I agree whole heartedly, Kimba. It took a couple of years for Reagan's tax cuts to take effect. Same with Bush II. And when Obama's economic numbers flatlined after 2+years, it was simply "the new normal". GDP under Obama was anemic, and we had the highest number of folks simply stop looking for work.....media echoes the WH talking points, simply "the new normal", when we all know that with similar numbers, a GOP President would have been crucified, much like what Clinton did to Bush I (Remember the campaign slogan?, "It's the Economy, stupid") And Bush's 1's economy was only mildly bad compared to Obama's
We can't connect too much of this spike in numbers, to Trump, although you can't dismiss both the enthusiasm that both the stock market, and people simply looking for work are having, as both have spiked after Trump's election. But I agree, the economic numbers need more time for crunching, to see just how effective the policies implimented are, not just the rhetoric