Just because there is a problem does not mean that there IS a solution.
Remember, it is okay to give tests that suggest that Asian kids outperform White kids, or even that Jewish kids outperform Catholics and Protestants- that would require fiddling with the data and pulling old the GoldXXX and the XXXBergs-, But we don;t want to see data that Black kids do worse than other kids.
Even though they do. Why seems to be unknown, but if the data shows this, then it won't be accepted.
And it will show this. So they fiddle with the data until it shows less of this, and then the solutions don't work, and we are back to Square One.
The most probable reason is that Black kids, regardless of social class, don't read books and have tiny vocabularies and therefore do not understand the tests. That is my hypothesis, based on years of teaching and seeing what people have to sell in yard sales. You want books- go to Jewish neighborhoods. You want action movies, then it's Black neighborhoods.
Gay gentrified neighborhoods are an exception: there is no racial difference, other than Black people have a lot more books about and by Black authors.
There are not enough Chinese or Indians selling in yard sales to come to any conclusions abou what they read or how much.
If we really wanted a solution, we'd check out to see what they do in Canada, France, Italy, and perhaps the Netherlands and Germany.