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Topics - sirs

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3DHS / Biden drops a bomb......right on top of Obama
« on: February 22, 2016, 04:45:02 PM »
We all grasp the overt hypocrisy in play, regarding the vacant SCOTUS seat.  And one more time, the GOP isn't preventing Obama from his Consitutional duties.  He can nominate whatever farleft fascist-of-a-judge he wants.  The Senate has the Constitutional option of considering the nomination, or deferring it

We all saw how the left, was front and center declaring how Bush's nominees should not be voted on, until after the 2007 elections.  Obama even took part in a filibuster to try and prevent Alito from being confirmed

Well, roll back the 1992, then Senator Biden went even further.   Not only didn’t he want a vacancy filled, not only didn’t he want the Judiciary Committee to even hold hearings on a nomination, he wanted then Bush 41 to decline making a nomination altogether "once the political season is underway"

OUCH.  That nuke had to hurt

3DHS / 52 - 48 Clinton
« on: February 20, 2016, 06:21:08 PM »
In what was supposed to be a cake walk for Clinton, she squeaks out a win in the heavily unionized Nev Caucus

3DHS / The problem with Trump
« on: February 20, 2016, 05:24:33 PM »
We all (as in the GOP and conservatives in general) acknowledge why Trump has done so well in the polls.  And it has squat to do with "reaching out to racists or bigots".  He's not part of the established hierarchy of the Republican party, and as such has no qualms stating politically incorrect verbage, that so many of the GOP are too afraid to say, for fear of being labeled a racist or a bigot.  His assertiveness comes across to supporters as extreme confidence, and to his critics as supreme arrogance

While he likely would beat Clinton, and trounce Sanders, he's running the risk of alienating so many conservatives, that are truly geared up to vote Democrats out of the office, that they might just stay home.  Case in point, while he rails against folks like Cruz, Rubio, and Bush, calling them liars for their claims that he "supports Obamacare", now he's on record as proclaiming his support of the mandate within Obamacare.  Literally the cornerstone to Obamacare.  You can't keep calling people liars, if you support the primary feature to that you supposedly oppose.

If he supports a Government mandate in having healthcare insurance, what's the difference between he and Clinton?..or Obama for that matter? 

3DHS / Sirs explains the Democratic Party pretty well
« on: February 17, 2016, 06:23:45 PM »
Based on the 2 nominees that are going to be the Democrat nominee for President of the United States, the party itself appears to have fractured into 2 warring factions.  Faction 1 is the upper class oligarchy that supports an incompotent, reckless, corrupt, and likely criminal candidate that they believe they can control with what they've payed for her.  Faction 2 are the grassroot millennials, perpetually angry at anything authoritative, unless its Government, who have caught on to the fatally flawed notion that socialism actually could work, despite its history of failure and severe sacrafice of liberties & freedom, that Socialism requires

3DHS / Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia has passed away
« on: February 13, 2016, 06:31:06 PM »
A story that is arguably more profound and more of an impact to this country, than the upcoming Presidential election

3DHS / Uglygirl Clinton the corrupt demonstrates her purchase price
« on: February 07, 2016, 05:18:41 PM »

3DHS / The "Cubans"
« on: February 05, 2016, 07:09:06 PM »
Let's pretend that Trump's sail loses its wind, and the GOP nomination to go against Clinton comes down to Rubio vs Cruz.  I don't say that because I don't like Trump, nor that he couldn't win against Clinton.  I'm predicating this conjecture on that fact that Trump really isn't a Conservative.  He's alot of things, and saying all the right things to win him the GOP nomination, but his track record is hardly one of conservative, minimalistic-government principles

So, putting aside their looks, or how they talk, since neither is an issue to their electability, the 2 of them bring to the table 2 forms of conservatism.  One that has the DC power structure scared snotless, the other a likely more electable candidate, still guranteeing a conservative Republican in the WH, come Nov

For those who think Cruz can't win, have another thing coming.  The reality is that Cruz can win, but if he wins DC lobbyists and politicians attacking him will be out of a job, which is why they hate even the thought of a Cruz Presidency.  The Washington elite have every incentive to stop Cruz because he would be just as transformational as Obama has been, though his path to victory may be harder than Rubio's.

For critics of Rubio, he is seen as not going far enough, to reign in DC's power grab.  So while reality is that Rubio may have an easier time winning, than Cruz, his critics do not believe he will go far enough and do as much to fix the problems in Washington.

Cruz and Rubio would both be conservative to varying degrees. What is at stake between the two is how easy their election would be vs how transformational their presidency would be. Rubio backers are looking at the path to the White House. Cruz backers are willing to take a gamble on the slog of a general election campaign so they can see Washington rent asunder

Either would be a stellar step in repairing the massive damage Obama's socialist-light policies have rendered upon this country

3DHS / What the frell??
« on: February 04, 2016, 02:26:26 PM »

3DHS / Looks about right
« on: February 04, 2016, 05:07:44 AM »

3DHS / "I did not have e-mail relations with that server"
« on: January 29, 2016, 04:26:07 PM »
Her hole and lying to cover up the hole just gets bigger and bigger and bigger.  And if not for her incompotence with Benghazi, the various committes, especially Gowdy's, would have never uncovered just how much at risk she put this country in, for "her convenience"

The State Department announced today (in a Friday afternoon news dump, no less) that 22 emails in her account are classified as "top secret" and are unable to be released.  It's the 1st time the WH has formally acknowleged that what Clinton has on this unsecure private server goes way beyond merely "classified".  Not only did she lie when she claimed she neither received nor sent any classified material on her server, but the type of "classified" stuff she did have, is so top secret, they can't be released, in any way, without putting at grave risk undercover intellgeince sources and the means of obtaining certain intelligence

Can't wait to see how she tries to explain her way, out of this one

3DHS / 13 Hours
« on: January 24, 2016, 04:30:57 AM »
Just saw it today........WOW

3DHS / So.....what happens if Clinton
« on: January 20, 2016, 06:42:50 PM »
(a) loses Iowa;
(b) loses New Hampshire;
(c) falls behind Sanders in the national polls and Donald Trump or Ted Cruz in the head-to-heads?

3DHS / Hmmm.......Palin endorses Trump
« on: January 19, 2016, 07:40:11 PM »
That's sure going to put a crimp Cruz & Rubio's references of how not-so-conservative Trump is supposed to be.

The left can bad mouth Palin all they want.  Conservatives know her credentials, and she's not one to throw her credibility on those credentials out the window.  This could be a game changer with the upcoming Iowa Caucus & other primaries.  The game change being that Trump now becomes the presumptive GOP nominee for President

3DHS / Boy, quite the whoppers last night
« on: January 13, 2016, 01:28:25 PM »
I particularly like the fantasy that no one attacks us or our allies for fear of our reprisal.  But the notion that were cutting our debt and that Obamacare has been good for jobs and cutting health spending, was darn near delusional, and a close 2nd & 3rd as it relates to the top whoppers

3DHS / Character
« on: January 08, 2016, 05:19:17 PM »
An excellent Romatic Drama movie a while back, was about a widowed Democrat President, who was both trying to function as President, while attemptint to woo an enviormental lobbiest.  The movie of course is "The President", starring Michael Douglas, and the always goregeous Annette Bening.  Without going into critiquing the move (since I found it very enjoyable despite how the Democrat president trashed the 2nd amendment in the big speech at the end), there was a point in that speech, that rang so that being President was partly about character.  It was all about character

Now, being a politician, especially in DC, appears to require a stripping of one's character.  At least that's what it appears, when you witness politician after politician placate constituencies & coddle their donors.  You see it in all parties, and just appears to fester, cycle ater election cycle.  The reason I bring this up, is its rare to see someone who is truly sincere in their beliefs in actions.  What's a little less rare it to be witness to politicans that literally have no character.  Most politicians have "some", even Obama.  Despite his lying beyond belief whenever he's pusing a high priority agenda item, he did make it clear from the beginning his intentions of "changing how they do things in Washington".  We have "new normals", that require us to consider piss poor economic growth and anemic GDP #'s as the new norm, and no longer something that's to be criticized

Then you have Mrs Clinton.....who is that rare jewel that appears to have absolutely no character, what-so-ever.  Yes, she'll get the nomination.  Too many have spent too much and invested too much that she not be their go-to girl.  But even worse than her husband, is someone who will say anything, do anything, take anything, to climb that political ladder.  Her incompotence as SoS, leading to the events of what happened in Bengazi opened that onion.  And as she began to run for president, layer after layer demonstrated even more fowl smelling actions, exemplified by the entire e-mail debacle.  Literally everything she has said about her improper e-mail scheme has been a now-confirmed lie.  We all know why she kept it on a private server, in clear disregard to Obama & company indicating her need to function on the Government server, like everyone else, and it had nothing to do with "convenience". 

Point being she has made lying such an intimate part of her rhetoric, that she doesn't grasp how time is catching up.  Very soon, she will no longer be able to hide behind her and her sychophants trying to claim all this "took place so long ago".  The trick of course was for her and the State Dept to drag everything out as long as it could to try and then make that claim about how everything was so long ago.  Toe tag liberals & hard core Dems might buy it, but moderates & Independents?  Nope.  I still expec that Obama/Democrat controlled Justice Dept will rule that they've done a "thorough investigation", and conclude that Clinton didn't "actively" try to do anything illegal....move along

Then again, if she does get a Democrat in control of the Justice Dept.....Biden might want to reconsder about jumping in, to give Sanders some competition

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