
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Plane on August 08, 2008, 06:07:29 PM

Title: Mark Nickolas
Post by: Plane on August 08, 2008, 06:07:29 PM
Also, I can't help but notice that the McCain camp is spending its precious resources in states like Washington, Oregon, Maine, and Minnesota. I'm thrilled they are because it will be money down a rat hole. These guys don't have a prayer in any of these states (maybe MN if Pawlenty is McCain's running mate). This is wasted money. So is their investment in West Virginia. If McCain doesn't win WV -- a state that Obama is not targeting and the site of the huge Clinton blowout against Obama in May -- then we're looking at a 350+ electoral vote landslide. And this isn't the first time I've seen the McCain camp reference WV.

But even more problematic is which states aren't among McCain's Top 19 targets.

No New Mexico? No Indiana? No Montana? No Alaska? No North Dakota? No Georgia? Are these guys nuts? They're worried about WV but not these states? They're spending money in places they're going to lose by double-digits (WA and ME in particular), but not worried about NM or IN? Seriously?

Then the story gets to the part that must keep DuHaime and his cronies awake at night:

Thanks to a prolonged primary that reached all 50 states, Obama's campaign structure is far more mature than McCain. Instead of using traditional precinct captains, they are relying upon "neighborhood team leaders." These consist of between half-dozen to a dozen people over four-to-six precincts. (


McCain is in troubble , I don't feel hopeless about it , but the trend is the wrong way.