Author Topic: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.  (Read 10409 times)

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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2008, 02:43:50 PM »
actually, I think that Americans have a propensity to use names in accordance of how they feel on the tongue.

Look how often we heard, Lynden Baines Johnson.... wonder how many of them there were.

or how about Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that is almost like singing a line in a song.

Add to that some often lose their names and become, FDR or JFK.

Me thinks that liberals make too much of all this in their zeal to make it a nation of one.


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2008, 02:50:21 PM »
>>actually, I think that Americans have a propensity to use names in accordance of how they feel on the tongue.<<

I agree completely. I've said in the past that the name of the canditate means as much as his policies in some ways. Presidents usually have very WASPie names. Simple, as you said, they roll off the tongue. Nixon, Grant, Clinton, Bush, Garfiled, Johnson, Carter ...

Only democrats would nominate a guy named Barack Hussien Obama.

Peace cro.


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2008, 02:51:11 PM »
How is calling presidents by initials or their names a liberal thing?

Obama is no no way even close to being a Socialist, let alone a Communist.

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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2008, 04:51:04 PM »
The use of the full name is rare; the explanation for use of the full name is to call attention to Obama's origins, to make the point that "he's not really one of us, he's foreign, he's different."

Methinks the name Barak Obama differentiates him from the Smiths and the Jones's.

I do agree throwing in his middle name is kind of silly.

Black's are more likely to be named Smith, Jones , Washington and Jefferson than Obama which might be Irish if you only heard it.

Michael Tee

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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2008, 05:24:43 PM »
<<Look how often we heard, Lynden Baines Johnson.... wonder how many of them there were.>>

I just conducted an unscientific poll of my own by visiting the home page of the NY Post and doing a search for recent mentions of "President Johnson" (taking no steps to exclude Andrew Johnson, 17th Prez) and got six hits, one of which turned out to be Pres. Ellen Johnson of Liberia.  Of the other five, one turned out to be a reference to a football player named Johnson and the other four were LBJ.  Three of the remaining four named LBJ as either Lyndon Johnson or Lyndon B. Johnson, one only used all three names.  The one that used the full middle name had a valid reason for so doing:  It was about the love of initialling, how Mrs. J. ("Lady Bird") and the daughters were also LBJ's, etc.  Conclusion:  Absent a particular reason for giving a middle name, a middle name will not be used for the 36th President of the United States.

"Franklin Delano Roosevelt" has a certain sonorous ring to it, and I kind of suspect that those who used all three  of his names were his friends, not his enemies.  There is no conceivable reason for using Delano as a term of opprobrium.

One simple test of innocent intent is to count all the times the name "Hussein" is used when referring to Obama.  How many times by enemies or opponents, how many times by supporters or friends.  My bet will be that EVERY TIME the name "Hussein" is used, it will be by one of his enemies.


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2008, 06:08:35 PM »
Anyone pick names for their children because of meaning?

I named our weiner dawg Bubba. Just means I like him. That count?
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Michael Tee

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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2008, 06:15:32 PM »
<<Anyone pick names for their children because of meaning?>>

Our first daughter, Jennifer.  Most of the baby-naming books said it meant "white" and "lady" and associated it with names like Guinivere or Guenivere.  "White lady" didn't do anything for either of us.  However, ONE book said it meant "the crest of the wave."  As soon as I saw "crest of the wave," I fell in love with the name.  Also it was in two songs, "Jennifer Juniper" and "Jennifer Eccles" that were popular at the time and which my wife and I really liked.


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2008, 06:20:33 PM »
Our Chinese Crested puppy has been named "Yoda".  We like him
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2008, 06:31:13 PM »

If you haven't seen this, it's hilarious.


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2008, 06:41:05 PM »
<<Look how often we heard, Lynden Baines Johnson.... wonder how many of them there were.>>

I just conducted an unscientific poll of my own by visiting the home page of the NY Post and doing a search for recent mentions of "President Johnson" (taking no steps to exclude Andrew Johnson, 17th Prez) and got six hits, one of which turned out to be Pres. Ellen Johnson of Liberia.  Of the other five, one turned out to be a reference to a football player named Johnson and the other four were LBJ.  Three of the remaining four named LBJ as either Lyndon Johnson or Lyndon B. Johnson, one only used all three names.  The one that used the full middle name had a valid reason for so doing:  It was about the love of initialling, how Mrs. J. ("Lady Bird") and the daughters were also LBJ's, etc.  Conclusion:  Absent a particular reason for giving a middle name, a middle name will not be used for the 36th President of the United States.

"Franklin Delano Roosevelt" has a certain sonorous ring to it, and I kind of suspect that those who used all three  of his names were his friends, not his enemies.  There is no conceivable reason for using Delano as a term of opprobrium.

One simple test of innocent intent is to count all the times the name "Hussein" is used when referring to Obama.  How many times by enemies or opponents, how many times by supporters or friends.  My bet will be that EVERY TIME the name "Hussein" is used, it will be by one of his enemies.

Though I prefer the term "opponent" to "enemy", I suppose you are right.  I really don't have any enemies (that I am aware of or would reciprocate the emotion) I am one to just 'leave' the area though not from fear but from the fact that the staying offers me nothing but negative energy.  I suspect that Franklin's friends did use his three names.  Whether Barack Hussein Obama uses his three names is up to him.   I don't like him not because he is black, not because his roots are from the middle east, I don't like his platform, I don't like his body language and I don't like his wife (or her ticks).  His kids seem pretty nice( for now).


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2008, 06:44:36 PM »
Our Chinese Crested puppy has been named "Yoda".  We like him

In response to you and Bear, it is said that those that name their pets the likes of scruffy, fluffy, bubba and yes even Yoda, still see them as "pets."   It is those that name their pets, Ivan, Polly, Pete i.e. human names, think of them as equals.

I have run the gammout..... sonny, prince, Jan, Fred, Sweetie, Stitch, JR.   Call me confused.


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2008, 07:06:10 PM »

So pets, aren't pets?


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2008, 07:27:31 PM »
Baraq [Barack] was the name of the winged horse-like creature that took Mohammed to Paradise in the Night Journey. Baraq can also mean God's blessing. Obama is Swahili for Osama, who was one of Mohammed's chief warriors. Osama also means lion. Hussein reminds some Americans of Saddam Hussein, and Obama's supporters get upset if it is used. Hussein was the name of Mohammed's grandson. So Obama's entire name is based upon Islamic mythology and African conquest. Barack Hussein Obama means [Allah's blessing] [Mohammed's grandson] [One of Mohammed's finest warriors].

My son's name is David Anthony, picked because it means God's chosen one and beyond belief.

Anyone pick names for their children because of meaning?

All three names are Arabic?

Dang .

From now on lets be polite and not use his Arabic name.

Lets call him the Politician Formerly Known As Barak Hussein Obama
or  TPFKABHO for short.


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2008, 07:41:56 PM »
I like the name bart savagewood.
berkely breathe for obvious reasons has a thing about names


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Re: OH OH, don't forget to be politically correct.
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2008, 08:04:33 PM »

So pets, aren't pets?

They are, but some folks try to make them equals.  It usually leads to neurosis [in the pets].