<<Are you saying the Persian culture ---old as it is and having had more experiences of living together in units of family or tribe is somehow NOT as EVIL compared to the Anglo Saxon culture?>>
No, really, I was just thinking of ways in which the same words or conduct would be perceived differently depending on whether they were displayed in the one culture or the other. plane asked if I thought a Persian audience would be more or less civilized than a Pat Robertson audience, and I actually wanted to pass on deciding which audience would be more civilized. The Persians obviously had a head start, but that's not to say that a later-coming civilization couldn't make faster progress, catch up and surpass the older one. I just did not know, so I didn't feel I had the right or the knowledge to decide.
I think both cultures have enormous capacities for evil - - you can just look at the tortures in the Persian prison system, especially under the Shah and now too in the Islamic Republic. Teenage homosexuals publicly hanged from cranes. Jeeziz. But you can look at the slave trade, slavery, lynch mobs and the killing of millions of Vietnamese, the tortures of Operation Phoenix in Viet Nam, etc. in America. Iran hasn't invaded anyone in over two hundred years, the U.S. seems to average an invasion every two or three years.
I think the extent to which a culture leaves cruelty and violence behind is one measure of civilization, obviously, but there are other measures - - the advancement of knowledge, of the arts, of manners (in France, almost everyone is addressed as Sir or Madam, particularly strangers, here it's a special sign of good upbringing if the practice is followed) and even in forms of speech. Civilization is just a lengthy build-up of days and months and years lived as a culture. What happened, what's to show for it?