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Egyptian bombers hit IslamoNazi targets in Libya
« on: February 16, 2015, 12:49:52 PM »
Egypt bombs ISIS targets in Libya after video of 21 Copts beheaded.

DEBKAfile Special Report
February 16, 2015

(Egyptian Copts lined up for mass murder by ISIS)

Egyptian air strikes bombed Islamic State targets in Libya at dawn Mon. Feb. 16, hours after a video was released showing the mass beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians. The targets were officially described as "Islamic State camps, training sites and weapons storage areas" across the border. DEBKAfile: The video released in Libya came six days after an ISIS-affiliated Sinai group aired a video depicting the beheadings of 10 alleged collaborators with Israeli and Egyptian intelligence, altogether 31 savage murders of Egyptians have been perpetrated in less than a week.

President Abdel Fatteh El-Sisi went on national television Sundaynight to warn that Cairo would "choose the necessary means and timing to avenge the criminal killings."

He declared seven days of national mourning.

A major Islamist-Egyptian confrontation has thus spilled over into Libya from the multiple fronts already stretching from Sinai and the Suez Canal into the Egyptian heartland.

DEBKAfile's military sources report that late last month, the Egyptian military's high command resolved to cut down on ground operations on its western border against ISIS infiltrators from Libya and focus on aerial operations. Large air force contingents were transferred to the Libyan border last week.

Monday morning they took to the air for their first strike in pursuit of three objectives:

1. To obstruct the ISIS-linked group's advance on the Libyan capital Tripoli, after the jihadis overran most of Sirte, the port town along the coast from the capital.
2. To break up the Islamist buildup concentrated in the eastern Libyan towns of Benghazi and Darnah.
3. To hit ISIS command centers in eastern Libya and its smuggling networks, which are currently regulating most of the arms traffic from Libya via Egypt into Sinai and thence to Iraq, Jordan and the Gaza Strip.

Our military sources expect Egypt to follow up on its air strikes with marine landings on the Libyan coast against the Islamic forces on the move there.

No one has fathomed until now how ISIS managed to surreptitiously transfer large numbers of fighters from Iraq to Libya. The officers smuggled into Sinai from Iraq most likely built a secret land bridge linking Iraq-Sinai, Egypt proper and Libya.

The 21 victims, Egyptian Coptic workers shown on the Libyan Islamists' video, were seized in December and January from the coastal town of Sirte which has fallen under control of Islamic groups. The video was labeled "A message signed with blood to the nation."
"We have seen the painful video and confirm the execution of Egyptians kidnapped in Libya," Coptic Church spokesman Bolis Halim told the official Middle East News Agency in Cairo. The footage released by IS online shows handcuffed hostages wearing orange jumpsuits being beheaded by their black-suited captors in a coastal area..

Sunni Islam's top body, Al-Azhar, condemned the "barbaric" beheading of the Copts. "Al-Azhar received the news of the execution of a group of innocent Egyptians with great sorrow and grief," Al-Azhar said in a statement. "Al-Azhar stresses that such barbaric action has nothing to do with any religion or human values."
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Re: Egyptian bombers hit IslamoNazi targets in Libya
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2015, 01:42:05 PM »
The officers smuggled into Sinai from Iraq most likely built a secret land bridge linking Iraq-Sinai, Egypt proper and Libya.

Look at a map. What route could this take?  Surely not through Israel. Getting into Israel and out of Israel without papers would be nearly impossible. The route would have to cross the Red Sea and through Aqaba into Jordan and across Jordan to Syria, or to the coast of Saudi Arabia and again through Jordan. Saudi Arabia has no border with Syria, so the route would have to cross Saudi Arabia and Jordan as well.  I have this sense that the Jordanians, the Saudis and the Israelis all have pretty good surveillance in the Gulf of Aqaba.  This is desert terrain, with no forest coverage, and movements across the various deserts by satellites and drones should be easily traced.

The other route would be by sea, from Libya directly to Syria's ports north of Lebanon or through Lebanon. Again, probably easily traced.

The Egyptian government under El Sissi certainly has a right to protect its own citizens. Unemployment in Egypt is very high, and Libya has attracted a lot of foreign workers, including Egyptian Copts, who do not threaten anyone.

 Lately, though, the Egyptian leadership has been putting dozens, maybe hundreds of dissidents in cages, and  trying and sentencing them en masse.  Not all, and probably not even most, or those who dislike military rule, are terrorists.
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Re: Egyptian bombers hit IslamoNazi targets in Libya
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2015, 02:20:29 PM »
  Not all, and probably not even most, or those who dislike military rule, are terrorists.

  The crew that shot this video are definitely terrorists.
  I do not think that much of a land bridge is needed.
  A few officers could travel via any number of routes whether watched or not.
  Then on arrival they could recruit a squad , IS looks like the height of virtue to some who have the right sort of education.
   There are no borders that Is needs respect, is there.


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Re: Egyptian bombers hit IslamoNazi targets in Libya
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2015, 02:36:24 PM »
I would not think that any terrorists would respect borders, but I also doubt that they would be able to cross them freely. The Gulf of Aqaba is a place where the Egyptian Sinai, Israel and Jordan meet. Saudi Arabia is also near there. The surely would not go entirely by land, because to do so, they would have to cross Israel at Eilat or farther north, and I doubt that this would be possible. Aqaba, next to Eilat, is Jordan's major seaport. Actually its ONLY seaport.

I do not understand why anyone would be inspired to join these fools because they dress Copts in orange jumpsuits and behead them. That is not an act of bravery or even a good political statement.
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Re: Egyptian bombers hit IslamoNazi targets in Libya
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2015, 03:20:47 PM »
  I don't know why the president reached centuries into history to point to Christians out of control, who are a good comparison to IS, Dash, IslamoNazis, or whatever name you prefer.

  The KKK proclaimed their Christianity with bullhorns, they might not have been really strong on scripture, but they weren't recruiting evangelists, they wanted people who they could convince that bombing Sunday School classes was very Christian. So they made up their story as they went .

     IS is Robin Hood and his merry men to these guys , they do not have to stick to scripture , they just can pick the ones they like and make up the difference as they please , they are not recruiting real Koran scholars, they just want the ones that they can convince that bombing a few invaders is a virtue.

     Invaders being defined as everyone not in on the plan, of course.

      The connection with religion is not direct, except in the mind of a recruit.


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Re: Egyptian bombers hit IslamoNazi targets in Libya
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2015, 06:15:36 PM »
The Klan never publicly portrayed itself as into lynchings and such. They did indeed organize such things, but it was a cadre of the true believers, and not whole mobs of men.

There were really three Klans: the original one, founded after the Civil War, the Post-WWI Klan, which had the largest membership, and the post WWII Klan that flourished in the '60's and is now pretty much extinct.  The first Klan were mostly ex-Rebel soldiers. The second was more of a fusion of urban and country peckerwoods, with a few middle class types involved, and the third was mostly small town and city poor folks, with some hicktown cops in the mix.

The tools that brought down the Klan were trials, lawsuits and the FBI. There is nothing like that available in Syria and Iraq.

This Dash bunch is far more into terrorizing  the public. They make their tactics and methods very clear. I don't think that  the best way to go after them is with US military troops: that makes every one of their deaths a martyr. Bombing them, providing weapons to their enemies, and depriving them of money and converts seems to be the best way to defeat them.

There have been movements  based on the End of the World have popped up from time to time. Some are harmless, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, some are mildly disruptive like David Koresh's group in Waco, and a few are militarized.  None of them last for long, because the world refuses to end and the members get impatient and wander away. Dash may want to conquer Istanbul, but it will need a whole lot more converts and is unlikely to get them. Messing with the Turkish Army is not for the faint of heart.
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