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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #75 on: May 21, 2011, 05:30:19 PM »
The war on Planned parenthood and defunding NPR were clearly right wing social engineering. Ryan is not the biggest practitioner of this, but Newt is correct when he says that it is counterproductive and wrong to engage in such partisan folly.

It is hard to be a Republican, as you have to be a right wing loon in the primaries, and then transform yourself into a moderate for the general election. I do not feel sorry for them, just as I rarely feel compassion for cockroaches, vultures and those teensy little ants that get into the sugar bowl.
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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #76 on: May 21, 2011, 05:50:05 PM »
The war on Planned parenthood and defunding NPR were clearly right wing social engineering.

Actually it would be better stated to say that it was a counter insurgency to left wing social engineering.

Newt's mistake was he gave the dems a sound bite that deflects attention from their own social engineering, which seems to me wasn't a bad thing to the left (that is the argument for progressive taxation, after all) , until Newt put the conservative attribute on it.

It is important that Ryan not be conflated with the so-cons who went after NPR and Planned Parenthood. Because that really isn't the truth, and in some circles the truth still matters.


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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #77 on: May 21, 2011, 11:43:34 PM »
Claiming that shutting down Planned Parenthood in order to decrease the budget or to take away union collective bargaining rights for the same reason is clearly "rightwing social engineering",and it has ticked a lot of people off. Gingrich was right to attack Ryan's proposals as being worthless, because they will never be passed, and are both worthless and hateful as well as "rightwing social engineering".

But the GOP is ruled by assholes, and Gingrich is an asshole who always must say everything in the most inflammatory way possible,and the result is what we see now.

The GOP and Newt deserve each other.
I am not clear on what you mean here.

Are you agreeing with Newt?


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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #78 on: May 22, 2011, 02:11:26 PM »
I agree that Newt was correct in labeling "right wing social engineering" for what it is, and also his opinion that it is a poor way to get anything constructive done.

Newt is a screamer, however: he always manages to say everything in such a way as to annoy the maximum number of people, so I do not support Newt for president. Not that it matters, because he has no chance of being elected.
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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #79 on: May 22, 2011, 07:55:42 PM »
I agree that Newt was correct in labeling "right wing social engineering" for what it is, and also his opinion that it is a poor way to get anything constructive done.

Newt is a screamer, however: he always manages to say everything in such a way as to annoy the maximum number of people, so I do not support Newt for president. Not that it matters, because he has no chance of being elected.

You don't like social engineering?

can't fight you there.


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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #80 on: May 28, 2011, 01:02:43 AM »
Newt vs. Mitt ? will the Republican please stand up?
Posted: May 26, 2011

Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney make me think of Dorothy Jones.

"Aunt" Dorothy, my mom's closest friend, was a warm, smart, comedienne-quick funny woman from a large family. Unlike my mom's other friends, Dorothy was single and remained so until she died. I once asked her, in the rude way only children can, why she never married.

"You know," she said while pointing, one by one, at four imaginary men lined up in front her, "if you took the best qualities from all my sisters' husbands and rolled them up into one man ? you'd still come up short."

This describes how it feels when trying to find a GOP presidential candidate. What are we small "L" libertarian, tea-party-type, low-tax, low-regulation, serious-about-entitlement-reform, non-"climate-change"-hysterical voters looking for?

For starters, how about someone who believes that the Constitution means what it says and says what it means, and won't abide the "principled" Republican politician who wanders off the page in search of "compromise" to "get things done" to "do the people's business"? Not too much to ask.

This brings us to the declared and confused GOP presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and the soon-to-be declared, and confused, GOP candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Gingrich masterfully engineered the 1994 GOP takeover of the House. He came up with the Contract With America and once called Sen. Bob Dole, the party's 1996 presidential candidate, "the tax collector for the welfare state." He is bright and knowledgeable, which makes some of his positions all the more indefensible.

Did Gingrich really write off Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan's gutsy Medicare reform idea as "right-wing social engineering," after having praised Ryan's debt and deficit reduction ideas just two months earlier? Yes, he did.

Did Gingrich really cut a video with global-warming fanatic Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in which they pledged to work together to fight "climate change"? Yes, he did.

Did Gingrich come out in favor of ethanol and the federal boondoggle that pays farmers to convert farmland producing edible corn into land devoted to corn for ethanol ? a product that, but for mandates and subsidies, would have no market? Did Gingrich support ethanol even after Al "Mr. Environment" Gore renounced his previous support and admitted that he only supported ethanol to secure the 2000 farm vote? Yes and yes.

Did Gingrich team up with race hustler extraordinaire, the Rev. Al Sharpton, to tour the country to raise awareness of the education "race gap"? Did Gingrich team with the man who not only opposes vouchers ? a serious attempt to provide alternatives to and competition against government schools ? but who calls vouchers "racist"? Yes, he did.

Romney, for his part, ran in 2008 as a fiscal conservative elected in a liberal state and who, therefore, represents someone who "can reach across the aisle" and appeal to independents and "conservative Democrats" ? whatever that means. Unfortunately, his signature achievement is the statist Romneycare, a Bay State "universal health-care program" that includes a mandate. It served as a model for Obamacare.

Believers in limited government, to put it mildly, intensely dislike Obamacare and reserve a special place in hell for the mandate that forces every man, woman and child to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty. The Wall Street Journal and Investors Business Daily point out that Romneycare fails to control premium costs, exceeded budget projections and "works" only because of money from the federal government.

Many Republicans encouraged Romney to call Romneycare a blunder and use it as an object lesson of yet another well-intended but wrongheaded government intrusion that produced unintended and hurtful consequences.

Did Romney not only refuse to apologize for Romneycare, but praise it as a "state solution"?
Did Romney defend the Massachusetts mandate while criticizing Obama's federal one?
Did Romney thus support the concept of allowing government to force people to purchase health insurance or face a fine, so long as it does so at the state level?
Does Romney therefore disagree with conservatives who call Romneycare a disaster that other states emulate at their own peril?

Yes, yes, yes and yes, he does.

So much for Gingrich and Romney. Now what?

What about Thomas Sowell? The economist / writer / philosopher / limited-government / free-market advocate, the most clear-headed opinionator in America, is 80. The 80 is not the problem. It is the clear-headed part that made Sowell double over in laughter when he was asked about running for office. Former left-wing David Mamet partially credits Sowell with turning him from being "a brain-dead liberal." Yes, Sowell is that good.

Who else?

What about Margaret Thatcher, the 85-year-old fiscal conservative British ex-prime minister? Could we persuade her into renouncing her citizenship and running for president here in the States? Alas, that requires an amendment to the Constitution, which currently allows only a "natural born citizen" to become president.

What would Aunt Dorothy do?

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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #81 on: May 28, 2011, 09:59:27 AM »
What about Thomas Sowell? The economist / writer / philosopher / limited-government / free-market advocate, the most clear-headed opinionator in America, is 80. The 80 is not the problem. It is the clear-headed part that made Sowell double over in laughter when he was asked about running for office. Former left-wing David Mamet partially credits Sowell with turning him from being "a brain-dead liberal." Yes, Sowell is that good.

Who else?

What about Margaret Thatcher, the 85-year-old fiscal conservative British ex-prime minister? Could we persuade her into renouncing her citizenship and running for president here in the States? Alas, that requires an amendment to the Constitution, which currently allows only a "natural born citizen" to become president.

I heard that Thatcher has Altzheimers. She was a terrible PM, anyway.Sowell is an asshole, and no one over 80 is going to get any nominations.

Face it, the reactionary cause has no leaders anyone wants to follow.
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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #82 on: May 28, 2011, 10:32:26 AM »
No one over 80 deserves consideration?

What if the most virtuous person on the planet is that old?

Are we approching a declaration that the aged need not apply?


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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #83 on: May 28, 2011, 11:20:21 AM »
Sirs rewrites everything, then when you point this out, he cries DEFLECTION! DEFLECTION!

Keebler has 37 elves with better debating skills.
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Re: Newt's lost my support
« Reply #84 on: May 28, 2011, 11:40:09 AM »
What the frell??  Perhaps you need your morning coffee, Xo.  That made not a shred of sense,  outside of your standard effort of not debating and merely throw slurs against the wall, to see if anything sticks
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle