It is fine with me if there is a national Civil Union law that is entirely equal to marriage. It is silly to have a situation in a highly mobile nation where people are frequently changing jobs and moving from one state to another, where they can be married in this state, have one sort of civil union in that state and be arrested for sodomy in yet another. Not being gay, this does not matter in any personal way to me, but I am all for justice and equality, and I do not think that such things are best left up to local referenda: it is obvious to me that allowing Steve and Adam to marry does not affect anyone but them and their rights. They can live together as any other married couple almost anywhere in the country, and whether there is a piece of paper somewhere that says they are married or joined in a civil union harms no one in any way and affects no one in any way more than bisexual marriages. If a church chooses not to marry a gay couple, that is there perogative, and I have no problem with including in the law that no clergyman/woman should be forced to marry anyone that he/she does not wish to marry.