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Topics - Michael Tee

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3DHS / MS of "Day in the Life" lyrics up for auction
« on: April 29, 2010, 10:42:48 AM »

It's the manuscript in Lennon's own handwriting.

<< . . . with Lennon noting where Paul McCartney would insert his more upbeat verse.  Lennon's words appear to be inspired by newspaper headlines and articles. . . .

<<McCartney's contribution, an upbeat middle passage about falling out of bed and dashing to catch the bus, does not appear on the manuscript to be sold.>>

Funny, but when I saw the headline, the first lyrics that popped into my mind were the only part of the song that happened to have been written by Paul McCartney.  I never knew.  That was by far the best part of the song.  The only part that stuck in my mind.  And I always thought that Lennon was the heavyweight.  (Comparatively speaking)

3DHS / GOP Self-Destruction Continues as Crist to Run as Independent
« on: April 28, 2010, 09:35:37 PM »

Why not?  The GOP brand is becoming toxic.  This is kind of bizarre - - as the GOP self-destructs because of the wackos within, Obama is losing his mojo through his irrational fear of them and he, Reid and Pelosi are setting up their own downfall by alienating a base that was ready for bold action and isn't getting any.

What a time for Third Party action, and where in hell are they???

3DHS / What a Surprise - Prison Torture Continues in Iraq . . .
« on: April 28, 2010, 08:46:21 AM »
 . . . and they don't even need the U.S. Army to show them the way.

Yep, it sure is a good thing they got rid of Saddam Hussein and his "rape rooms."  That kind of thing was intolerable.

Let's see now, how many "exploded" reasons for the U.S. invasion and occupation does that make?  Uhhh, there was Weapons of Mass Destruction, but that didn't work out so well.  There was "Saddam and his torture chambers are gone," and THAT didn't work out so well.  There was "Bringing Democracy" but that didn't work out either.   And there was "bringing peace and stability," but that didn't happen either.

Quick, guys, get the Rationalization Machine going again.  New reason please.  On the double.

3DHS / Afghanistan - Beginning of the End
« on: April 27, 2010, 09:52:41 PM »
<<Wisconsin Democratic Senator Russ Feingold, House Democrat Jim McGovern from Massachusetts, and House Republican Walter Jones from North Carolina have introduced legislation that would require President Obama to establish a timetable for withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan. The bill has quickly picked up 29 co-sponsors, and could reach 100 within the next few weeks.>>

Does this mean that the House will pass the legislation?  Probably not, but it won't matter, in terms of the end result.  The writing is now on the wall.  The message to the Afghans is, "Don't waste your time, your money or your life.  This bill or something like it won't pass this year or even next year.  But it will pass.  This time, or next time, or the time after that.  The Americans aren't serious and they aren't gonna stay.  The longer this thing goes on, the more inevitable the U.S. bug-out.  So if you want to live for longer than the next five years, DO NOT piss off the Taliban.  DO NOT go that extra mile.  And make sure somebody you can trust knows that you planted an IED."

Good article and makes a lotta sense.  I take the basic position that this war is an open-ended sinkhole, the U.S. is draining its resources too fast to be able to keep it up much longer, and so one way or another a face-saving way has to be found to cut and run.  THIS scenario is as good as any, if it plays out.  And if it doesn't, another scenario will have to be found.

3DHS / James Bovard on Tea Party Inconsistencies
« on: April 26, 2010, 03:00:05 PM »

Good article in the Christian Science Monitor about Tea Party objections to Big Government coupled with their unconditional love of the police (in the face of a horrendous police beating of an innocent student,) huge expenditures (only not in the defence budget, which Bovard likens to "holy water" in the eyes of the Tea Partiers,) 57% support for big-spending, budget-breaking George W. Bush, a previously-noted phenomenon, support for the National Security State and its Big Brother citizen-surveillance propensities, etc.

These are some seriously confused (if not downright hypocritical) individuals who seem to be totally incapable of serious intelligent thought.

3DHS / Ha ha ha LMFAO
« on: April 22, 2010, 03:52:12 PM »
Why?  Thinking of all the keyboard pounding I wasted arguing with BT and others over the Southern Strategy of the GOP and its anti-black racism.  What was the reaction I got?  Simple.  Deny, deny, deny.  How could anyone deny the obvious staring them right in the face?  Easy.  They just did.

Well, it doesn't have to be argued any more.  Guess who says exactly what I've been saying about the racist GOP and the Southern Strategy? 

MICHAEL STEELE, that's who!!!  The chairman of the RNC.  Geeze, what a surprise.  Sometimes life is even funnier than comedy.  Who woulda thunk?

3DHS / Obama's Next Betrayal of his Base
« on: April 21, 2010, 07:11:14 PM »
According to Glenn Greenwald, it looks like Obama is set to nominate Elena Kagan to replace Justice John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court. The prospect has already gained the approval of Joe Lieberman,  which should tell you something about the nature and quality of this appointment.  Despite the availability of numerous judges whose progressive views are well-known and well-documented, Obama seems set to nominate Kagan, who has pronounced virtually nothing on any of the Constitutional issues of the past decade.  Kagan's few publicly pronounced opinions favour the Bush version of the so-called "War on Terror" which Stevens opposed vigorously  in any challenges brought before the Court while he sat on it.

Greenwald highlights the folly of passing up a chance to re-balance the increasingly conservative court by adding a known progressive jurist and picking instead a largely unknown quantity, who can at best turn out OK and at worst - - as most commentators, including Jeffrey Toobin expect - - push it further to the right.

3DHS / Ooooops, Sorrry!!
« on: April 21, 2010, 03:12:37 PM »
Kids Were Driving Home From a Volleyball Game
by Jason Ditz, April 21, 2010
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<<As details of the Monday night shooting along the roads of Afghanistan’s Khost Province continue to come out, NATO has revised its initial claim that the four teens killed included two “known insurgents” and two “suspected insurgents,” conceding that they were actually all innocent civilians.

<<The four were driving home from a volleyball game along the highway when a military convoy spotted them. After flashing their lights at the car, the troops opened fire, killing everyone in the car.

<<The victims included two brothers, Faizullah and Nasratullah Mansour, and their cousins Maiwand and Amirullah Mansour. The eldest, Amirullah Mansour, has recently become a police officer in the region, while the other three were still students.

<<After the initial denial, NATO is now expressing “regret” over the killings, the second incident of NATO troops attacking a civilian vehicle in a week, and promised to deploy “training teams” to “implement the critical lessons learned.” Exactly what those lessons are, besides not killing children on their way home from a volleyball game, are unclear.>>

Too bad there were no video cameras inside the truck, or we could have heard some hilarious jokes going down as these four young lives were snuffed out.

3DHS / Tea Partiers Are Just Embarrassed Republicans
« on: April 20, 2010, 09:37:37 PM »
Here's the low-down on the Tea Partiers and their dyed-in-the-wool Republican roots.

Teabaggers are just embarrassed Republicans
by Jed Lewison

Tue Apr 20, 2010 at 07:50:03 AM PDT

<<Over at 538, Tom Schaller asks Perot movement expert Ron Rapoport of William & Mary to compare the tea partiers of 2010 with the Perotistas of the 1990s:

<<The Perot movement is inherently different. It was formed around a candidate during a presidential election campaign. This explains the support by Perot supporters for a third party which tea partiers at present lack. The major difference is that Perot movement was a total rejection of both parties, while the tea party movement is a total rejection of only one party--the Democrats.

<<Whereas only 5% of tea party supporters said that they usually or always voted Democratic, fully one-third of Perot supporters had voted for Walter Mondale in 1984 and slightly more had voted for Michael Dukakis in 1988.

<<In the New York Times survey, 54% of tea partiers rated the Republican Party favorably. Only 17% of Perot callers rated either party as “above average” or “outstanding” and 43% rated both parties as “below average,” or “poor” with 8% rating the Republicans as “above average” or “outstanding,” and 9% rating the Democrats as “outstanding” or “above average.” Sixty-nine percent rated the Republicans as “below average” or “poor,” with 64% saying the same about Democrats.

<<The level of favorability among tea partiers for George W. Bush is extraordinarily high—far more than in the population as a whole. Fifty-seven percent of tea party supporters rate Bush favorably, and only 27% rate him unfavorably (for the sample as a whole the corresponding percentages are reversed 27% favorable, 58% unfavorable. On the other hand Perot supporters rated both Geroge H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton unfavorably, Bush moreso than Clinton.

<<Rapoport's analysis underscores the extent to which tea partiers are really just embarrassed Republicans. Actually, putting it that way is a bit of an oversimplification. I should say: tea partiers are really just embarrassed Republicans -- unless they think that the Republican Party is too liberal for them. But there's nobody in the tea party movement who thinks that the GOP is too conservative. And there's nobody who is angry at GOPers but not Dems.

<<Tea party sponsors like Fox have eagerly pushed the claim that teabagging is a bipartisan thing to do, but there's no real evidence to support that myth. Instead, we've got a bunch of conservatives who think that the best response to the failure of their ideas is to rebrand conservativism as tea partyism instead of Republicanism.

<<They'd be better off rethinking their ideas.>>

3DHS / American Kleptocracy
« on: April 20, 2010, 09:04:18 PM »
Here's an article by William J. Astore, on the real business of America, which is kleptocracy.

American Kleptocracy
How Fears of Socialism and Fascism Hide Naked Theft
By William J. Astore

The "naked theft" of course is the national wealth being siphoned off into the pockets of the military-industrial complex, fueled by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the preparations for wars with Iran or Yemen, the handouts to firms "too big to fail" and the entry of lobbyists into the government, whether that government is GOP or Democratic.

To quote but one paragraph from the article:

<<If we were to take an honest look at America’s blasted landscape of “losers” and the far shinier, spiffier world of “winners,” we’d have to admit that it wasn’t signs of onrushing socialism or fascism that stood out, but of staggeringly self-aggrandizing greed and theft right in the here and now.  We’d notice our public coffers being emptied to benefit major corporations and financial institutions working in close alliance with, and passing on remarkable sums of money to, the representatives of “the people.”  We’d see, in a word, kleptocracy on a scale to dazzle.  We would suddenly see an almost magical disappearing act being performed, largely without comment, right before our eyes.>>

Read the whole thing.  It's very instructive.  The corporate world is robbing America blind as we speak.

3DHS / Nuther Toon
« on: April 14, 2010, 03:42:38 PM »

"Etiquette for War Criminals" based on the recently released videotape of the New Baghdad Massacre - - hilarious suggestions on how the helicopter thugs of the U.S. Murder Corps can clean up their language before the next massacre so as not to shock the puritanical among you and at least pretend to be something other than the murderous Nazi criminals that they are.


Not only barring the press from all but the opening salutations of nuclear talks meetings (which evoked front-page newspaper comment from the Arab world to Latin America to Japan) but also in brushing off pointed questions from the world press on specific issues and events arising during the meetings.

Joke's on the liberals - - they've been fooled again by one of "their own."

Meet the New Boss . . .  same as the Old Boss.


3DHS / Chomsky Warns of Danger of Fascism
« on: April 14, 2010, 12:10:35 PM »

He draws parallels between the Obama administration and the Weimar Republic.  The collusion between the Obama administration and the financial services industry, the obscene rewards of the wealthiest while unemployment hovers around 10% and real wages for the employed stagnate for about 30 years.  The extreme rapidity in the growth of both the Nazi Party and the Tea Parties, both fueled by escalating disgust over the situation where a handful get rich at the expense of the masses.

Good article, and short too.

3DHS / I don't usually post cartoons, but . . .
« on: April 13, 2010, 08:53:47 PM »
. . . this one "(Health Care Reformageddon" from This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow) was just too funny to pass up.  Best line in the toon was the aggrieved Tea Party wingnut's "How dare they strip me of my right to be rejected by an insurance company for a pre-existing condition!!"

3DHS / In a Nutshell
« on: April 13, 2010, 09:45:00 AM »
<<Karzai knows the only way to end the Afghan conflict is to enfranchise the nation’s Pashtun majority and its fighting arm, the Taliban. Political compromise with the Taliban is the only — and inevitable — solution.

<<But the Obama administration, misadvised by Washington neocons and other hardliners, is determined to “win” a military victory in Afghanistan (whatever that means) to save face as a great power and impose a settlement that leaves it in control of strategic Afghanistan.>>

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