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Messages - Christians4LessGvt

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3DHS / Re: How bad is it?.....Let's count the ways
« on: September 24, 2007, 10:04:51 AM »

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 23, 2007, 04:47:24 PM »
You seem to be working hard to misunderstand me.

No not at all.

I'll put it this way, I expect that even morons in the Klan would know better than to kill someone.

Strange logic, but to each his own.
The Klu Klux Klan with a very storied documented history of violence towards African Americans
and you would find it a surprise if they killed an African American? Again I just do not find it
credible and think you just can not admit you made a mistake. But hey, I can accept that.

You're saying I'm wrong, but you're not objecting. Uh-huh.

Exactly, I am stating a fact.

Anyway, you're refusing to admit the obvious. And I'm glad you know what your words mean, but neither Henny nor myself have trouble with basic reading comprehension. And no, we do not have to assume what your meaning is. We can read and make conclusions based on what you say and how you say it.

You can make conclusions about my meaning, buy they are assumptions and could be wrong.
On the other hand I know exactly what my thoughts/intentions/and point was and there is no way you could know that better than me. I know exactly what my point was and another human being can only make an assumption with that little of information.

If we got the wrong impression, perhaps you did a poor job of communicating.

Or perhaps it was not a poor job and you just don't like what I said.

Uh, no. Again, no one is telling you what to say. Disagreeing with you does not in any fashion equal trying to control you.

Indirectly it does. It should be phrased this way or you may be called a supporter of crime or called a bigot.
In other words you must make a point of condemnation or you are a bigot or crime supporter.
Which is totally false and is not a logical conclusion, but a leap of faith not based on facts.

Um, no. No one said a thing about what you can or cannot say, except you.

See above. (this way or else bigot/condone crime, which is non-sense)

You, on the other hand, seem to be insisting that if others misunderstand your post, they have made bigoted assumptions,

Yes that is exactly what I insist.
If they call me a bigot or insinuate I support crime before they fully question me for more details about a post they don't fully
understand, then yes I see them as bigots rushing to a conclusion to pigeon-hole someone for a post they don't approve of.
If they do question me and I answer that the crime should be punished to the full extent and then they imply "well you shoulda
put that in your first post", well that is wrong. Because I should not have put that in my first post because that is not the point
I wished to make at that time. And I am not a bigot or a supporter of crime because I chose to make another point than what you
or Henny expect.

capitalizing the "ass" part of the word to get in a little indirect name calling.

Oh yes, one of my favorite professors always said to his students "ASSuming" too much is going to many times
make an ASS out of you.

And pointing out how your post could have been misunderstood is not an attempt to control you or dictate what you must say. It's merely pointing out that a misunderstanding was not unreasonable. Yes, I know, you think it was. All the "rules" seem to be coming from your end of the conversation.

See above.

Here's a clue: 'could' does not mean 'must'. A suggestion is not a demand.

Yes it is an "indirect demand" or warning when it is followed with calling me/implying I am a crime supporter or a bigot.

Well, let's just say Ron Paul isn't exactly Michael Moore's political ally.

Well duh.
But Ron Paul and Michael Moore have said similar things about Iraq and that was the subject of my analogy.

QuSo, you've already decided what sort of person will misunderstand you? And you're complaining about other people making assumptions about you?

Yes it is obvious when they call you a bigot before they even attempt to undertand the point you are making.
It's called rush to judgement.

Physician, heal thyself.

But I am not sick. I did not start by calling anyone a bigot.

So now you know what she thought? How does that work?

Well when someone calls you a bigot, thats how it works.

To say it indicates something does not mean it is equal to that thing.
I can see I have to be extremely careful in communicating with you.

Well yes thats probably true if I have the time when I am called/implied to be a bigot
or you could just not communicate. But you won't do that, you enjoy it too much, I can already tell.

Or there could simply be a misunderstanding.

Yes and maybe ask about that misunderstanding and have some dialogue before calling the person a bigot
or crime supporter? Don't ya think that would make a bit more sense?

Particularly in light of your apparent insistence that misunderstanding you is the same as being intolerant of your opinion.

No that is not all true.
I am insisting that if there is a misunderstanding or unsure about intentions it may be best to question or have a short
dialogue with the person before calling them a bigot or a supporter of crime. Again, don't ya think that is a better approach?

Not at all. I speak plainly and straightforwardly. Of course, I do allow that synonyms can actually have different meanings, but that is not tricky. That's just basic English.

Thats funny.
But Ok.
But from the lengths of our give and takes I think it is very obvious we are both not one to let details "slide".

Yes, I see now that any possible misunderstanding of what you mean is purely the fault of the reader. Obviously anyone who misunderstood your post is a close-minded bigot who wants to control your speech. (Not really, that was just me being sarcastic.)

Again, the misunderstanding is ok, it is the bigot reference that is wrong before any investigative dialogue takes place.

Well, that would be your problem, not mine.

No it's not a problem, it's my opinion.

I have no reason to lie about it.

Yes you do.
IMO, you don't want to admit you are trying to defend an obvious ridiculous statement because you made a mistake.
It's spelled PRIDE.

I happen to rather like that I don't always assume the worst of others, including you.

That would not be always assuming the worst.
But if a story came on CNN tonight that the Klan had killed an African American what % of the population would be very surprised?
Knowing the history of the Klan and their hatred of African Americans in my mind it is ridiculous to say it would be a surprise.
But we can make everything a "define is" situation I suppose.
Ridiculous, but to be expetced.
I suppose we could spend great length discussing "define surprise" or "level of surprise".

Bringing it down to people I know is because I don't frequently get cancer news about people I do not know. They don't report each case on the news. At least not where I live. Maybe they do where you live.

No but by using an analogy that is not a correct analogy it gives a false conclusion/impression.
In your analogy you say you would be surprised if someone you knew got cancer.
But I doubt you would be surprised that people get cancer.
And it is the same with the Klan story.
Yes you would probably be surprised if an African American you knew was killed by the Klan.
But that is very different than saying your would surprised if an African American was killed by the Klan.
It was a false analogy.

Anyway, the point of the analogy is that knowing something frequently occurs does not mean I expect it to happen.

I don't expect a car accident to happen on my way home today, but I certainly would not be surprised to see one.

And frankly, in recent years, the K.K.K. does not kill African-Americans regularly. So just because I know that the K.K.K. hates African-Americans does not mean I expect them to start killing African-Americans.

Because the Klan does not regularly kill African Americans does not mean it would be a surprise to hear they did especially in light of their violent history and hatred towards African Americans.

And yes, I'd be surprised if they did.

Sorry, I just do not believe that.

Knowing that people are upset about Islamic terrorists does not mean I expect people to vandalize a school.

I don't really expect it to happen on Tues or on Oct 3rd, but I am certainly not surprised it happened or will happen again.
And if the violence continues at current or worse levels from the Islamic world I won't be surprised to see these kinds of activities take on a much, much worse tone. At some point in the future I predict there will be a huge backlash against Mulsims in the US, and it could get very ugly and very out of control. It would be sad, but I won't be surprised to see anger reach those kind of levels. I hope I am wrong.

I tend to expect people to behave better than some of them sometimes do. Maybe that is a fault, but I don't believe it is. I know some people are thieves, but I don't expect people to be thieves. I know some people think vandalism is a good way to express themselves, but I don't expect people to be vandals.

Um, ok

So am I surprised that some people vandalized an Islamic school? Yes, I am.

Well we are never going to agree.

Sadly I think you are going to get a lot of "surprises" in the coming years if the violence from the Muslim world
continues or if American cities come under any kind of major bio/chemical/wmd attacks from Muslims.

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 23, 2007, 04:11:43 AM »

So you agree, and you say it's obvious, and then you tell me it is an incorrect conclusion.
How can I argue with someone using such brilliant logic.

It is obvious to me that what they did was meant to send a message, but I have not talked with the criminals,
nor have they stated their positions as far as I know.

On the 2nd part I meant to write "it may be an incorrect conclusion" because in fact it may be.
We don't know yet.

I believe the question was would I be surprised if the KKK killed an African-American. And the answer to that question is still, yes, I probably would

So are you saying you would not be surprised if the  Klu Klux Klan attacked an African American, but you would be surprised if that attack led to the death of the African American?

Can I ask why you would be surprised if a Klu Klux Klan attack led to the death of an African American especially after the long history of Klan violence towards African Americans?

Said the man who is objecting to folk suggesting his initial post in this thread looks like an excuse.

I am not objecting, I am flat out telling you that you are wrong, which is a fact, because I know what my words mean and intentions are and the only thing you can do is ASSume what they are.

Um, no. First of all, no one is trying to control the point you were making.

Yes you are and you continue to try to do that in this very part of the thread.

Other people were merely making their own points. Not sure why you find that threatening.

Oh my I am sooooooo threatened.

I'm sure you'll tell me don't but then I'd just have to ask why then did you bother to say I cannot control what your point was supposed to be?

Uh because you obviously think you can dictate as to what the proper manner is to respond to Henny's post or you begin making ASSumptions about people because you leap to conclusions that have no basis in fact except you don't approve of their choice of what points to make first. You seem to demand "condemnation first" or else.

Second, I didn't demonize anyone in this thread.

No you just basically say I "excuse criminal behavior".

All I did was point out that the impression that you were excusing rather than condemning the vandalism is not unreasonable.

I think it is unreasonable, and it is by people that want to demonize people that don't follow their "approved way" of responding in politically correct ways.

I think Henny is probably fine with non-standard responses about Islam. But I don't see your response as non-standard, and no one said you had to like Islam. I believe the objection to your initial post had to do with the lack of a condemnation of the vandalism and the appearance of a justification.

Yes, there it is again.
An objection that my point should be "condemnation" or there is objection.
"Follow the rules or be condemned you bigot"!
One can't first say "it's no surprise".
No thats not following the rules of political correctness.

You know, you could have made the point about not be surprised and condemned the vandalism in the same post. That really would have been okay.

See again, and again, there it is.
The need to "do it this way".
No you should not point out just that it is no surprise without condemnation.
My first thought was "whats the surprise?" So thats what I wrote. And thats what I stand by 100%.

I did not mention the September 11, 2001, attack.

I never said you did. I brought it up as a way to answer your question, which it did very well.
And you did mention a "a terrorist attack that killed some Americans".
But it really does not matter logic wise whether it's "Sept 11" or "a terrorist attack that killed some Americans" the logic is the same.

My question was not about what would or did other people say. My question was not about what would or did other people say. My question was what would you think.

I know it was and I answered it:
"Would you see that reply and think the person was not excusing the terrorist attack?"
ANSWER: Uh no. I would not at all think that

I'm a little skeptical of your open-mindedness given what I've seen of your rhetoric in other posts. But maybe I'm wrong.

You are.

Though lumping Ron Paul in with Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan doesn't help your case, imo.

Why not? Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, and Ron Paul have all made statements about past American foreign policy
being an issue as to why attacks against Americans happen here and abroad.

You complain a lot about other people making assumptions about you, yet you seem to have no shortage of your own assumptions about others. I have not ever tried and am not now trying to dictate anything to you.

See above.

I'm merely pointing out the rather obvious reasons why someone might have read your post and perceived that you were making excuse.

Sure if they have an agenda of how someone should respond and if they want to assume the worst about that person because that person wished to make a different point about the intial post that they think should not be made.

I am calling Henny a bigot because when Henny called/implied I was a bigot by reading my response that she disapproved of she
exposed herself as a bigot in this instance.

Um, no. What she did was reveal was that she disliked what she perceived, however wrongly, to be your point.

Yes very "wrongly".

A perception that was, contrary to your protestations, neither unreasonable nor bigoted.

I can agree to disagree.

Seems to me you're the one doing all the assuming. Or maybe you're just naive enough to think that anyone not agreeing with you is a bigot.

No that describes Henny and why I think she is a bigot in this thread.
I suppose we all have a varying degree of bigotry, so I am using the term in a general way.
I do not know Henny, so I certainly can not say with any authority as to whether this may have been nothing more than a one time bigoted remark. I will take your conclusion to heart that Henny does not normally make bigoted statements.

In all of my conversations with Henny, and in what I have seen of her other comments in various threads, Henny has never proven herself to be a hateful or intolerant person. That she disagreed with what she perceived to be your point does not make her a bigot.

I already said that. What makes Henny a bigot in this thread is to call/imply I am a bigot because Henny did not like my point and thought ONLY a point of condemnation should be acceptable as an intial reaction to the post about vandalism.

Seems to me, you're the one showing the intolerance.

No I am only responding to intolerance.
Intolerance of what is an acceptable point to make to the Henny intial post and then being called a bigot for not following "protocol".

I'm as least as funny as you,

Well I hope so.
You appear to me as being funny in the sense of the personality that comes through your writing.
I am joking but would I be wrong to asssume funny, well read, very organized, are your desk drawers meticulously organized?

who seem to think you know all of my intentions and when I'm assuming rather than arriving at conclusions based on the evidence at hand. You seem to believe you know how I think.

Hardly. How could that be when I don't even know you?
I think I can see patterns from your writings, but "know how you think"?
Come on.

Why should you get to do all the pigeonholing?


I did not claim it did.

Yes you did. You basically said that "typing in all caps" was evidence that I was offended.
Remember?: "Typing in all caps, repeating yourself, but you're not offended? Sure."

All caps is, however, often considered "yelling" in an online forum.

Often is not always and you are wrong once again because I am not offended.
I know you and I seem to end up playing sematics, but really I am not offended.
Actually I am not one to be easily offended. Maybe 10-15 years ago, but not anymore.

I don't recall saying anything was an absolute shock.

Ok, but it seemed your were "very surprised" but I won't play semantics right now.

I did not realize acknowledging the the difference between absolute shock and surprise was semantics.

It is, but hardly worth spending time disecting.

It means I distrust some organizations.

Ok, but what relevance does that have at that juncture of this thread?
And by the way are there people that trust all organizations?

Now you want to play semantics?

No I wanted an answer?

She started it? That's your excuse?

No thats not my excuse, it is a staement of fact.

So you're equating disagreement with pigeonholing?

No disgareement is fine, trying to demonize someone because they have a different point to make about a post and don't include a condemnation in their repsonse so they ASSume the worst about that person is pigeonholing out of ignorance.

I can see conversations with you are going to be very tricky.

When people imply I am a bigot, and/or lie/mis-charecterize my values, yes it can be and will be "tricky".
BTW, speaking of conversations being "tricky", do you find youself uttering that a bit ironic?

I disagree, but your criticism is not entirely unfair


I should have said you appeared to have basically excused the vandalism.

And that would have been wrong too.

I believe I said I would be surprised to see that a Klan member had killed an African-American

Sorry, honestly I find that is not credible or believable.

Let's put it this way: I know that cancer exists and happens to millions of people every year, but I'd still be surprised if I or
someone I know was diagnosed with it.

Yes but that is not a correct analogy.
Bringing it down to your own tightknit circle is not a fair analogy.
I doubt you are surprised "people get cancer".
I did not say "would you be surprised if an African American family member of yours or an African American you know" was killed by the Klu Klux Klan. Yes we are surprised when a friend gets cancer, but we are not surpised to hear people get cancer.

It's late, it's been fun, you are an interesting person to exchange ideas with, have a good weekend.


3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 22, 2007, 08:47:20 AM »
By the way, ChristiansUnited4LessGvt, have you actually argued for less government yet?

Oh I don't know if I have seen an interest in doing so yet.
I usually have very limited time because of work and school.
So I have to pick and choose where to interject my opinions.
Notice above my longest response yet was on late fri night & early sat am.

I don't read every post,

Is there anybody that does?

but I am wondering where, exactly, you stand on that particular issue

In a general sense I view gvt as a "necessary evil" and not a "first choice" problem solver.
Of course there is a role for gvt and gvt can do some things well. But unlike the left
i view gvt as a "2nd or 3rd choice" and not a 1st choice to turn to as a problem solver in many situations.
For example I would like to eventually see the public schools practically dismantled and a voucher system put in place.
I think the private world can do a better job at education than gvt can. I am not an expert on the details of how we
get there, but I believe it is a goal we should strive to achieve as a society. Of course it could not be done over-night.
I believe the gvt as the primary educator has run it's course and the current system will be junked and replaced over
the next few decades. The voucher system would not be perefect or problem free, but neither is our current method.
It would be a long transition and ultimate goal. I also do not believe we should turn our medical care over to a gvt run
system and we can get american citizens that are needy help without turning over the entire American healthcare sytem to the gvt.

Busy day ahead, so thats all for now, over & out.

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 22, 2007, 08:24:21 AM »

Yes, I am surprised. I am surprised that people who might be upset about terrorism would think
vandalism of a school would be an appropriate response.

Anger and reprisal is not an uncommon human response.
If Catholics in the name of their religion were bombing and maiming people all over the world on a daily basis
and targeting civilians in attacks across the globe, targeting school children in Russia, blowing up airplanes full
of innocent civilians, blowing up commuter trains full of innocent civilians, sawing off people's heads, ect x 100
I would expect some reprisals against Catholic institutions and would certainly not be surprised if that happened.

Apparently the people who did the vandalizing thought it was appropriate.
Yes obviously so.
They think it will send a message.
It is the wrong approach and the criminal behavior should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

And no, that is not an assumption, that is a conclusion based on the evidence.
Yes it is an assumption and it is also an incorrect conclusion.

And didn't your question of "arer you surprised" apply to the vandalism?

Yes and I stand by that staement 100%.
Who could be surprised that a Muslim Mosque might be attacked?
Do you not think that real possibility has ever been discussed that it would happen?
Put aside your pride for a moment to win an argument and honestly say you
think that authorities are "surprised" this happened? No one with any knowledge
of the current level of violence coming from the Muslim world could logically be "surprised"
that anger would build enough to cause something like this to happen. One of my best friends who is Muslim
is very concerned what might happen to him and his family if the radical Muslims are successful in a catastrophic
attack against an American city they keep promising will happen. He is scared the repercussions could be very
bad for his family. And I asssure you he is not talking about school vandalism.

Considering you're someone who says things like "ASSuming" and "ASSumption", you really shouldn't be assuming
you know what my reaction would be.

Can you not come up with your own ideas?  ;)
Assuming the KKK would attack an African American is certainly no leap of faith assumption,
but like I said, since you won't even admit the obvious, I am not sure why I continue discussing
with such disingenuity, but I suppose it's good practice and somewhat enjoyable to a point.

First of all, I probably would be surprised

You would be surprised if the Klu Klux Klan attacked an African American?
Ummmm I am not sure this is discusssion is even worth continuing if you will not admit the obvious.

The point is you said it wasn't surprising and proceeded not to condemn the vandalism but to post numbers about attacks and people killed by Islamic terrorists.

No you are the one missing the point.
You can not control the point I was making or decide what my point should be because you think thats what the point should be.
My point is my point to make, not yours.
But because I choose to make a point about a post you don't agree with you prefer to try to demonize me.

My point was not to condemn the vandalism, but to point out that it was not a surprise the level of anger at worldwide violence from the Muslim world has risen to this point. And as stated before, in my opinion it is going to get much, much worse. If we have a major attack on US cities with chemical weapons or WMD's school vandalisms are going to look like "the good old days". It could get very, very ugly and a situation the authorities may not be able to control very similar but much much worse than the Rodeny King LA Riots.

You're surprised that someone thought that looks like a justification?

I have already basically stated I am never surprised by what I read on message boards.
And of course I am not surprised when people object to "politically incorrect" or non-standard approved responses about the "Religion of Peace".

No, it's not an assumption.
Yes it is and again it is a wrong assumption.

Now it's my turn to ask you a question.
Oh goody. I hope the fans in the outfield are wearing their mits.

Let's say someone posted an article about a terrorist attack that killed some Americans (God forbid), and then in response to that article someone said merely, "Are you surprised?" and then, without any further comment or condemnation of the terrorists, posted some statistics about deaths related to American foreign policy in the Middle East.

Thats funny, because thats exactly what many on the Left did and still do.
I believe BaBa Streisand's husband said on a radio show on 9/11: "Happy 9/11 Day"
Maybe I should haave said "Happy Vandalism Day"?
Now that you could do you ASSuming on.

Would you see that reply and think the person was not excusing the terrorist attack?

Uh no. I would not at all think that. Many on the Left basically said that exact same thing
but I don't think they were "excusing" the Sept 11 attack. They were upset the act happened
and think Bin Laden should be prosecuted.

Would you think the reply was from someone who thought the terrorists should be punished?

Well I can't speak for the entire planet, but because some on the Left thought past American foriegn
policy may have played a factor in the Sept 11th attack would by no means mean they
did not think the Sept 11 planners should not be brought to justice. Are you saying all those on the
Left that think past american foreign policy played a role in bringing about Sept 11 think the planners
of Sept 11 should not be punished? I don't think that is true at all. I think even Michael Moore, Ron Paul,
and Cindy Sheehan would condemn the Sept 11 attack and think the perpetrators should be brought to justice.

Yes, but that sentiment was noticeably lacking in your initial post.

Because as I stated earlier that was not the point I wanted to make.
You keep trying to dictate what my point "should have been" but you don't control the points I choose to make.

You're calling Henny a bigot because she didn't see you condemn the vandalism in your initial post?

No, no, no.  I am calling Henny a bigot because when Henny called/implied I was a bigot by reading my response that she disapproved of she exposed herself as a bigot.

Seems to me you're the one doing all the assuming. Or maybe you're just naive enough to think that anyone not agreeing with you is a bigot.

No that describes Henny and why I think she is a bigot.

Typing in all caps, repeating yourself, but you're not offended? Sure.

Oh so now you know when I am offended and I don't?
You know me better than I do?
You're funny.
Since when does "all caps" = offended?
Can you source that definition of "all caps" please?
I sometimes use all caps for emphasis.
Sorry I can't be pigeon-holed in writing style either.

To see anger reaching a level of stupidity? Hm. I suppose you're right. It does so frequently.

Ok finally, finally, finally. Let there be light.

Yet, I still find myself surprised that people would do this, as your initial post and the above quote seem to imply, as a response to terrorist actions. Maybe I just have too much faith that people ought to know better.

I don't recall saying anything was an absolute shock.

Ok, but it seemed your were "very surprised" but I won't play semantics right now.

I may distrust some organizations,

what does this mean at this particular junction if this conversation?

but I tend to be surprised when I see evidence of individuals doing something that seems, as in this case, not only hateful but stupid.

Honestly, I do not understand how you could be "surprised" in today's world when we see in across the board in every facet of life every single day in the news.  But I''l take your word for it.

I guess I'm just not the sort to expect that of people. I've never gotten used to it. To be quite honest, I think I do not want to get used to it. I certainly don't want to come to expect it.

All very true.

True, but not being surprised and posting numbers about terrorist attacks doesn't exactly equal a condemnation of the vandalism.

Again condemnation was not the point I chose or intended to make at that point.

That's kinda funny coming from someone who has declared Henny a bigot

ONLY, after Henny said/implied I was one.

and who decided he can tell me how I will answer his questions.

Was there more than one?
Refresh my memory.

Perhaps you should consider that you don't know enough about Henny or me to make the assumptions you're apparently making.

Remeber she called me/implied I was bigot first, so maybe Henny should follow your advice.
According to your logic, she does not know enough about me to assume I am a bigot
When she did that without knowing my intent, without knowing condemnation was not the point I was making, it became obvious
that Heny was "intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own".

Or is it okay for you to assume you know other people even though you can't read their intent or what their heart feels any better than they can read yours? Okay for thee but not for me?

Again Henny used the term bigotry towards me first, so maybe you ask Henny those questions.

I'm not pigeonholing anyone.

In my opinion yes you are because I have a point to make that is different from what you think the first response to a post should be you want to "pigeon hole" me as someone that supports vandalism against Muslims and that I condone such criminal behavior when you have no credible evidence to support such implications.

I'm also not lying

When you say "You've basically excused the vandalism" you are indeed lying or greatly mischaracterizing someone you
do not even know because that is not at all what I have done. Plus in my opinion you are lying or out of touch with reality
when you respond and basically say you would be surprised to see violence from a Klu Klux Klan member against an African American.

However, I am having doubts about whether or not you're doing any of that.

Doubting Thomas had his good points.

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 21, 2007, 08:00:33 PM »
Yes, I am surprised. I am surprised that people who might be upset about terrorism would think vandalism of a school would be an appropriate response.

And who said it was appropriate?
Just another ASSuming whats not there?

Let me ask you a question:
Would you be surpirised if you heard the KKK killed an African American?
I'll answer for you: No you would not be surprised.
So since you are not surprised does that mean you think it is justified?

I am also surprised that anyone would post "are you surprised" and some statistics in a manner that certainly appears to indicate a "can you blame them" attitude.

Another ASSumption that is completely false?

Where is an attitude of "can't blame them" except in your mind?
Where? Show it to me? You assume such. But it's not there.

I already posted I think any school vandals should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

I'm not, however, surprised that you then turned out to be indignant that anyone
would dare say such a thing about your post.

indignant? about being called a bigot by bigot. hardly
I am never surprised by what people post on message boards.

You've basically excused the vandalism,

I have said it is no surprise and to me anyone that watches the news or reads the headlines of most major
newspapers in every city in America would not be surprised to see anger reaching these levels.
(actually it's most likely going to get much worse than vandalism)
Are you saying "it's an absolute shock" this happened?
Radical Islam is kiliing and maiming people daily, so it's a "shock" that somethimg like this happens?
It is no surprise, but that does not mean it is right.

Being not surprised does not equate with support or condoning this criminal activity.

and I'm supposed to believe
I dont care what lies or misrepresentations you conjure up in your head.

you're offended
now thats funny
how could i be offended by what anyone says on this message board?
They don't know me.
They can't read what my intent or heart feels.
They can assume because they "want to believe something" they want to demonize.
But they dont know.

that someone might think you're justifying it? Yeah, now pull the other leg.

yeah keep on lying if that suits your need to fit people into whatever pigeon-hole
you believe they should be in because they have a diffrent view that you do.

3DHS / Baghdad violence has dropped about 50 percent since January
« on: September 21, 2007, 04:32:07 PM »

Iraq Violence Lowest Since 2006

Lieutenant General Ray Odierno, MNF-I #2 commander, reported that Iraq violence is at its lowest level since the February 2006 al-Askaria mosque bombing by al-Qaeda that touched off the wave of sectarian violence al-Qaeda desired. Lt. Gen. Odierno pointed to Baghdad specifically, where attacks have ?dropped about 50 percent since January, and the number of civilian casualties also has fallen.?

[source: e-mail]

3DHS / Iranian Qods Force agent captured in northern Iraq
« on: September 21, 2007, 03:41:58 PM »
Iranian Qods Force agent captured in northern Iraq
By Bill Roggio
September 20, 2007 12:48 PM

Camp Victory, Baghdad Province: The US and Iraqi Army continue to target Iran's surrogates inside Iraq. Today, US forces captured an officer of Iran's Qods Force during a raid in the northern Kurdish province of Sulimaniyah. US forces also conducted a series of raids against Mahdi Army and Special Groups cells inside Baghdad and Diwaniyah over the past 24 hours.

The Qods Force officer was identified as an Iranian citizen. Coalition forces identified the individual on the scene from a photo, so we are confident we have the guy we were looking for said Major Winfield Danielson during an inquiry with Multinational Forces Iraq. The Iranian officer's rank has not been identified at this time, said Danielson.

US Intelligence indicates the Iranian officer has been involved in transporting improvised explosive devices and explosively formed penetrators into Iraq and is involved in the infiltration and training of foreign terrorists in Iraq. Danielson indicated it was likely the officer was smuggling members of the Iranian-backed Special Groups, which has been organized along the lines of Lebanese Hezbollah.

US and Iraqi special forces conducted a series of raids against the Special Groups and the Iranian-backed rogue Mahdi Army in Baghdad and Diwaniyah. On September 19, Iraqi Special Operations Forces killed three Special Groups fighters and captured three others while targeting a Special Groups battalion commander in Baghdad.

The targeted militant extremist Special Groups battalion commander is wanted for launching rocket and improvised explosive device attacks against Iraqi and Coalition Forces, Multinational Forces Iraq reported. Intelligence indicates he is also the media representative for the Jaysh al-Madhi militia [Mahdi Army] in al Bayaa. Eleven other Special Groups weapons smugglers were captured in raids in Diwaniyah. On September 20, Iraqi Special Operations Forces captured seven "Shia insurgents" during a raid in Sadr City.

Coalition forces began targeting the Iranian networks and captured senior members of Iran's Qods Force in Baghdad in December 2006 and Irbil in January 2007. Iranian surrogates -- the Qazali and Sheibani networks, which are now collectively referred to as the Special Groups -- stepped up their attacks on Iraqi and Coalition forces in January 2007.

The Qazali network conducted sophisticated operations against US forces at the Karbala Joint Provincial Coordination Center, kidnapping and killing five US soldiers during the aborted operation. Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces have been heavily targeting these "Special Groups" and "Secret Cells" since General David Petraeus' briefing on the Qazali and Sheibani networks on April 26.

In March 2007, Coalition forces captured Qais Qazali, his brother Laith Qazali, and several other members of the Qazali network. Qazali was a spokesperson and senior aide to Muqtada al Sadr. The Qazali network was behind the Karbala Provincial Joint Command Center attack, which resulted in the kidnapping and murder of five US soldiers. Multinational Forces Iraq has stated Iran is behind the Karbala raid, and satellite imagery discovered a mock up of the Karbala complex at a camp inside Iran.

In July, US forces captured Azhar al-Dulaimi, the tactical commander behind the Karbala PJCC attack. In early September 2007, Multinational Forces Iraq announced the captured of ?a highly-sought individual suspected of being an Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Qods Force operative in Karbala.

The most significant capture occurred in the spring of 2007, when the US captured Ali Mussa Daqduq. Daqduq is a senior Hezbollah operative who was tasked by Iran to organize the Special Groups and "rogue" Mahdi Army cells along the lines of Lebanese Hezbollah. Documents seized during Daqduq's capture, along with statements made during interrogations and information given by other captured Special Groups operatives confirmed Iran's significant role in the Shia terrorist insurgency.

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 21, 2007, 03:33:44 PM »
"OK. But what about the White Power graffiti?"

what about it?
still more pigeon hole bigotry?
implying by the question that since my views dont agree with you i must be a racist?
if you are asking my opinion
i think it's dumb just like pronouncements of "Black Power"
the perpetrators should be prosecuted and punished.
it's amazing and sad some people still think race should matter
race should not be a factor, only excellence
i don't think a white should be placed as the starting running back to make a team more "balanced"
nor do I think a black should be placed as bank president so that the executive staff is more "balanced"
the deciding factor should be performance excellence.

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 21, 2007, 03:20:12 PM »
And I'm supposed to be what? Scared? Impressed? Worried? Fuck them. Do you know how many nutters there are out in the world? In this country alone?

i can not say what you should be "scared" of or "impressed" about? that is for you to decide, plus i find segents of people that would rather live in denial, the truth is not always pretty. we just have a very different opinion of the level of threat the world/the US faces from radical islam.

in my opinion there is a segement that won't be "worried/impressed" until the islamic nukes are being threatened/pointed at isreal or other western countries. they just won't. people stayed in new orleans or the gulf coast that actually could have gotten out.(i am not implying everyone could have escaped). they just didn't get it. they refused to accept reality. they did not accept or understand the threat.

there is a segment that see daily headlines of islamic bombings and mass terror and want to seemingly equate it to "other nutters" around the world pretending that any other group of "nutters" is nearly as violent and dangerous as the radical islamic threat. they want to pretend that western governments are not spending BILLIONS of dollars almost expressly on fighting the islamic terror threat. they want to pretend if you interviewed credible terror experts, cia experts, british, french, terror experts and aksed "what is by far your greatest worry and threat to your security or world peace?".....the doubter segment wants to pretend these experrts might say "oh nutter groups like David Koresh, or nutter groups like the Bask in Spain, oh an the islamic threat. pretending they are anywhere near equateable in threat level.

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 21, 2007, 02:41:27 PM »
"Let me put it another way. When you read about the Jena 6, do you go looking for statistics about blacks, post them and then say you weren't surprised about the events in that town? (Including the events leading up to the fight and charges against the boys.)"

well henny to be honest actually yes, if large groups of people appeared to be in denial that there was a serious racial problem
after an attack then yes i may point out instances of race violence as a potential cause factor to an incident. in the Jena 6 incident
I would presume most americans are keenly already aware of serious racial problems and are not surprised by violence that is race related.
we have had a long time for the race thing to sink in, with radical islam the education is still early and still ongoing.

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 21, 2007, 02:19:26 PM »
"So what you're saying CU4 is that you're not surprised that Militant Islam, which has had no real effect on the Untied States in six years and never any effect on Ohio, is spurring bigoted attacks against Muslims in that state who have nothing to do with Militant Islam?Wow, your view of the American people (or at least Ohioans) is teribly low"

you can continue to live in denial about whether the West is in a very dangerous bloody violent war with militant islam, but many people after reading legitimate daily newspapers day after day after day after day after day all over the united states and all over the world for that matter realize this fact quite well.

radical islam is attempting to carry out bloody attacks against western civilizatiion all over the world on a daily basis.

the united states is part of western cizilization.

because there has been no successful attack in six years(thanks W), does not equate that we are not in a very real war with radical islam. they in fact have tried to attack the us and us interests but have been thwarted. there are huge sums of us taxpayer dollars being spent daily to prevent them from attacking us on us soil. because there has not been a successful islamic attack on us soil does not mean the amercian people do not realize the very real danger radical islam poises to attempt attacks.

the men and women of the us military are being killed and maimed by radical islamist almost on a daily basis either in Iraq or by the followers of the 17th century "Kookiban" in Afghanistan. many of these american men and women are being killed and/or maimed by weapons supplied by the world's only islamic republic.

frequently us/western interests and us allies are threatened or attacked by radical islam

the supreme leader of radical islam just released a tape in the last few days calling for the United States to convert to Islam or else face more bombings/killings from radical islam.

the supreme leader of Iran and the President of Iran, the world's only Islamic Republic, gives regular speeches that involve chants by the crowd of "DEATH TO AMERICA".

if you think many americans and particularly many americans in ohio are not keenly aware of what radical islam has in store for western civilzation and or the united states you are sadly mistaken.

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 21, 2007, 01:05:25 PM »
If I wasn't I am now - surprised that you find this type of bigotry justified in the U.S

Well I find YOUR BIGOTRY surprising.

Can you please show me where I say it is "justified"?

Or in your own bigotry and your need to rush to pigeon hole people in conclusions do you alwasy just lie about people?

I was not surprised that cops beat the hell out of Rodney King after what he did, but it certainly was not justified.

I certainly do not condone vandalizing any school.

But does it surpise me? Absolutely not after seeing the daily horror and carnage Muslims in the name of their religion are carrying out on a daily basis all over the world unlike any other religion in todays world.

People read headlines day after day after day after day after day and they react.
Muslim School Vandalized Surpising? No
Justified: NO

3DHS / Re: Ohio Islamic School Vandalized with Nazi, 'White Power' Graffiti
« on: September 21, 2007, 11:09:16 AM »

arer you surprised?

Weekly Jihad Report
Sep. 08 - Sep. 14

Jihad Attacks: 60
Dead Bodies: 332
Critically Injured: 540

Ramadan Bombathon
2007 Body Count
How Many This Year?
(numbers as of 9/19/07)

Jihad Attacks: 74
Countries: 10
Dead Bodies: 336
Critically Injured: 376


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