I don't think that you guys are asking and debating the right question. I don't think whether or not homosexuality can or can't be trained is particularly important (I don't think it is, but that's my take).
I think that the big question is whether or not homosexuality should be trained out. And I would say that in an open, tolerant society, the answer would be no. But gay marriage opponents are perfectly happy to penalize and punish homosexuals for not adhering to their sense of morality, though homosexual acts are not illegal. They see letting homosexuals marry as rewarding homosexuality. That's not true,
Yes it is. Civil Unions can obtain the same rights as a marriage between a man & a woman, Fat. This is a fair compromise, which to many Christians, would be wrong to do...it'd be like compromising their faith. You have to remember.....to most Christians, homosexuality is a sin. No different than adultery. The fact that it has attained mass PC support, doesn't, in any way, lessen the sin that it is deemed by God to be. Nothing phobic about, nothing about hate, simply that it's a sin & immoral. As Christians we are taught to love our neighbor, as well as the sinner. Not supporting your choice in lifestyle isn't hateful. For some idiots, they do cross the line. The bastards that killed Matthew Shepard should have been hung from the toenails, and skinned for good measure. But the issue you have with a vast majority of the rest of the country is the foundation of morality that the bible has instilled in so many. You can't PC that out of the way, and like I tried to tell Js, you can't bully it out either, by calling such followers of their faith, names such as bigots. Last I checked there is no scientific or anthropological conclusion that Homosexuality is anything other than a choice. A person can't chose their race or their gender, so folks who hate because of those reasons really are phobic
And yes, there's all kinds of rationalizing arguments as to why would anyone chose such a lifestyle. My answer is, I have no answer. Why do people choose to commit adultery? Why do people choose to want to have sex wearing rubber suits and all tied up? I don't know......but its their choice. so yes, granting "marriage" which has been a cornerstone in the bringing together that of a man and a woman, is an overt effort at normalizing what a vast majority of folks believe to be immoral. So the compromise is Civil Unions, with full rights, equal to that of marriage. I wasn't supportive of it originally, but Bt has helped "show me the light"