conservatives are different than liberals. In a good way.
As a libertarian, I have watched both conservative and liberal politicians all do the same sort of things. As I said before, the "Republican Revolution" was going to reshape the government and bring fiscal responsibility to the Congress, and that didn't happen. George W. Bush was going to make a stand for conservative values and smaller government. That didn't happen. The result of both was basically more spending, more power in the hands of government, and expanded government run social programs. So tell me, when I see these good conservatives of strong moral character who will do what pretty nearly all other conservative politicians before them have not done actually do these things, then I will believe it will happen, and not before.
do you not understand none of that matters now? it's a new ballgame TODAY. the sleeping giant is stirring. was the giant awake with bush - nope, was the giant awake on 9/11, barely. Obama gets credit for waking us up. with ACORN, Obama, socialism, marxism, rev wright, bill aiyers, chicago politics, van jones, fort hood, caimbridge police, stimulus 123, reid, pelosi, barney fag, fanny & freddie, DEPRESSION around the corner YOU CAN BET YOUR SWEET ASS THE GIANT IS AWAKING. NOV 2010 WILL BE A BLOODBATH!