Author Topic: Great Idea!...Russian Navy uses Somali Pirates for target practice!  (Read 2650 times)

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Re: Great Idea!...Russian Navy uses Somali Pirates for target practice!
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2011, 05:01:31 PM »
Now that looks like a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Great Idea!...Russian Navy uses Somali Pirates for target practice!
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 05:01:47 PM »
The Adenski Zaliv.

Adenski zaliv je zaliv u Indijskom okeanu izme?u Jemena na severu i Somalije na jugu. Na severozapadu je povezan sa Crvenim morem preko moreuza Bab el Mandeb. Dug je 1.000 km i širok od 150 km do 440 km.

Adenski zaliv je veoma važan vodeni put za Persijski zaliv i njegovu naftu, zbog ?ega je veoma važan za svetsku ekonomiju. Glavne luke su Aden u Jemenu i Berbera i Bosaso u Somaliji.

Smatra se da nije siguran, jer se grani?i sa Somalijom koja nestabilna zemlja, a Jemen ne pokazuje dovoljnu snagu u njegovom obezbe?ivanju. Adenski zaliv je jedna od glavnih svetskih zona po pirateriji, što ga ?ini nesigurnim za plovidbu.

Or at least that is what they say...
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Great Idea!...Russian Navy uses Somali Pirates for target practice!
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 10:07:30 PM »
The Gulf of Aden Bay in the Indian Ocean between Yemen on the north and Somalia in the south. Na severozapadu je povezan sa Crvenim morem preko moreuza Bab el Mandeb . In the northwest is connected to the Red Sea through the Strait of Bab el Mandeb . Dug je 1000 km i širok od 150 km do 440 km. The debt is 1000 km wide by 150 km to 440 km.

Adenski zaliv je veoma važan vodeni put za Persijski zaliv i njegovu naftu, zbog ?ega je veoma važan za svetsku ekonomiju. Gulf of Aden is an important waterway for Persian Gulf and its oil, which is very important for the world economy. Glavne luke su Aden u Jemenu i Berbera i Bosaso u Somaliji. The main ports are Aden in Yemen and Berbera and Bosaso in Somalia.

Smatra se da nije siguran, jer se grani?i sa Somalijom koja nestabilna zemlja, a Jemen ne pokazuje dovoljnu snagu u njegovom obezbe?ivanju. It is believed that it was not safe, because it borders with Somalia, which is unstable country, and Yemen do not show enough strength in its provision. Adenski zaliv je jedna od glavnih svetskih zona po pirateriji, što ga ?ini nesigurnim za plovidbu. Gulf of Aden is one of the major world areas for piracy, making it unsafe for navigation.

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Re: Great Idea!...Russian Navy uses Somali Pirates for target practice!
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 10:21:47 PM »
  If that boat was inhabited when they started shooting at it, then all of those abord would have died during the first few shots.

   A montage like that does not prove a massacre, we can't know from that footage whether the boats were inhabited when they were destroyed.