Sounds about right. Really, only Government knows how to use other people's money. Can't have anyone(s) hording what could be used elsewhere...per other people who just know better.
This theory isn't far fetched. When Obama is meeting with other Governments, its one of the reasons that they try to unite talk about global taxes, so folks can't try to "hide" their $$$'s, when in reality, its folks looking to not have to pay so much in taxes. They're not "hiding" anything. It's why companies move from highly taxed and regulated states/countries, to lesser taxed and regulated states/countries. People make more money, thus create more jobs, exand companies, and everyone buying more products.....leading to INCREASED taxes, both income and sales, taken in by the Government. But hard core leftists, just don't get that.....and refuse to, since it means less power to the Government, to dictate policy and how one is to simply lead their life