
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Lanya on October 25, 2006, 04:55:16 PM

Title: Who do you have to sleep with ....
Post by: Lanya on October 25, 2006, 04:55:16 PM
Who do you have to sleep with to not get a top rating from the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family?

Apparently philandering and being accused of beating (and strangling) your mistress isn't enough to get the political arms of the religious right's Family Research Council and Focus on the Family to drop you as a favored candidate.

FRC Action and Focus on the Family Action have given rave reviews - an 85% positive rating - in their latest "Voter Scorecard" to Rep. Don Sherwood (R-PA), who not only admitted recently to having a five year affair with a woman not his wife (five years folks, this wasn't just a one-time indiscretion), but what's more, Sherwood's mistress has accused him of beating her for five years and frantically called 911 claiming Sherwood had just attempted to strangle her in the midst of one of their romantic trysts in his DC love pad.

The list of issues the FRC and FoF looked at in deciding who was a good "pro-family" member of Congress were: abortion; gay marriage; the pledge of allegiance; stem cell research; abortion again; defunding the ACLU; and gay marriage yet again.
Title: Re: Who do you have to sleep with ....
Post by: _JS on October 25, 2006, 04:59:19 PM
Five years shows commitment though. Perhaps bigamy is not a big deal when deciding whether a politician is "pro-family." Maybe he is "pro-families."

What the hell does the pledge of allegiance have to do with being a family man (or woman) anyway?
Title: Re: Who do you have to sleep with ....
Post by: Lanya on October 25, 2006, 05:04:24 PM
It's code for "I think like you do and if you vote for me I'll make everything illegal that you don't like and leave the legal stuff alone.  Look at all the porn you want and have heterosexual affairs, that's ok.  God bless you." 

(I am guessing here.)