Author Topic: I'm rooting for Russian President over our President! Assad is better than ISIS!  (Read 1410 times)

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Six Russian MiG-31 interceptor aircraft land in Damascus to rescue Assad regime

DEBKAfile Special Report

August 20, 2015

Russian MiG-31 interceptors

Six Russian MiG-31 Foxhound interceptor aircraft from Moscow landed Tuesday, Aug. 18, at the Mezze Airbase situated in Damascus international airport, DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose. They were followed shortly after by giant An-124 Condor transports, which delivered 1,000 Kornet-9M133 third-generation anti-tank guided missiles.

The Russian airlift of advanced weapons for Bashar Assad's army will last for several days. It betokens Moscow's intention to keep up its support for the Syrian ruler and counter by military means if necessary - any secret Iranian diplomatic machinations for terminating the Syria war and with it the Assad regime such as have been reported in the past week in Western and Arab capitals, especially in the Gulf.

Our sources report that the decision to send the Syrian ruler advanced aircraft and missiles could only have come from the top, i.e. President Vladimir Putin. It took direct aim at the latest moves made by the US, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia for ending the Syrian war. Every formula they came up with entailed Assad's exit, either in stages or at once.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made it crystal clear to visiting Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubair on Aug. 11 that Moscow would not stand still for any changes in Assad's position in Damascus. The Migs and Antonovs which landed in Damascus Tuesday were meant not only as a buttress for the Syrian ruler's regime but as a rescue operation.

The message for Washington and Ankara was that Moscow would oppose any US and Turkish plans to establish a no-fly zone over Syria, or intervene directly in the Syrian conflict.

The Russians sent exactly six MiG interceptors to match the six F-16 fighters the US deployed at the Turkish Incerlik air base on Aug. 9.
So if President Barack Obama decides to deploy more American planes at the Turkish base, he may expect Putin to reciprocate with the same number for Damascus.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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It is not like President Obama favors Isis.

Putin fears Muslim fundamentalists more because Russia has lots of Muslims, and Putin wants a Mediterranean base in Syria.

Assad is still a brutal dictator.

There would have been no revolt in Syria is Juniorbush had not mongered the Iraq War.
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See Libya.....President Putin fears another Obama Libya type disaster in Syria where bad is traded for worse.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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A disaster in Libya reduces the amount of oil on the market, which would tend to raise prices. So that would benefit Russia, whose main export of oil. Libyan crude oil is of a higher quality than Russian crude oil. Syria is not an oil exporter, and its benefit to the Russians is the seaport area around Latakia.

Putin is only doing what he thinks would benefit Russia. No country is benefited by an Isis victory. Isis is a threat to the Saudi royal family, seen as corrupt. They are the protectors of Mecca and other pilgrimage sites. Any Islamic state would have to include Mecca and Saudi Arabia.

The US, as Israel's most important ally, can never hope to have a pro-American government in Syria, no matter who runs the US. No pro-American government in Syria is possible because of the attitude of Syrians toward Israel.  Blaming Obama for not being able to install a Pro-American government in Syria is like blaming him for not creating a heard of unicorns. Syria has lost a chunk of territory to Israel, the Golan Heights, and will not give it back. No Syrian favors Israel holding Syrian territory.
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A disaster in Libya reduces the amount of oil on the market, which would tend to raise prices. So that would benefit Russia, whose main export of oil.

Putin obviously did not care about how oil pricing increases due to Libya being destabilized by Obama,
because Russia was opposed to the insane move by Obama to facilitate the removal of Muammar Gaddafi
because he knew chaos would ensue....and it has....besides the suffering Obama has caused the Libyan people
destabilization resulted in a US Ambassador being murdered for the first time in decades.

Blaming Obama for not being able to install a Pro-American government in Syria is like blaming him for not creating a heard of unicorns.

Who is blaming Obama for not installing Pro-American regime in Syria?
By trying to get rid of Assad, Obama has made the situation in Syria worse and ISIS now controls much of the country.
Obama has made Iraq worse, Egypt worse, Libya much worse, and Syria much worse....
and Putin clearly understands this and knows what a doofus Obama is.
I wish Putin was our least he looks out for his country's interests & isn't guided by some nutty colonial guilt.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 04:14:07 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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The reason Obama, along with the EC countries helped depose Qaddaffi was because he was likely to bomb his own people. He was already unable to control the country. Syria became unstable because the US invasion of Iraq and the lawlessness along the rather porous border with Syria  provided weapons to the Syrian rebels. Assad is a tyrant, and all the US did was try to convince him with jawboning. This was the proper thing to do. Had Assad stepped down at that point, before Isis was formed, things would have gone well. The fact that Assad did not step down was hardly Obama's fault, Whether things are worse in Libya than they would have been with Qaddaffi around is entirely speculative. You just shoot off your mouth because you hate Obama. 

Mubarak was sick and old and was likely to leave anyway. The power of the Muslim Brotherhood was greater than anyone thought, the stupidity of the Brotherhood was also greater than anyone thought, and the reaction of the Egyptian military against it was also  greater than anyone thought. Obama is not responsible for Egyptian politics. Egyptians are.

The US has spent billions trying to provoke problems between Ukraine and Russia. I consider this to have been unwise. Putin wants some sort of revenge for US meddling in what Putin and most Russians think has always been Russian turf, ie the Ukraine and Crimea.
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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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There is no way the Syrian Civil War is President Obama's fault.
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There is no way the Syrian Civil War is President Obama's fault.

Nobody is claiming that.
But Obama should have kept his big mouth shut about Syria.
Obama has been calling for the overthrow of President Assad.
But Obama had no idea who might replace Assad.
Just like in Libya....Obama is for the overthrow, but then it ends up worse.
Obama has sent supplies and weapons to the rebels trying to overthrow Assad.
But who was going to take over?
Assad has been weakened to the point where he controls less than half the country.
Obama is a big part of an effort that has created a nightmare in Syria.
Obama has help create a power vacuum that many are concerned could be filled by ISIS.
ISIS controls large parts of Syria.
If Assad flees and is replaced by ISIS Obama will have been part of the disaster.

Syria in ruins:

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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How did telling Assad to resign change anything? Assad did not resign.  Isis did not create itself  because of anything Presodrnt Obama did or said. It was simply a statement that the US favors self-determination of people in the Middle East as everywhere else.Obama sent no supplies to Isis. 

You do not actually know what all was done by the US government in Syria.And yet you complain.
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"An investigation by the arms control organization Conflict Armament Research has found that various U.S. supplied weapons have wound up in the hands of ISIS"
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Well, of course they did. The US left tons of arms with the Iraqi Army and the Iraqi Army ran away or took off their uniforms and vanished into the population.

The US did not deliberately donate weapons to Isis. I bet Isis has Russian weapons and French weapons as well.

Putin has a clear objective in Syria: he wants a base for Russian ships. They do not want fanatical Muslims running Iraq, the Russians have had enough of Muslim fanatics in Chechnya and other parts of the Russian Federation.

The US wants a Syria that will be an ally of Iraq, but not of Iran and will not pose a threat to Israel.
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