<<What reason is there to think the KGB ineffective?>>
What reason to think they're effective against the CIA? Didn't you read my earlier posts in this thread? I DON'T KNOW why the U.S.S.R. fell apart. I want to read up on it and find out what I can about it. I certainly don't buy the "official" explanation that the MSM and you are so intent on selling. But if it's true, it's true. That's what I want to find out.
<<There isn't any point in blameing the input of foreigners , unless you want to also blame the collapse of the US on the efforts of spys too.>>
Each case is different. If Vladimir Putin dies from liver cancer, it doesn't mean that Barack Obama has to die of liver cancer too.
<<If these efforts are equivelent they cancell . . . >>
Yeah, and if they're not equivalent, they don't cancel.
<< . . . and understanding the situation over all is advanced more by dismissing the effect than by consentrating on it.>>
Well, ya lost me there, plane.