It is utterly absurd to tell Henny she does not understand the situation. She understands it better than you ever could. She lives there: half the people in Jordan are Palestinians.
The map is ridiculous.
There could also be a map of your neighborhood showing the house of some crook surrounded by the property of honest homeowners. It would hardly be understood by sane people that the crook was being falsely accused, merely because he controlled so little and others so much.
Only poor Bernie Madoff was thrown in prison out of THOUSANDS of hedge fund managers!
This is not a war in any traditional sense. It is an illegal occupation of lands seized by conquest in violation of the UN Charter, the same organization that created Israel in the first place.
Jews were not deprived of their country in 130 CE by Arabs or Palestinians. They were driven out by the Romans when they were on the losing side of the Bar Kokhba insurrection. The Jews that reclaim Palestine are certainly NOT the same people who were driven away, and many, if not most, are not even the descendants of those people.
Israel was created out of the guilt of the Western powers that refused admittance to the Jews murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust. It was not created to be an armed camp and local bully that gradually would expand and seize land from their neighbors.
There must be a mutually agreed on settlement and an end to all aggression. There can be no secure borders, the borders of Israel are not secure now. No borders in that area can be secure. With drone aircraft and other technologically advanced weapons, no country on this planet can have secure borders. Secure borders are only something people can dream about, like smurfs and unicorns.
Netanyahu wants security, give the fool a Linus blanket.
Security will come when there is an agreement where the borders are and how passage can be permitted across those borders, just as France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein all agree on the borders of Switzerland.