My terms have been clear from the to those who can not otherwise protect themselves. In even greater detail, protection from grave threats, be it physical or when their rights are being abused/violated. I mean, its pretty clear what my intent has been Bt. But I suppose I can understand your rhetorical flailing. I highlighted an egregious inconsistency on your part, and you went into knee jerk defensive mode, complete with the apparent obligatory semantic somersaults & misrepresentation tact.
And no need to worry about Lacy. Ignoring the fact that Lacy no longer existed, as her mind was largely no more than a bowl of neuronic dust, with squat brain activity and squat quality of life, and that the law provided the spouse with medical power of attorney, sure can't say the same of a viable unborn child now, can we. But hell, we have too many people in this country already, right Bt. Probably best to allow their murders go unchecked. Out of sight, out of mind, right?