Author Topic: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever  (Read 3355 times)

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The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« on: April 23, 2016, 10:28:44 AM »
   Hillary Clinton gave speeches to major contributors and got really good pay.

      There exist recordings of these speeches, were they such good speeches that they were really worth the money?

     Who says talk is cheap?

     Hillary Clinton stands a good chance of becoming the next President of the United States of America, she also stands a good chance of becoming the biggest embarrassment to her own party ,since Richard Nixon , but with significantly less honesty.

      I suppose that a dose of ipecac might be good for us , not because the  ipecac is in any way good, but because the emesis that gets it gone gets other poisons gone too.

   By the way , when you read the thread title , before you opened the post, did you already know who I meant? 


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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2016, 12:03:12 PM »
By the way , when you read the thread title , before you opened the post, did you already know who I meant?

Yes absolutely.

Hillary is only slightly less a fraud than Barack Hussein Obama.

Hillary is completely out of touch, hasn't driven a car in years, and is corrupt as hell.
Plus I think she has serious health issues that she is hiding.
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2016, 04:42:32 PM »
Is driving a car a requirement for a president?

If so every president up to Hoover was unqualified.

I thought Cruz or Trump would be the least transparent by far.
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2016, 08:31:23 PM »
Is driving a car a requirement for a president?

If so every president up to Hoover was unqualified.

I thought Cruz or Trump would be the least transparent by far.

Do Cruz and Trump have secret words only major contributors may hear?

Did Hillary Clinton give decoder rings to Goldman Sachems?

Has Trump sent ambassadors to their death, blamed scapegoats and covered the truth while promoting a lie , then minimizing the importance of the deaths when the scapegoats failed to carry away the blame?

Well, it is a little far fetched to wonder if Trump ever did something as nasty as the Benghazi incident  because he has never had that kind of power. With Trump we must guess , with Hillary we know.


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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2016, 06:38:53 AM »
The Libyan ambassador was acting on his own when he went to Benghazi.

Again, no one with a brain will be affected by these unwarranted slurs.

Hillary is infinitely better qualified to run this country than The Donald.
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2016, 01:17:22 PM »
The Libyan ambassador was acting on his own when he went to Benghazi.

This is an untruth.

He was on embassy owned ground when he was attacked , at the same time that the CIA installation was attacked.

I think you really do not want to understand this incident , a cursory examination makes it look as if a deeper examination would make Hillary and Barak look even worse.

So, lets whitewash this and minimize it before we have to look at it.


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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2016, 04:58:52 PM »
There is no US embassy in Benghazi, Embassies are in capital cities.  Benghazi is not the capital of  Libya, that would be TRIPOLI. He was in a consulate. And he was there of his own free will. He could have stayed in the actual EMBASSY which is in TRIPOLI,

The rightwing assholes make it sound like Hillary diabolically sent him there so he would be killed because .... she is EVIL INCARNATE.

That is just bullshit.

Peddle it elsewhere.

Unless Bernie gets the nomination, I will be voting for Hillary.
Cruz is a devious lying religious nut.
Trump is an ego maniacal blowhard who is only interested in his own huge ego.
Kasich will not get the nomination, At best, he is just a typical Republican.
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2016, 06:23:03 PM »
No...sorry.....not going to let your attempts at rewriting what went down fly.  The Right wing has NEVER...let me repeat....NEVER claimed, or even implied that either Clinton or Obama sent Ambassador Stevens to his death.  Nor is are either, evil incarnate

What the right wing has said, and implied, over and over and over and over again, and subsequently backed up by the facts, is that Clinton was grossly incompotent, in allowing Stevens to travel to Benghazi with minimal security, then ignore REPEATED requests for additional security.  Especially notworty with the anniversary of 911 approaching.  That's ALL on her, as she was in charge, at the State Dept

Now, she gets a pass on the fact no rescue or counter attack was launched, when it could have been, and could have saved lives....that's all on Obama.  But the subsequent acts of lying to those families who lost loved ones, and the lying to the Amercan people that this was facilitated by some video, when she KNEW RIGHT FROM THE START, this was a terrorist attack, is also ALL on her

THAT's what the right wing has plainly said about Clinton, and supported by the facts that we are all now privvy too.  NOT that she's evil, but reckless & incompotent as someone in charge

You may now return to what you do best, deflect, and call republicans names.  Have at it
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2016, 09:03:53 PM »
.... she is EVIL INCARNATE.

Yes, I will go along with that part , but not the idea that an ambassador can do his job without ever leaving the main embassy.

If there was a consulate in Benghazi and a CIA operation in Benghazi, then the ambassador could quite easily have been there  on business.

The building he died in was ours.
The attack was well planned and well armed .
The film that was blamed and the filmmaker were unimportant except as the administrations chosen scapegoats.


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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2016, 06:38:28 AM »
The filmmaker was blamed for perhaps a week. No one blames him now.

Obviously, the US had few or no  spies who could infiltrate Libyan rebel groups. Arabic has a specific Libyan dialect. Just as you could not send Andy Griffith to infiltrate the Jersey Mafia, we had no people to infiltrate the Libyan rebel group. From time to time, US intel makes mistakes at the lower levels for lack of personnel and that is what happened here. Hillary did not deliberately conspire with Muslim terrorists to murder her ambassador. And the ambassador was in Benghazi on hos own volition. He was not sent by Hillary to go there. AS I have said many times, this is a non issue except for the Hillaryhaters, who would not vote for her even if she were running against Satan..
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2016, 01:10:52 PM »
The filmmaker was blamed for perhaps a week. No one blames him now.

That misses the entire point.  The effort was made IMMEDIATELY, to blame the video, that EVERYONE KNEW was a false narrative.  And it wasn't "just a week". 

What a responsible adminstration would have done would have been to either:
a) blame NO ONE until the facts were clear
b) blame it on what everyone agreed to was a terrorist attack, by those with suspected ties to AlQeada

But they chose the weasel option c) blame it on some obscure video, that they all knew was not true

Then compound it by LYING to the family and the american people, in perpetuation option c over the other 2 more appropriate options

And the ambassador was in Benghazi on hos own volition.

Which does absolutely NOTHING in removing the responsibility on her part to make sure HER ambassador had adequate security in a highly volatile region, and AT A MINIMUM, SPEED APPROVE THE ADDED SECURITY HE WAS PLEADING FOR.  THAT'S AGAIN, ALL ON HER

And this is absolutely going to be an issue for voters deciding on how compotent & trustworthy they want their President to be.  And whoever the GOP nominee is, is going to use her history of gross incompotence & piss poor judgement like an anvil
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 01:16:20 PM by sirs »
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2016, 03:15:12 PM »
It is only an issue for twits like you, sirs.

Juniorbush and the most incompetent National Security advisor ever,  Condi, lost 3000 lives and were reelected.
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2016, 04:03:46 PM »
Sorry...I realize those blinders are rather thick, but it will be an issue to the electorate

War is one thing, especially after we were attacked.....gross incomptence, then trying to lie to cover it up, is a far more serious issue, to the voter
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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2016, 09:20:43 PM »
The filmmaker was blamed for perhaps a week. No one blames him now.

Obviously, the US had few or no  spies who could infiltrate Libyan rebel groups. Arabic has a specific Libyan dialect. Just as you could not send Andy Griffith to infiltrate the Jersey Mafia, we had no people to infiltrate the Libyan rebel group. From time to time, US intel makes mistakes at the lower levels for lack of personnel and that is what happened here. Hillary did not deliberately conspire with Muslim terrorists to murder her ambassador. And the ambassador was in Benghazi on hos own volition. He was not sent by Hillary to go there. AS I have said many times, this is a non issue except for the Hillaryhaters, who would not vote for her even if she were running against Satan..

  It is time now to blame the victim, who irresponsibly walked into an obviously dangerous situation that no one could have foreseen.

    Is it hard to spot the nonsequeter in that?

   Hillary is cruel and selfish and treats her employees as disposable, but he is dead so what does it matter at this point?


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Re: The Least Transparent Candadate Ever
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2016, 10:20:15 PM »
Hillary could not have prevented this anymore that president could have prevented the attacks on the Cole and the African embassies.

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