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Topics - Michael Tee

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AP story

Not only has the Yemeni FM denied that al-Awlaki is a terrorist, the Yemeni government is now refusing to go after him and is now denying that he even participates in attacks on US. forces.

I figure this is a direct consequence of repeated lying by U.S. military and civil authorities, which has now emboldened even the impoverished government of Yemen to call out the U.S.A. as liars and manipulators, which of course everyone knows that they are anyway.  Their total credibility is in the toilet and will take another hit this coming week when WikiLeaks will release another whistle-blower's tape of an even bigger U.S. massacre of innocent civilians, in Farah (Afghanistan) this time involving almost 150 Afghan civilians and in which the Pentagon has already been caught lying once already.

Normally, this wouldn't matter since the U.S. military has no shame and let's face it, when you are getting away with torture and murder, what really is an accusation of mere lying on top of it all anyway?  However, I suspect these revelations are coming in at a particularly embarrassing time for The Land of the Free, just when it's trying to convince its own people (and others) of the "grave dangers" posed to the world by Iranian nukes.  This is hardly the time for their collective nose to start growing.  Bummer.

3DHS / The Abu Ghraib Prison Guards are Returning to Iraq
« on: April 10, 2010, 06:52:32 PM »
The 372nd Military Police Unit, the proud guardians of the Abu Ghraib Prison, only ONE of whose members still remains in prison in the U.S., are returning to Iraq to carry on their illustrious tradition of courageous torture in the face of a helpless enemy, to blaze new trails in sexual sadism and perversion and to further glorify the heroic name of America in the lands of the heathen.

. . .  to Avoid Killing Civilians.

Their sanctimonious pretensions would be laughable if the end-results were not so tragic.

3DHS / Any Connection?
« on: April 09, 2010, 09:08:25 AM »

Taliban claims to have shot down NATO helicopter in Afghanistan, killing three U.S. soldiers.

And I'm wondering if the sudden appearance of the tapes of the U.S. Army's helicopter murder spree in New Baghdad has any relationship to the event.  As in, those in support of the Afghan resistance loosening their hand on the supply of ground-to-air missiles to the fighters.  As I recall, the Americans were quite liberal in supplying these little gizmos to the same guys they are now trying to kill off when they were "only" going to be used against the Red Army.  Apparently made quite a difference to the outcome.   Hmmm.

I suppose logistics enters into it as well.  If the tapes of the New Baghdad massacre did spark a new liberality in the supply of ground-to-air missiles to Afghanistan, where exactly would the new weapons be coming from, and how long would it take for them to reach the end of the supply pipeline?

In any event, and regardless of how or when the Afghans got whatever weapon it was that knocked down the chopper, karmic payback's a bitch, eh?

3DHS / Getting Late
« on: April 09, 2010, 02:22:57 AM »
I'm heading up to bed.

I think we had a very interesting discussion on American Death Lists and the Fifth Amendment.  BSB was carrying the ball for the Forces of Darkness very ably, but then he got stuck and pulled his usual crybaby shit and appealed to BT.  

I can't wait around for BT's call, but I hate to see the discussion de-railed at this point and I invite any other supporters of the Forces of Darkness that I'm still talking to to please step up to the plate for our stressed-out friend and try to carry the ball for him.

Thanks and Good Night.

p.s. the reference, of course, is to the two threads Executions Without Trials and NYT

3DHS / Executions Without Trial Next for American Citizens?
« on: April 07, 2010, 03:17:50 PM »
Can this possibly be correct?

<<WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama's administration has authorized the targeted killing of an American citizen, radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaqi, a US official said on Wednesday.

<<"The US government would be remiss if it didn't go after terrorist threats like Awlaqi," the counter-terrorism official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP.>>

more at

This sounds kinda fishy to me.  This would be a really radical change in practice and theory - - so why would the announcement of it be left to an anonymous official?  The government can murder its own citizens on the basis of anonymous "intelligence" reports?  Fuck it, why not just move to some banana republic and at least enjoy the weather there?

Surely the U.S. public deserves at least a "confirm" or "deny" from the Prez.


I have a gut feeling this video is not gonna be up for very long.  It shows the view from a U.S. helicopter in the suburb of New Baghdad firing on a group of men and children just walking down a street.  The Army suppressed the video for over two years and claimed all the people they murdered were shot in a "battle."  This is some fucking "battle"  - -  it's like the chopper hovers over Times Square and starts killing people and then claiming the victims were killed in the Battle of Times Square. 

You get audio and visual -- these fucking shitheads happened to kill two Reuters journalists in the group and the Reuters office sued to get the material.  Till the video was released those fucking bastards claimed their victims were killed in battle.

At one point, the camera shows two children in the front of a van that was picking up the wounded, somebody in the chopper is asking for permission to shoot the guys who are picking up the wounded and putting them in the van, then they open up on the van and obviously hit the kids.  They kill the guys who were picking up the wounded.  This stuff is dynamite.

You hear so much bullshit from these lying fucking bastards how they are always trying to AVOID civilian casualties.  YEAH!  This shows ya how hard they try.  Fuck this.  See it while it's still up.  I KNOW those lying sacks of shit will get this thing off the internet in a matter of MINUTES.

These guys aren't all bad though - - it also shows the ground troops arriving and one of them picking up a wounded girl and running with her, they want permission to take her to a U.S. hospital but then higher ups deny the request and tell them to take the girl to some dipshit Iraqi hospital instead.  Don't really give a shit if she lives or dies even though they are the ones who shot her.  More evidence of how hard they try to avoid civilian casualties.  Fucking lying bastards.  See this thing.

3DHS / What are the REAL options for the U.S. and Israel on Iraq?
« on: April 05, 2010, 09:37:58 AM »

Excellent article by Uri Avneri, an Israeli journalist.  There isn't a hell of a lot that either Israel or the U.S.A. can do about Iran, and it doesn't matter because neither one of them really regards Iran as all that dangerous.  Sanctions are a lost cause because China and Russia won't go along.  They are doing alright with Iran and Iran is doing alright with them.  War would be a disaster for either or both aggressors, as the first thing Iran would do in retaliation would be to close the Straits of Hormuz, and only a ground operation could re-open them, which the U.S. does not have the resources for.  There would also be immediate retaliatory attacks on Israeli population centres by missile and on U.S. bases in the region.  The rising of Arab masses would threaten to overthrow the remaining puppet regimes still controlled by the U.S.

This is an excellent rebuttal argument to the DEBKRAP propaganda bullshit that keeps finding its way into this NG.

3DHS / How's this for stupidity?
« on: April 05, 2010, 09:11:30 AM »

U.S. Special forces killed two pregnant Afghan women and then tried to conceal evidence of their involvement by digging the bullets out of their bodies with their knives.

Then they denied all involvement in the incident.

Then the denials had to be reversed because they were too fucking stupid to be able to stick with their own lies after the Afghans themselves investigated the massacre (there were other civilians along with the two pregnant women who were killed.)

Apparently they had also tried to dig bullets out of walls, as part of their cover-up.

I dunno, if the circumstances weren't so tragic, it would actually be comical to watch the escapades of a group of psycho thugs with vegetable-level IQs led apparently by total morons and let loose with firearms in a strange and hostile country.

The reporters who first brought the story into the public eye were first denounced as liars and fabricators by the Army for denying the Army's own lying account of the incident, but now it appears (what a surprise!) that the only liars involved were wearing the uniform of the serially-disgraced U.S. Army.    Geeze, just another day at the Murder Factory.  What a way to earn a living!!

I think at this point it should be pretty obvious how badly the Afghans need the "civilizing" influence of America in their lives.  It's pretty obvious that the best thing America can do for Afghanistan is to get the fuck out of there as fast as their legs can carry their scurvy murdering asses, and stop pretending that they are there for the good of the Afghan people.  Maybe this time Obama will realize that enough is enough and stop his pandering to the military-industrial complex and whoever else is benefiting from this fucking atrocity of a war.

3DHS / I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« on: March 31, 2010, 12:39:19 AM »
The torture of Abu Zubaydah

I don't understand
1.  How this can't make anyone sick

There is no No. 2.  If this didn't make people sick, then there's no real demand for punishment of those involved at any level and in fact it's quite easy to understand how everyone gets away with everything.

This is like one of those letters that I used to write in Amnesty - - nobody reads them, nobody gives a shit and nothing changes.  But we wrote them anyway.

When the hammer finally comes down on the nation in whose name such acts are sanctioned, condoned and largely passed over in silence, the Rev. Fred Phelps and I, and hopefully many others as well,  will not be crying any tears.  We won't all be on the same page, obviously, but one thing we WILL have in common, and that will be that none of us will be crying any tears.

Why did I even bother to write this post? I don't know but I feel I have to do so rather than remain silent.

3DHS / Anyone else thinking that it's highly suspicious . . .
« on: March 30, 2010, 11:55:00 PM »
. . .  that "Chechen terrorists"  "happen" to blow up the Moscow subway just when the U.S. is desperately seeking Russian support for a greatly enhanced embargo of Iran which up to now the Russians have failed to see the need for?

Just askin.

3DHS / Bill Maher in Hufpo - Hilarious AND Right On!
« on: March 27, 2010, 12:26:59 AM »
Posted: March 26, 2010 05:36 PM

New Rule: You Can't Use "There Will Be No Cooperation for the Rest of the Year" as a Threat If There Was No Cooperation in the First Half of the Year

<<New Rule: You can't use the statement "there will be no cooperation for the rest of the year" as a threat if there was no cooperation in the first half of the year. Here's a word the president should take out of his teleprompter: bipartisanship. People only care about that in theory, not in practice. The best thing that's happened this year is when President Obama finally realized this and said, "Kiss my black ass, we're going it alone, George W. Bush style."

<<Two months ago, conservative Fred Barnes wrote, "The health care bill is dead with not the slightest prospect of resurrection." Well, if it's dead, you just got your ass kicked by a zombie named Nancy Pelosi. Seriously, the last time a Democrat showed balls like that John Edwards' girlfriend was filming it. Make all the botox jokes and she-shops-too-much jokes you want, but this is the biggest political victory a woman has ever achieved in America. Yes, Nancy Pelosi likes nice clothes. So does Sarah Palin. The difference is Nancy Pelosi pays for hers.

<<But even before the Democrats got to take a single victory lap they were already being warned not to get used to the feeling, and not to get drunk with power. I disagree. All you Democrats: do a shot, and then do another. Get drunk on this feeling of not backing down and doing what you came to Washington to do.

<<Democrats should not listen to the people who are now saying they shouldn't attempt anything else big for a while because health care was such a bruising battle. Wrong -- because I learned something watching the lying bullies of the Right lose this one: when they're losing, they squeal like a pig. They kept saying things like, the bill was being "shoved down our throats" or the Democrats were "ramming it through." The bill was so big they couldn't take it all at once!

<<And I realized listening to this rhetoric that it reminded me of something: Tiger Woods' text messages to his mistress that were made public last week, where he said, and I quote, "I want to treat you rough, throw you around, spank and slap you and make you sore. I want to hold you down and choke you while I fuck that ass that I own. Then I'm going to tell you to shut the fuck up while I slap your face and pull your hair for making noise." Unquote.>>

[Not only hilarious in its own right, but doubly so when some members of this NG accused ME of sexism and disrespecting women.  Moi.  Go figger.  It's amazing how these anti-choice conservatives suddenly can become so "politically correct" over the most trivial provocations, isn't it?]

<<And this, I believe, perfectly represents the attitude Democrats should now have in their dealings with the Republican Party: "Shut the fuck up while I slap your face for making noise -- now pass a cap-and-trade law, you stupid bitch, and repeat after me: 'global warming is real!'"

<<The Democrats need to push the rest of their agenda while their boot is on the neck of the greedy, poisonous old reptile. Who cares if a cap-and-trade bill isn't popular, neither was health care. Your poll numbers may have descended a bit, but so did your testicles.

<<So don't stop: we need to regulate the banks, we need to overhaul immigration, we need to end corporate welfare including at the Pentagon, we need to bring troops home from... everywhere, we need to end the drug war, and we need to put terrorists and other human rights violators on trial in civilian courts, starting with Dick Cheney.

<<Democrats in America were put on earth to do one thing: drag the ignorant hillbilly half of this country into the next century, which in their case is the 19th -- and by passing health care, the Democrats saved their brand. A few months ago, Sarah Palin mockingly asked them, "How's that hopey-changey thing working out for ya?" Great, actually. Thanks for asking. And how's that whole Hooked on Phonics thing working out for you? >>

Bill Maher, you are a-MAAAAAY-zing.

3DHS / Drano Theory - Big Change A-Comin'
« on: March 26, 2010, 02:17:00 AM »
from Hufpo

The Drano Theory of History -- Extending the "Big Change Moment"

By Robert Creamer

Last year, my friend Mike Lux published a book called The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came to Be.
It's a study of the history of progressive change in America. One of its conclusions is that change is not spread randomly throughout our history. It is concentrated in bunches - in "big change moments." So far in our country's history there have been five:
• The period surrounding the enactment of the Constitution;
• The period surrounding, and immediately after, the Civil War;
• The "Progressive Period" in the early 1900's;
• The "New Deal" in the 1930's;
• The Civil Rights period in the 1960's.
In fact, 19 of the 21 biggest progressive changes in American history were concentrated in only four decades of the over 22 decades since the enactment of the Constitution.
Last Sunday's passage of health care reform confirms that we are once again in the midst of a "big change moment." Until last weekend, someone could credibly argue that the Obama election - that the Obama movement - had only aspired create "big change." Now its promise has begun to be fulfilled.
And now there is almost certainly more to come.
When you look back at the story of progress of democracy in America, you are struck by what I call the "Drano theory of history." When one "big thing" happens, several others almost always follow. It's as if the first "big thing" cleans out the pipes - and then others begin to flow.
One of the reasons why last Sunday's vote was so significant is that it is likely to set up just that kind of cascading series of fundamental changes.
First up will likely be a Senate vote to rein in the power of the big Wall Street Banks. The House has already passed a reasonably robust set of measures aimed at preventing the recklessness of the big Wall Street Banks from once again causing the collapse of our economy - and costing seven million more Americans their jobs.
The Senate Banking Committee passed out its own package of regulatory changes on Monday. It will likely go to the floor after the April recess.
Immigration reform - which has been pronounced dead almost as many times as the now-passed health reform bill - has once again shown strong signs of life. The giant 200,000 person march for immigration reform coincided with, and helped stimulate, a serious movement to draft and bring to the Senate floor a bi-partisan immigration bill this spring.
There appear to be seven or eight Republicans in the Senate who understand that the future of their Party is contingent on their ability to attract Latino voters - the fastest-growing demographic group in the country. Immigration reform is a realignment issue for many of those voters. That could be enough to pass a bill - especially one that is supported by both business and labor, as seems likely.
Legislation restructuring our energy economy - protecting us from climate change, creating clean energy jobs and freeing us from the tyranny of foreign oil - is still very much alive in the Senate. It has already passed the House.
Representative George Miller's proposal to fund over one million jobs is beginning to pick up steam, and the reauthorization of "No Child Left Behind" could reshape American education.
The opponents of change were rocked by the victory of health care reform. Their entire political strategy was premised on stopping fundamental change cold - keeping the legislative pipes clogged and then arguing that Washington - and Obama - were all talk.
There are many reasons why "big changes" come in bunches. In general, fundamental change requires the convergence of two factors.
First, the status quo must become so untenable that there is substantial latent pressure for change from some large segment of the population.
But that first condition is not by itself sufficient. Change requires a second critical ingredient. It requires leadership that is capable of organizing those with a self-interest in change, and assembling enough political power to overcome the forces with a vested interest in the status quo and the natural fear of something new. Turning latent pressure for change into active agents of change requires organizations and leaders.
You don't need to convince the poorest people in the world that they need change. But the poorest people are often the easiest to subjugate because they do not have the power to resist, to successfully make change.
Those with a vested interest in the status quo never give up power until they are forced to do so. Victory requires the aggregation of enough power to force change - not beg for it. Fundamental change requires struggle. It requires that those with an interest in the status quo be defeated, not convinced.
One of the major reasons why "big change moments" beget other "big change moments" is that victory builds the power of the forces for change. It builds that power in particular by energizing and mobilizing its advocates. Defeat demoralizes and demobilizes. Victories lead to additional victories - and to additional followers. People follow winners, not losers. Political momentum continues forward motion in politics, just as surely as momentum in physics keeps objects in motion in the physical world.
The other reason why successful "big change moments" are often followed by others is that once people have experienced "big change," the fear of change itself begins to weaken. Fear is the major tool of those who wish to preserve the status quo. When health insurance reform does not bring with it the promised "Armageddon," American voters will be less vulnerable to the fear-mongering that was used so effectively by the insurance industry and Republicans against health care reform. Their credibility will shrink like the boy who cried wolf.
The latent pressure for change in the health care system has been present for decades. President Obama led a movement that, for the first time, was capable of organizing enough political power to overcome the enormous clout of the insurance industry, the political right and substantial elements of the business community.
Different constellations of power present themselves in the other major issues facing America. The big Wall Street bankers wield enormous influence. On the other hand, they certainly convinced a lot of Americans that fundamental change was needed when they sank the U.S. economy. People hate the big banks so much that the banks are trying the Orwellian tactic of naming the bill to hold them accountable the "Bill to Bailout the Big Banks." I'm betting this 180 degree perversion of truth is too much even for the ever-gullible main stream media.
But to win the battle with Wall Street, Progressives have to sharpen the distinctions between Wall Street's interests and those of everyday Americans - and we have to squeeze the Republicans on this issue until they sue for peace and agree to pass tough changes in the law because they will be in deep political trouble if they block change.
With immigration reform the alignment of forces is very different. There, business and labor have almost come to terms on the need for reform. One wing of the Republican Party understands their long-term interest in close relations with the growing Latino community. The other wing will seek to play on fear, and blame the lack of jobs on "immigrant competition."
To win, immigration reform advocates need to mobilize the immigrant community and demonstrate its power, at the same time they reassure swing Democrats and Moderate Republicans that a vote for immigration reform is politically "safe." We know that when immigration reform is discussed properly, reform receives over 80% support. But when it is not, it can be politically radioactive.
The other side will try to make the battle about "amnesty." Progressives will frame the battle as a move to fix the broken immigration system - to reintroduce law and order to a system that has collapsed - to combine smart, effective enforcement and well-regulated flows of future immigrants, with requirements that undocumented immigrants become legal, pay taxes, and get in the back of the line to become citizens. Progressives will argue that we cannot build an economic recovery on a broken immigration system that allows 12 million people to live in the shadows subject to exploitation by unscrupulous employers that undercut the wages of other workers. Immigration rights advocates will also argue that their approach is the only practical solution to fix the broken system, since it is neither politically nor morally possible to deport 12 million people. In fact, the only alternative to immigration reform is to continue the broken status quo that no one supports.
To be successful this year, the immigration battle requires that a bi-partisan bill be assembled during the month of April and move in the Senate by the end of May.
In the battle over clean energy, our opponents are led by the huge oil companies. The coalition for change is well-funded and managed by some of the best political talent in America. Once again the need for change is manifested every day. Enormous amounts of money are at stake. So is our national security.
It is possible that before the year is out, Congressman Miller's proposal to directly fund a million new jobs through state and local government will pick up momentum. It is likely that the "No Child Left Behind" reauthorization will pass as well.
Finally, depending on the outcome of the fall elections, and the early 2011 battle over the filibuster and rules in the new Senate, we may once again have the opportunity to pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). In many ways passing EFCA would have more long-term consequences on our ability to extend this "big change moment" than any other factor.
The labor movement is the foundation of progressive economic change. The stronger the labor movement, the stronger the forces that can do combat with the status quo. Had it not been for organized labor, there is no way on earth that President Obama would have succeeded in passing health care reform. Labor provided troops, money, potential electoral muscle and seasoned political strategists to the cause. They will do more to keep the pipes of change unclogged than any other institution.
Of course our ability to maintain the "big change" momentum will be impacted enormously by the outcome of the fall elections. But it is also true that legislative success this year will massively impact our ability to mobilize our base to volunteer in the elections, to give funds, to go out and vote.
Passage of health insurance reform has already transformed the progressive rank and file. Victory caused them to stand up straight. It was as though a giant national shot of "Red Bull" energy drink had coursed through our collective veins. We've also seen a sudden increase in the popularity of the "health care reform" brand. People love to support winners. And in the case of health care reform victory will enable us to highlight the concrete, short-term benefits of the bill -not the ogre manufactured by the far right - from now to Election Day.
President Obama, his brain trust and organizers suddenly got a whole lot smarter around 11PM Sunday night when the health care bill passed. This means that the next time he calls people to join him in the political arena, they are much more likely to hustle to the playing field ready for battle.

3DHS / Billions in Subsidies Every Year - - for this???
« on: March 25, 2010, 10:49:52 AM »
Article details a series of attacks on Palestinian children on their way to school by masked and armed Jewish settlers, with an Israeli Army "protection" detail "protecting" the kids about as enthusiastically as Southern racist cops "protected" civil rights activists.  The settlers are actually brazen enough to attack the international observers who are brave enough to accompany the kids to school.

<< . . . Violence against the children and international volunteers assisting on the walk to school, on Palestinian land, but claimed by the Ma'on settlement since 1981, became so prevalent that in 2004 the Israel Parliament mandated an order to the Israeli military to provide an escort for these children seeking an education. To and from school, soldiers are supposed to insure safety, with promises of prosecution against settlers guilty of violence and threatening behavior.
Neither order has yet to be met with regularity, leaving an already vulnerable group of children unsafe, while allowing their attackers freedom to attack again. Fear for the children in the area has grown so strong, the school population has dropped one-third. Nightmares, anxiety and other associated post-traumatic stress symptoms are now a way of life, stealing away the children's innocence, targeting them in an attempt to steal away education and a chance at a different life.>>

3DHS / The Plants Were Active Last Night
« on: March 25, 2010, 10:23:34 AM »

But it's OK, if the Capitol Hill vidcams didn't pick it up, it didn't really happen.

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