Author Topic: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage  (Read 10017 times)

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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2013, 10:14:48 PM »
Well I don't agree. I would say the US Government is about allowing for choice

Apparently they aren't, thus the court cases winding their way to the supreme court.
The ObamaCare ACT require employer provided health insurance policies cover contraception at zero cost no matter the religious beliefs of the employer.

If the goal of Obamacare was to have more people covered, why would they decide to muck up the works by getting involved in forcing employers to go against their conscience by demanding they cover contraceptives.

I could see why they would use it as an election issue, but i don't see it as means of lowering the percentage of uninsured.

Not sure what your pedophile remarks have to do with anything.


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2013, 02:01:53 AM »
The thing is birthcontrol pills is under the counter. Meaning it's not safe to be taken without a doctors consent. Forget about insurance covering the cost. Increase doctors caution in presribing them. I believe quite a few women had some serious reactions from them.

I'm pointing out these pills are as safe as any over the counter medication. A fraction of percent can get very harmful reaction and doctors should factors this when prescribing it. A fraction could translate to hundreds to thousand of women getting harmed.


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2013, 02:08:11 AM »
So about an hour ago I'm driving north on one of our main north/south boulevards and a jeep style vehicle, by the light configuration, pulls up behind me very close.  It backs off, pulls up, backs off, etc. We get to an overpass and cloverleaf and it passes me. About 100 yards into the cloverleaf, as it bends around to the left, the car going about 60, flips. I slowly go by it. It's resting on its roof and hood. The drivers side door is gone. The right front wheel is gone. All the airbags are deployed so I see a curtin of white as I look at the drivers section of the car. I'm thinking shit, I don't want to look at what's in there.  But I pull over, exit my car, starting walking towards the flipped car, and I hear the engine trying to turn over.  It doesn't. Then I hear it trying again. I walk around to the passenger side and look in. A women is hanging upside down trying to start the car as if nothing happened.  I ask her if she's all right. She replies, oh I'm fine, and tries to start the car again. She is so hammered she thinks the car just stopped or something and she can just start it up and drive off.  I get her to unbuckle, and crawl out. She, in fact, seems to be fine.

Cops arrive, so on and so forth. 

Jesus Christ, when will people learn?



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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2013, 02:10:04 AM »

The only reason i thought of this is one of my meds give me a one in a thousand chance of having a bad reaction to leafy green vegetables. I did it. Eat some kale and got some really nasty bruise on my body.  Irony is kale is the popular veg nowadays


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2013, 02:14:46 AM »
The thing is birthcontrol pills is under the counter. Meaning it's not safe to be taken without a doctors consent. Forget about insurance covering the cost. Increase doctors caution in presribing them. I believe quite a few women had some serious reactions from them.

I'm pointing out these pills are as safe as any over the counter medication. A fraction of percent can get very harmful reaction and doctors should factors this when prescribing it. A fraction could translate to hundreds to thousand of women getting harmed.

Sometimes you just have to play the odds.


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2013, 02:37:55 AM »
The odds are very good but still a doctor should be require to prescribe them.


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2013, 03:40:43 AM »
You see it goes like this. Pedophiles don't give children a choice. They force them to have sex. The Catholic church has a long history of forcing things on people. Denying choice. Same with their take on contraception. If they hire you you should have the choice, just as you would at Ford Motor Co., to use your insurance for contraception or not.

As the world moves along choices are expanding for the common man. That's the idea. Those with long lists of what you can't do because "we don't believe in it" are losing the fight.  Gays can serve openly in our military. Women can now serve in combat units. Immigrants are going to get a better deal. Abortion is legal. The jig is up for people like the Taliban and their oppressive beliefs and the NRA who is for keeping dangerous weapons in the open market because they "believe in it".

Those of us who are moving on will however protect the rights right to remain ignorant.  After all, that's the rights choice.



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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2013, 03:48:39 AM »
i`m just pointing out the health risk involved with that choice.


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2013, 04:19:01 AM »
You see it goes like this. Pedophiles don't give children a choice.

Oh wow...this is priceless coming from the side that not only doesn't give the unborn child a choice, but murders it, most of the time, out of mere inconvenience

I guess you keep missing the part where no one is forcing the woman do anything.  Have sex, don't have sex, do it on top, do it on the bottom, do it with guys, do it with girls.  Just buy your own damn birth control.....or don't, their choice

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2013, 04:50:17 AM »
I will defend your right and choice to remain ignorant in all matters Sirs.  So far you have succeeded brilliantly at that endeavor. More power to you.



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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2013, 05:33:20 AM »
As will I, and I echo your ignorant accomplishment as well.  From guns to freedom of choice    ::)

Sure would be nice sometime for you to actually get off your almighty know-it-all high horse and try explaining your irrational ignorant accusations, instead of merely proclaiming such.  Inquiring minds, and all that.  Tends to help spearhead debate and discussion, especially with us apparent lesser minds

Unless of course, you find solace in hiding behind such grand proclamations of intellectual superiority, and can't be bothered explaining anything
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2013, 09:10:49 AM »
What didn't you understand? Try being specific.



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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2013, 09:25:54 AM »
my drawn out point is if  a drug for safety reason is needed to be presribed then maybe insurance should cover it since she still got to pay for the co=pay for the doctors visit


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2013, 10:16:05 AM »
The government has no more right to force a religious organization to pay for contraceptives than it does to force them to hold services on Thursday.

This fictitional woman certainly can go to work for an organization that does not hold those same beliefs, and get a policy that covers contraceptives without a copay. or they can go to walmart and get their prescriptions filled for $4 a month. See plenty of choices there.

This isn't about the patient, this isn't about doctors or insurance companies. This is about the federal government telling religious organizations what they must do, thereby prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Now i know the constitution is a piece of paper with "guidelines" written by old white men,  and rights are given by government and can be taken away at will, but the fact remains that our more enlightened brethren have not the stones to amend the document this country lives by.


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Re: Yea, opposing contraception is like opposing leukemia coverage
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2013, 01:11:29 PM »
Religious organization are no different then any other organization as soon as they go out into the private sector are hire workers. They might as well be the Pipe Smokers of America. And in reality they're no different period but we haven't secularized that far yet. We will though. It's only a matter of time.  There's nothing special about a group of people who think someone was removed from a cross dead and got themselves alive 3 days latter.  Mental wards are full of patients who think those sorts of things. We don't give them tax breaks and insurance exceptions.