Author Topic: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!  (Read 2490 times)

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The only defense against a Bad Republican with a Gun is a Good Republican with a Gun.

I see open carry at the GOP Convention as the best idea since the self-cleaning oven.

If I could vote on this, I would vote FOR it and then stay the Hell out of Ohio.

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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2016, 01:35:12 PM »
Has squat to do with oppression, oh master of deflection.  There's plenty or armed folks at the event, in particular Secret Service.  Plenty of immediate firepower should some "gun nut" decide to try and kill anyone 
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2016, 04:17:23 PM »
But those people have the right to bear arms.  The Secret Service cannot be trusted, They are employees of the hated oppressive Obama regime.

I find it amusing that you think the Republican Convention to be somehow different than a college campus or a shopping mall or a public elementary school.  The Republican Party is the Gun Nut Party and they are barred ---BANNED-- from bearing their arms!  And stupid sirs goes along with this.
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2016, 04:27:21 PM »
The right to bear arms, isn't universal.  Do you not pay attention??  Just like you can't yell fire in a theater and call it free speech.  A 2nd grader can grasp that cocept.  Why am I not surprised you are unable to
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2016, 09:27:34 PM »
So you do not even want the Second  Amendment to be enforced at the convention where it will no doubt be worshiped.

That seems hypocritical, like you doubt that Republicans with guns are capable of acting responsibly.

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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2016, 12:59:19 AM »
There are venues all across this country where firearms are not allowed in.  There's no outrage at those, outside of the idiotic gun free zones.  For instance, the GOP Convention will be a full on gun carrying zone, much like an NRA convention.  Secret Service and law enforcement will be in force.  The idea of the 2nd amendment is that of protection.  If there were not going to be any armed folks, then absolutely I'd be clamoring to allow people to exercise their 2nd amendment.  But this isn't people just walking the street where a police officer could be miles away.  This is an enclosed venue, where security will be armed to the teeth, all around

You're seriously failing at trying to make a mountain out of less than a molehill, I'm afraid
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2016, 01:00:57 AM »
So you do not even want the Second  Amendment to be enforced at the convention where it will no doubt be worshiped.

That seems hypocritical, like you doubt that Republicans with guns are capable of acting responsibly.

Many delegates agree with you .

It is the Secret Service that decided against the guns , and a gun hater who made the petition proposal.

A lot of Republican Delegates and otherwise republicans seem to be signing this petition because there is no perceivable protection in maintaining a gun free zone.

Now the Democrats need the same effort on their behalf, else someone might feel that between the two the Democrats would be easier to disrupt.


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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2016, 09:05:41 AM »
If there should be no "gun free zones", then there should be none at this convention

If safety increases with the number of guns, then these hypocrites should eat their own BS.

If guns make for a polite society, and Trump and his goons are famous for their impoliteness, all the more reason for everyone to be packing heat. Then the Convention could be polite.

The fact is that the NRA is full of crap and no thinking Republican should assume that everyone being armed could insure anything other than extreme apprehension.
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2016, 12:26:09 PM »
The fact is YOU'RE full of crap.  It's not and never been the # of guns.....ITS BEEN WHO HAS THEM.  That's why there's never been a mass shooting at an NRA convention or gun show, since the folks that are carrying them are either security, law enforcement, or CCW carriers.  Trying to pass laws that simply disarm the law abiding isn't doing squat to help prevent gun related deaths

There are going to be plenty of armed security at the GOP convention which makes it anything but a gun free zone.  A so called "gun free zone" is where NO gun is present (on paper that is....since the bad guys see a gun free zone as an un-armed victim zone, and could care less what any law says)
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2016, 01:46:14 PM »
You are soooooooooo fulla crap, sirs.
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2016, 02:31:38 PM »
You can always tell when the professor is at the end of his argumentative rope.  Thank you for the validation     8)
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2016, 03:27:07 PM »
You rightwingers are the ones who mistrust the government and think that Obama has ruined the country, but then you trust his Secret Service to protect you.

The thing it that you nitwits do not trust your own bullshit,

But you have the solution: just buy another gun.

And take it every7where but the GOP National Convention, because Obama's Secret Service  is taking care of you there.

How do you live with the flake that dwells in your mirror, sirs?
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2016, 04:40:30 PM »
You lunatic leftists wrote the book on misrepresentation.  News flash...if I had my own personal armed secret service agents, I probably would have no need to exercise my 2nd amendment right.  Nor is secret Service "the Government".  They're an ARMED security wing of the Government, which makes the GOP convention anything but a "gun free zone".

But I don't, which is why we have the 2nd amendment.  You see, contrary to your ongoing attempts to paint a picture of what the NRA supposedly is, what its NOT, is some organization that advocates that everyone must own a gun.  That's ignorance.  The NRA is 1st and formost and advocate for the FREEDOM to exercise your 2nd amendment right, which includes the freedom NOT to chose to carry or own a firearm.  And immediately after that, the NRA is 2ndly an advocate for the massive support for SAFE & RESPONSIBLE handling of a firearm, if one does choose to exercise their 2nd amendment rights

It's never been about the number of guns, as in the more the better.  You're distoring the fact we have alot of firearms to claiming its the number of firearms that supposedly makes us safer.  NOT.   It's the more guns in the hands of RESPONSIBLE & LEGAL gun owners, the better.  But because you chose to remain ignorant, you continue to spout ignorant nonsense, that you've been spreading thru-out this thread
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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2016, 08:09:12 PM »
   Last time I was in a gathering of 100% armed men , I emerged alive.

  Is that amazing to you?

    Is there an example of a large group of armed Americans having a problem like the one you are imagining?


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Re: No open Carry at the GOP Convention! More Government Oppression!
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2016, 11:33:30 PM »
Maybe the GOP should all be packing heat, just to prove how safe it is.

But this won't happen.
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