
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: sirs on May 08, 2013, 03:52:38 AM

Title: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: sirs on May 08, 2013, 03:52:38 AM
One definition given for insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; it might also be a definition of stupidity. Let's look at some cities where large percentages of black Americans live under poor conditions.

Experiencing a violent crime rate of 2,137 per 100,000 of the population, Detroit is the nation's most dangerous city. Rounding out Forbes magazine's 2012 list of the 10 most dangerous cities are
St Louis, Miss;
Oakland, Calif.;
Memphis, Tenn.;
Birmingham, Ala.;
Atlanta, Ga;
Baltimore, Md;
Stockton, Calif.;
Cleveland, Ohio;
and Buffalo, N.Y.

The most common characteristic of these predominantly black cities is that for decades, all of them have been run by Democratic and presumably liberal administrations. Some cities -- such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark, N.J., and Philadelphia -- haven't elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century. What's more is that in most of these cities, blacks have been mayors, chiefs of police, school superintendents and principals and have dominated city councils.

You might ask, "What's the point, Williams?" Let's be clear about it. I'm not stating that there's a causal relationship between crime, poverty and squalor on the one hand and, on the other, Democratic and black political control over a city. Nor am I saying that blacks ought to vote Republican. What I am saying is that if one is strategizing on how to improve the lives of the poorest black people, he wants to leave off his to-do list election of Democrats and black politicians. Also to be left off the to-do list is a civil rights agenda. Racial discrimination has little to do with major problems confronting black people.

Today 72 percent of black babies are born out of wedlock. Being born and finding out that your mother is 17 years old, that your grandmother is 35 and that you don't know who or where your father is is not a good start on life. In fact, it's a near guarantee for school dropout, poverty and crime, but such a start in life has nothing to do with racial discrimination.

Law-abiding poor black people suffer the nation's highest rates of criminal victimization from assaults and homicide. More than 50 percent of homicide victims are black. Would anyone claim that this victimization is caused by racist groups preying on the black community? In addition to victimization, the level of lawlessness in many black communities has the full effect of a law banning economic growth. That's because the thugs are equal-opportunity thugs who will rip off a black-owned business just as they'd rip off a white-owned business.

Black education is a disaster, but who runs the violent, disruptive big-city schools, where education is all but impossible? For the most part, it's not white people. Go to a city such as Detroit and you'll find that blacks have been superintendents, principals and most of the teachers for years. Most black high-school students, in Detroit and other cities, can't read, write and compute as well as sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade white students, but is it because of racism? What the elite teach is not only futile but counterproductive. For example, speaking standard English in an English-speaking country is critical for self-improvement. But that's not the lesson from the nation's multiculturalists, who call for the celebration of native languages and dialects. Sloppy-minded academics and assorted hustlers have taught that poor English, gangsta rap, men wearing pigtails and thug behavior should not be criticized but become a part of the celebration of diversity.

Black people could benefit from an honest examination of the bill of goods they've been sold. Such an examination would not come from black politicians, civil rights leaders or the black and white liberal elite. Those people have benefited politically and financially from keeping black Americans in a constant state of grievance based on alleged racial discrimination. The long-term solution for the problems that many black Americans face begins with an absolute rejection of the self-serving agenda of hustlers and poverty pimps.

Commentary (
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 08, 2013, 11:08:39 AM
I wish i can say this better. On the matter of this race it's a lack of good habits. I was working within the first month i came to america and never stopped. Many mainland chinese who live here does not understand lack of work stated in the news since we always can get a macdonalds job or security. As cu pointed out my peole are way poorer than any black here in the U.S.  and we're a race of failure but we didnt go that path.

The crime data might be skewed though. L.a. Has some serious gang problems and it's not black. I thought stockton has asian gangs?

Oakland simply got bad mayors of any race. The worst pulled the police and sent social workers to solve the gang problem. Some of them died and the mayor afterward was dumbfounded why people are upset. Took alot work to convince him to increase the policeforce.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 08, 2013, 02:32:48 PM
Black people have not been "sold a bill of goods" that causes them to get pregnant as unmarried teenagers. No politicians cause Black women to have children they cannot support, or men not to support their children or the women they have impregnated.

Your rather simplistic message is broadcasted on a regular basis by preachers: find Jesus, do not fornicate, support your families, etc.

My experience has been that the students who fail in college courses refuse to recognize that they cannot read or do math at useful levels, and they do not want to take the time or put in the effort to learn. My university had a reading and math lab with 40 positions and rarely were ever more than three students using it.

Often, girls let themselves get pregnant in hopes that the guy will hang around. This is a poor strategy. They have no money and cannot afford an abortion, and there is no option of a free abortion, thanks to the rightwingers. Most would probably not get an abortion, but some would, and it would give them an extra chance.

The reality is that young women of any race are going to be sexually active. You can preach against it all you want, but it will be to no avail. Unwanted teen pregnancy is the single biggest reason for the culture of poverty. Available and state-funded abortions have been the solution to breaking this cycle in Europe.

The right wing is utterly clueless about how to solve the problems of poverty. They have no solutions that will work. If they had any, it would certainly have succeeded in at least one place in a country of 310 million. This compulsive condemnation of Black leaders is simply poorly disguised racism, and of coursae, revenge on Balcks for not becoming lumpenproletarians like so many of the trailer trash wing of the tea party.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 08, 2013, 04:28:35 PM
I could use a few courses in writing. despite that I did go to college My writing has been quite a drawback to me. In my experience I can`t help to notice this is the one subject in education that is lacking. math,science,computer . the internet has tons of free stuff. but writing eng. comp. . very little in fact itb took me awhile to even find the word eng. comp.

grammer is one thing but sentence structure is another. in see all these free classes to lift America but I believe virtually none teach writing. I find it funny people complain about American`s should learn English but very few complain how  badly American`s write.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 08, 2013, 04:37:44 PM
The best way to learn how to write is by reading.

Amazon will have a lot of great deals on composition textbooks. There are workbooks that can be very helpful, particularly in the ESL (English as a Second Language) area.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 08, 2013, 04:55:04 PM
Thats me ESL
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 08, 2013, 08:46:51 PM
Since your native language is Cantonese, English is for you a second language, and techniques used in ESL will suit you better most of the time.

After all, your problem is not saying "ain't" and other gems of nonstandard dialect English. It is reorganizing Cantonese thought patterns into Standard English thought patterns, and perhaps Chinese/English pidgin thought patterns. "He be here longtime". That sort of thing.

If you check out Amazon books on English Comp for the ESL learner, you will find something useful I am sure. College texts generally have a life of about 4 to 5 years, then the published reorganizes the content so as not to be competing with his own used books. They swap pages around and stuff like that. So the older edition (2005) will be just as useful to you as the 2013 edition, only LOTS cheaper, because colleges are no longer using it.

Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 09, 2013, 01:09:44 AM
thanks will definitely do and despite English is my primary language overall I still sometimes think in Chinese. no matter what it`s still a comforting language to me.
I think in English and I think Chinese but thiers no translation involved.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: BSB on May 09, 2013, 04:16:34 AM
The best way to learn how to write is by reading.

Amazon will have a lot of great deals on composition textbooks. There are workbooks that can be very helpful, particularly in the ESL (English as a Second Language) area.

Reading, and being educated on the subject you're writing about. Writers say that all the time. Write about what you know.

Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 09, 2013, 06:04:48 AM
Movie trivia

Thougt ironman3 was better than2
Oops forgot to post that
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 09, 2013, 06:18:55 AM
This is my goal knowing full well  I'll never achieve.
But will enjoy the journey (

I hear he speaks better than the queen and she's the standard
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 09, 2013, 01:07:26 PM
I think in English and I think Chinese but thiers no translation involved.

That is typical. When I want to say something in Spanish very clearly, sometimes I will try it out in English to see if it makes logical sense.
And I do the same thing less often when I want to make a point in English. Every language has its own perspective. What sounds totally witty and clever in one language sounds just weird in another.

Spanish uses a lot of proverbial expressions that people quote all the time.

El que con perros duerme, con pulgas se levanta.

He who sleeps with dogs, awakes with fleas.

Sometimes only first words are quoted "El que con perros duerme..."

English also does this, but less frequently.

Six of one... (half a dozen of the other)

Can't see the forest... (for the trees)

Sometimes a phrase cannot be translated because of cultural context.

In North Vietnam, they bestowed an honorable title of respect on the headman of a family that contributed the largest amount of human dung to the rice paddy. Thois title would defy translation in English.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 09, 2013, 03:05:21 PM
Nitty gritty has no chinese analog

Mhung cha cha has no english word for it.

Translations  sometimes are approximates
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 10, 2013, 05:50:04 PM
Anatole France said,"To learn another language is to gain another soul."

Many experts say that Chines, Japanese and Koreans are better at math because the names for the numbers are more logical.

11 in English is"eleven", which does not suggest that either ten or one is involved.

11 in Chinese translates "ten-one"

English adds the teen to numbers  13 through 19, then all the rest of the numbers are in the opposite order. Twenty-two.

It is easier to do math in your head if you speak Chinese.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 11, 2013, 03:45:28 AM
It is easy to think base ten in chinese than in english. Even in my age it does take just touch more concentration to deal with the teens.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: BSB on May 11, 2013, 04:54:50 AM
Anatole France said,"To learn another language is to gain another soul."

Many experts say that Chines, Japanese and Koreans are better at math because the names for the numbers are more logical.

11 in English is"eleven", which does not suggest that either ten or one is involved.

11 in Chinese translates "ten-one"

English adds the teen to numbers  13 through 19, then all the rest of the numbers are in the opposite order. Twenty-two.

It is easier to do math in your head if you speak Chinese.

What does Chinese for 22 translate to?

Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 11, 2013, 09:44:02 AM
Two ten two

Ngee sup ngee

Ng sound does not exist in the english

I think th in "the" does not in chinese
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: BSB on May 11, 2013, 02:49:40 PM
Two ten two

Ngee sup ngee

Ng sound does not exist in the english

I think th in "the" does not in chinese

And so forth. Makes sense.

Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 11, 2013, 09:58:51 PM
In English, we write some numbers bass ackwards, like German. Fourteen. Funf und Zwanzeig. pronounced four -ten, written 14. Four and Twenty, written 24.

How about French: 99 is quatre-vignts-dix-neuf, four twenties, nineteen.

Chinese, Korean and Japanese use a much less confusing way of saying and writing numbers. Many say that this makes math easier for people who speak these languages.
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: kimba1 on May 12, 2013, 03:00:20 AM

I remember in my youth it took years to keep track of 14 & 40

I still cant do roman numeral which i think is base five??
Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 12, 2013, 12:10:24 PM
Roman numerals are not base five, they are base ten.


I or any letter to the right adds one, I or any letter to the left, subtracts.

VI+ 5+1, 6
IV = 5-1, 4

L= 50
XL= 50-10 or 40
LX = 50+10, 60

MM= 2000
1950= MCML
2013= MMXIII

It does not seem as though the idea of teaching Roman numerals via Superbowl games has worked.

You are right, Roman numerals are awkward and confusing.
The Romans managed to build the Parthenon nearly 2000 years ago, with a giant dome and it is still standing.
If you wondered how they did the engineering math with Roman numerals, the answer is, they didn't.
They used a sort of abacus resembling a cribbage board for the math.

Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: BSB on May 12, 2013, 01:54:31 PM
"I or any letter to the right adds one, I or any letter to the left, subtracts"

I guess I knew that because I've always known simple things like IV=4, or XIX=19. But when they start throwing the M and D, etc, around my eyes glaze over and I lose that method. I think I got it now.

Title: Re: Honest Examination of Race
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on May 13, 2013, 10:05:56 AM
The tricky part is that the letter to the left cannot be just any letter.

For example, 49 is XLIX, because IL is not permissible.
45 is XLV, because VL is not permissible.

38 has to be XXXVIII, because the rules will not permit IIXL

The rules are available here: (