Author Topic: Voter Manipulation  (Read 439 times)

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Voter Manipulation
« on: October 26, 2010, 08:30:07 PM »
When not advocating fraud, let's just buy votes, right?  Can you imagine uproar and outrage, if this were a Republican candidate??

Angle campaign attorney: Reid "intends to steal this election if he can't win it outright"
By Jon Ralston, October 26, 2010

So says Cleta Mitchell, the same woman who tried to get Scott Ashjian, the Tea Party of Nevada candidate out of the race, in an astonishing letter:

As Sharron Angle's campaign attorney, I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks, of trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor.

Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided "free food" at "voter turnout events." Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to other reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers' unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.

Before we were even able to document the reported infractions to report to the authorities, the Democrat Secretary of State slammed the door shut on preventing this behavior and issued a public statement permitting these ACORN-style tactics. THESE are the kinds of shenanigans that can turn this race.

Harry Reid intends to steal this election if he can't win it outright. As a result, we need to deploy literally dozens of election law attorneys and poll watchers to combat these tactics at a cost of nearly $80,000. That's over and above our current budget. We need to raise $80,000 and we need to do it RIGHT NOW, because even as I am writing this, Harry Reid and his Machine are trying to steal this election. I'm sorry that we have to come to you yet again and ask for you to reach deep and contribute, but we must.

Understand, EVERYTHING we have worked for in the last year could be destroyed by dirty tricks and criminal acts in the next 8 days. As Sharron's first line of defense on these matters I am absolutely committed to making sure this won't happen.

What Harry Reid is doing is clearly illegal. Nevada law (NRS 293.700) provides that, "A person who bribes, offers to bribe, or use and other corrupt means, directly or indirectly, to influence any elector in giving his or her vote or to deter the elector from giving it is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130."

We've seen evidence of this sort of voter 'enticement' by groups such as ACORN - where, in 2008, two ACORN workers in Milwaukee were accused of offering pre-paid gasoline cards or restaurant gift cards to people in exchange for registration.

John Fund wrote in his book Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy, cited reports from the Sioux Falls Argus-Leader (South Dakota) and the election in 2004, where certain residents were quoted saying that "people on the streets were saying you go vote, they would give you gas money, $10, maybe a pack of cigarettes..."

Now, this week in Las Vegas, at our election hotline, we received reports that some teachers' union representatives were offering Starbucks cards to people to get them to vote for Harry Reid. It is even more disturbing and may be possible that they are using their influence and authority as educators to entice students on behalf of Reid.

Here's the bottom line: when the powerful are threatened, they will do anything to retain their position. It's clear now that Harry Reid's campaign is even willing to skirt the laws of Nevada to do it.

Is there any question that they will do the same on Election Day?

Will you help us raise this $80,000 today? With it we can fight the election-stealing tactics of Harry Reid and his corrupt cronies.

The right to vote is a precious one - and it carries with it somber responsibilities. The Democrats' willingness to allow voters to be enticed with a promise of any thing of value is a debasement of the process- and it may just destroy everything we've worked for.

Please send an urgent contribution so our work will not be in vain. We?re going to win this race as long as we don?t let Harry Reid steal it. Can you help us today?


Cleta Mitchell

Counsel to Friends of Sharron Angle

Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate, Nevada

P.S. I've been in this business a long time. I have never before been so convinced that a candidate would reach so low in order to be victorious. Let's do this for Sharron and all her hard work. Please support us financially today.

And watch the MSM turn a luke warm eye to this, and every other deplorable action about to be perpetrated by the Dems
« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 03:50:42 AM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Voter Manipulation
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2010, 03:03:23 AM »
Dear Harry Reid.

      If you manage to get slightly more votes than expected , be prepared to fight for their legitamacy in court .


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Re: Voter Manipulation
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2010, 01:02:02 PM »
Dear Harry Reid.

      If you manage to get slightly more votes than expected , be prepared to fight for their legitamacy in court .

court would be a crapshoot. depends on which crooked judge you get.


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Re: Voter Manipulation
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2010, 09:23:53 AM »
Dear Harry Reid.

      If you manage to get slightly more votes than expected , be prepared to fight for their legitamacy in court .

court would be a crapshoot. depends on which crooked judge you get.

His preparation for this battle can begin now. Delay of investigation can be enough.

Have you heard about the ongoing investigation of Senator Franken's questionable votes?

Disproveing as few as three hundred as legitamate votes would prove that he actually lost the election that made him a senator, if this happens it will be embarrassing but moot , he would still be the senator.

>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<,,the current fight over legitamacy
Harvesting outrage for cash.
t is no longer enough to win close races. In the next 72-hours we must guarantee that an additional 5-Million Republicans turn-out to vote so we win by big numbers. Will you make your most important commitment of 2010, and help fund our 72-hour, Get Out The Vote Program?

Leftist lawyers, labor unions, and liberal shadow organizations were ready in 2008 - and they're ready again this year. Facts:
In 2008, Norm Coleman was ahead on Election Night by over 700 votes.
Soon, additional ballots were discovered, over 300 of which should have been disqualified as they appear to be have been cast by convicted felons.
Yet, Franken was declared the winner by 225 votes out of nearly 2.5 million cast.
Now...Reports are emerging in Las Vegas that Republican voters are finding electronic ballots defaulting to Harry Reid.
And...Governments in New York and Illinois failed to mail absentee ballots to U.S. service members on time, potentially disenfranchising those who wear the uniform.
We need to stand together in 2010, to ensure that there will be No More Frankens. Will you make your most important contribution right now?