia?>>
I think the Russians could beat the Swedes. It would be tougher for China. And this is the business of the U.S.A. because . . . ? And Amerikkka devotes what part of its military budget to defending Sweden? Sweden can take care of itself. It prefers diplomatic means. They must work because Russia has never invaded it. (In fact, Sweden invaded Russia but that was in centuries past and the Russians seem to have gotten over it.) Sweden does not need to defend itself because it does not threaten other countries, invade them, change their regimes, blockade them, starve them etc. Whaddaya know? A peaceful, rational, non-violent way of dealing with other nations and resolving your differences with them. Maybe Amerikkka should try it. Might save them a few bucks in military hardware somewhere down the line. Then maybe they could afford to adopt some of the advanced social welfare methods of Scandinavia and finally become as civilized as they are.
Oh, and I meant to ask you - - do you think it's time for the Swedes and Danes to put up a coastal fence to keep out seaborne Mexicans and Cubans?