God was not nearly so efficient as Coca Cola. More people have heard of Coca Cola than have heard of Jesus. And Coke has only been at it since 1886. That is only 129 years.
And Coca Cola did not have to get itself crucified and come back from the dead. It does not promise life everlasting, either, The truth is, it does not even satisfy thirst very well. Twelve teaspoons of sugar in colored flavored water.
I get to criticize anything I wish. I am not bound by your rules or what you think the rules are.
I do not dictate rules, and neither do you. But I know logic from illogic.
There was some saint that claimed that he was a believer precisely because the Christian religion does not make sense.
Or perhaps it was Tertullian:
Natus est Dei Filius, non pudet, quia pudendum est;
et mortuus est Dei Filius, prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum est;
et sepultus resurrexit, certum est, quia impossibile.
“The Son of God was born: there is no shame, because it is shameful.
And the Son of God died: it is wholly credible, because it is unsound.
And, buried, He rose again: it is certain, because impossible.”
None of this bit makes much sense, but it gets quoted a lot.