There is no mention for Satan in the Apostles' Creed. Satan is mostly a colorful costume option for Hallowe'en.
I have observed one of the largest assemblages of Hallowe'en costumes on Earth at Waikiki in Honolulu on several October 31sts, and I would say that people wearing devil costumes outnumber people wearing angel costumes by a factor of 50 to one. I have yet to see a single Jesus costume there. I agree that Jesus is not exactly Hallowe'en tradition, but he is the most famous guy to return from the dead, and many of the costumed people at Waikiki are Japanese, who tend to twist all religious customs to their own aesthetic standards. There were several Buddha costumes (the fat jolly Buddha you see in Chinese restaurants), but no Mohammads or Jesi.
I do not attribute the popularity of Satan in costume parades to Satan's bewitchings: I just think that people prefer red and horns to white, wings and halo. Wings are popular, but more with Tinkerbell, Mothra and Rodan than with angels.
Was Satan involved in the Hadj Stampede in Mecca? Some of those trampled were on their way to throw pebbles at a column that personifies Satan.
Islam is clearly NOT a well thought out religion for all of mankind. To wit:
(1) The Muslim calendar has twelve lunar months, and therefore the month of the Hadj rotates through the seasons. Ramadan as well as the Hadj, also rotates through the seasons. Ramadan requires that people refrain from eating, drinking, smoking ANYTING during daylight hours. The can only ear or drink after sunset.
There are periods in which the sun does not set above the Arctic and Antarctic Circles for as long as four months, so pious Muslims in much of Alaska and parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Canada and Antarctica would die dehydration and starvation. Mohammad, of course, was unaware of the geography of the Earth, but one assumes that Allah, was not.
(2) If everyone were a Muslim, there is NO WAY that the hadj could be carried out without serious reforms. There are two many people to avoid crowd stampedes now. Multiply that by seven and it would mean that they would have to limit hadjs to a once in a lifetime deal, or end the tradition entirely.
(3) Of course, Islam is silly. The concept of Allah as an all powerful creature that wants everyone to tell him how great and exclusive he is five times a day suggests that the Almighty is a vain creature more like Donald Trump than a seriously intellectual leader, like, say the Dalia Lama. But the Christian and Jewish concepts are also pretty much caricature deities as well.
Of course, there are special dispensations for Arctic Muslims, but still, the Koran ignores the physical geography of the planet, and takes a 7th century view of it.