
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: sirs on January 25, 2015, 02:42:09 PM

Title: Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment
Post by: sirs on January 25, 2015, 02:42:09 PM
The left and those inflicted with BDS, love to take Bush's Mission Accomplished speech, completely out of context, to argue a point he was not making, but low and behold, Obama decided to try and 1 up Bush, in his latest SOTU speech.  When he proclaimed that the "shadow of crisis has passed", he was declaring that his policies, on the war on terror, had basically brought the organization that shall not be named (apparently Obama is a Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge fan), to its knees...punctuated by all that "success" in Yemen

Hmmmmm........Let's count the ways:
Yemen government has fallen to Islamic terrorists
Iran continues to NOT abide by their supposed agreements with the U.S. & world community, not to mention has started, I believe, 2 new reactors that can enrich uranium
AlQeada has their foot firmly planted in Iraq
ISIS continues to march forward in Syria
Obama releasing more of our once captured terrorists, back to the middle east
And we won't even get started with Russia

But Obama declared all is well, move along, nothing to see here, you can continue to keep your doctor and insurance, if you like them...he said it, so just must be

The man is so disconnected from reality, its scary
Title: Re: Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment
Post by: Plane on January 25, 2015, 09:32:17 PM
    Who has such a long memory as to recall President Obama thinking it was laughable to think Russia would cause any problem.

     President Obama has already had a lot of "mission accomplished " moments.

        It is like watching a duck in the rain.
Title: Re: Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment
Post by: sirs on January 25, 2015, 10:06:45 PM
So true.  And its this same fella that literally disrespects the leader of perhaps our strongest ally nations, in the middle east, and has no plans to meet with him, while giving interviews to green lipped you-tube "artists", who's claim to fame is to eat cereal in a tub of milk, while videotaping it for all to see.    :o