Author Topic: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.  (Read 4558 times)

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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2012, 01:25:23 AM »
Many of the countries that millions of immigrants come from have "free" medical care.
But they risk life and limb to get where there isn't so called "free healthcare"
Most people can and should pay for their own healthcare.
Gvt healthcare rationing a/k.a. ObamaCare is poor medical care.

That is not true. Immigrants mostly come from Latin America. Only Costa Rica has any sort of universal medical care, and Costa Rican immigrants are very rare.

Other countries are China, the Philippines and Korea. OnLY S. Korea has a national medical care plan and it is still in the process of development.

The ACA, "Obamacare" does not even exist yet: the program does not start until 2014.

And yes, it will start, because Romney is NOT going to be elected.
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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2012, 01:40:34 AM »
Mitt's 47% figure is not accurate. about 10.6% who do not pay taxes are elderly SS recipients. The first $25K of SS earnings are tax exempt. If one's house is paid for, one can live pretty well on $25K.

There are also combat troops, the blind, the crippled, the insane and half of the 47% are working poor who do pay SS and Medicare.

When a presidential candidate says "these people think of themselves as victims and it is not my job to concern myself with them" it is indeed probably accurate. But we certainly do not need some tycoon who thinks that he has no concern for nearly half of the population. Mutt should go screw himself.

Actually, I would say that he actually did so with what he revealed about himself in this video.

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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2012, 02:35:13 AM »
You do realize the video was edited and David Corn at MotherJones was forced to admit it. What is incidentally notable is that Jimmy Carter the 4th is the one who fed the story to David Corn.

And yes some of the 47% of those who pay no taxes are not required to pay them because of earnings or exceptions or source of the income. That's fine.

But riddle me this.

When you are on your deathbed, do you want a doctor from the public health center treating you or would you rather have a man who has a proven record of success with resurrecting sick patients and assembling teams from that 53% who are subject to classist derision.

Be honest. When the chips are down, who you gonna call. Dr. Feelgood or a seasoned surgeon.


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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2012, 04:21:31 AM »
"At a private gathering, Romney told donors that Obama had a lock on the 47 percent of voters "who pay no income tax" and "believe the government has a responsibility to care for them." This was deeply offensive to people who pay no income tax and believe the government has a responsibility to care for them.

The only people shocked by Romney's statement of fact are those who would never vote Republican under any circumstances. Everyone else is saying, 'Is it really as high as 47 percent?'"
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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2012, 09:09:58 AM »
When you are on your deathbed, do you want a doctor from the public health center treating you or would you rather have a man who has a proven record of success with resurrecting sick patients and assembling teams from that 53% who are subject to classist derision.

When you are on your deathbed, it makes no difference: you are dead either way.

You ignore the third choice: you have NO doctor, because you cannot afford your "man with proven success".

Note that there are many countries where they have universal healthcare and people outlive us

It does not matter that the recording was edited: Mitt said what he believes: he does not give a shit about anyone who he doesn't think he can con into voting for his sorry tycoon ass.
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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2012, 10:55:27 AM »
It does not matter that the recording was edited.

Boy....that's going to come back to bite you. 
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2012, 12:48:16 PM »
You cannot put raw footage online, because there are snaps and pops and coughs and all sort of visual and audio distractions. Every millimeter of recorded footage you see on any TV station is edited. Anyone who knows anything about video knows this.

Rawmoney himself admitted that the true gist of his statements were accurate.
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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2012, 02:56:55 PM »
When you are on your deathbed, do you want a doctor from the public health center treating you or would you rather have a man who has a proven record of success with resurrecting sick patients and assembling teams from that 53% who are subject to classist derision.

When you are on your deathbed, it makes no difference: you are dead either way.

You ignore the third choice: you have NO doctor, because you cannot afford your "man with proven success".

Note that there are many countries where they have universal healthcare and people outlive us

It does not matter that the recording was edited: Mitt said what he believes: he does not give a shit about anyone who he doesn't think he can con into voting for his sorry tycoon ass.

This wins the total dodge award for the thread.


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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2012, 03:40:45 PM »
I have dodged NOTHING.

Romney is an unfeeling tycoon and a jerk , and has admitted his unfitness for the presidency.
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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2012, 04:28:17 PM »
How did he admit his unfitness?


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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2012, 06:14:44 PM »
A president should wish to be the president of ALL the people. Romney believes that his only obligation is to those who vote for him. He is a true elitist. In addition, he has all the charisma of a wet dishrag, has revealed that he wants to enlarge the military, which always results in more, not fewer wars, and will allow that asshole Netanyahu to pursue his evil land and water grab fr as long as he is president.

In my book, he is at least as unqualified as Bob Dole and for many of the same reasons: he has sold out, he is an unpleasant man with no understanding of most of the people of this country, and will allow the oligarchy to grab off an even larger share of the wealth of this nation to the detriment of all the rest of us.

That said, he is still better than Cain, Santorem, Paul, Perry and the Newtster. A worse assemblage of louts has never vied for a nomination.
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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2012, 07:33:40 PM »

Truth is the Ultimate Gaffe

By Daniel Greenfield  Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gaffe, a word that temporarily came to be associated with political misstatements, has returned to its origins as a social faux pas, such as saying something at a dinner party that everyone knows to be true, but that know mustn?t be said out loud.

The media is still doing its best to pretend that a gaffe is a mistake, when they are actually using it to mean the telling of inconvenient truths. Obama?s reign of error is a constellation of inconvenient truths, economic, security and legal, that cannot be discussed in public. The telling of these inconvenient truths has been met with cries of racism, no matter how little they have to do with race. Now they are being met with cries of ?Gaffe, Gaffe?, when Romney brings them up.

Did Obama skip presidential intelligence briefings on the most serious national security threats for a week before September 11? Did the Benghazi consulate lack basic security in a city where Islamist militias were running rampant and attacks on foreign diplomats had already taken place? Was the entire situation a result of an illegal war fought by Obama under false pretenses that armed Islamist militias and set them loose to persecute Libyan Sufis and seize half of Mali? Did Obama sleep through the beginning of the largest wave of attacks on America during his term while partying in Vegas?

Such inconvenient truths can only be met by accusing their teller of committing the horrible gaffe of politicizing the formerly apolitical and bipartisan arena of unilateral wars and the violence arising from them?an area that the Democrats decided was off-limits ever since they stopped criticizing such wars and began fighting them four years ago.

Has the Israeli-Palestinian peace process dragged on for twenty years without a single gleam of hope? The official position is that the Israelis, who brought in Arafat from the cold, gave him a state and pleaded with him to make a deal, are to blame. The inconvenient truth is that Arafat and his cronies never stopped the terror because it was the only thing they knew how to do and it was the only reason that anyone gave them the time of day. And the inconvenient truth is another gaffe.

In a state of national and international disaster, the worst possible gaffe is telling the truth about the state of affairs we are in. These gaffes disturb the party-goers signing up to work for non-profits and watching cheerful reports about the Arab Spring and the economic recovery while the ship sinks around them. And the party men and women react to it with the outraged demeanor of spoiled children.

A gaffe occurs when Mitt Romney talks about a real problem. It?s the real part, more than anything else, that is the problem. Reality has no place in the hysterical media feed from an imaginary world as unreal as anything that Communist apparatchiks or Nazi propagandists were broadcasting to their people in the dying days of their regimes.

Consume enough media and you come to understand that the people manufacturing it are not only hacks, they?re clueless hacks, who like their master in the White House, have absolutely no idea how to solve any of the country?s problems and no interest whatsoever in even bothering to try. They are mechanical men marching to an ideological beat and have no more interest in reality than do the denizens of a mental ward.

Los Angeles bans plastic bags to save the planet based on the appeal of a sitcom actress. New York?s Attorney General decriminalizes drugs while cracking down on prescription drug abuse with a statewide database. His rationale for this is that heroin is abused by poor minorities while painkillers are abused by rich white people. The Alabama ACLU sues the penal system for not allowing HIV inmates to work in the prison kitchen.

The left has long ago passed the point where they can be parodied. Any lunatic thing that you can imagine, they have already done or are planning to do. And compared to them the Soviet Union looks like a picture of credible management since its commissars reined in much of the insanity early on and at least made the occasional effort at applying their ideology to actual problems.

Our version of the Soviet Union is a ceaseless application of ideology whose only purpose is its application. There is no purpose to any of the three pieces of insanity listed above except the grad school exercise of a senseless ideological program chasing its own tail. Unlike the Soviet Union, there is no goal beyond the application of increasingly stifling programs of ideological conformity. There is no purpose except for the smug left to get even smugger at the expense of everyone else.

Men and women who are this ruined as policymakers, journalists and human beings are in no shape for an encounter with reality. When you?re crusading to ban plastic bags and include Islamist killers in the progressive camp, when your goal is to fight a truly progressive war on drugs and defend the rights of prisoners to unwillingly contract HIV from their servers, then reality is a foreign enemy to be fought tooth and nail.

The consensus of the last four years has been that we won?t discuss reality and in exchange we lose all our legal rights. It?s not exactly a great bargain, but the media which brokered it on our behalf, has done its best to dress it up as well as it can. Our economy is on its last legs, our national security is shot and the only reason we?re still running is that the country still has reserves of wealth that haven?t been plundered and the dregs of a counter-terror policy that carried over to these four years.

Mentioning any of this is another gaffe, another cold blast of reality blowing through rooms heated to Hawaiian standard temperatures. And the people in those rooms are as threatened by reality gaffes as schizophrenics are by the gnawing sense that the world outside is a very different place than the one in their skulls. And they react to it in the same way, with fear, hate and barely restrained violence.

It?s not just Muslims who react with hysterical violence when the power of their delusion is undermined by an outside world that cares nothing for the status of a 7th Century pedophile warlord, not any different than his ilk cluttering up Afghanistan today. The left?s response to anything that lowers the status of their prophet, stops just short of torching fried chicken places, especially if those places are also against gay marriage.

The streams of reporters gritting their teeth at the sight of Romney, a man whom, like McCain, they would have had no objection to if not for his temerity in insulting the Prophet Ibn Hussein, don?t quite explode into violence. Instead they angrily denounce the faux pas all of that talk about real world economics and foreign policy is. Gaffes are what they call that kind of talk. And no one at a party likes a gaffe.

During the Bush years, the media complained that the party circuit had died. It?s come roaring back in the age of Obama and no one is willing to give it up. The media is an extension of the party, not just the cocktail parties, but the party behind the party, the one that believes in revolution for the sake of revolution, and that turned a grunt community organizer into a senator and then the man on top.

All that power and madness crammed into ballrooms, chocking on canapes, stumbling past endless rows of champagne bottles through mirrored rooms, dim lighting and sweating waiters is not ready for a meeting with reality. And when that stiff refugee from the fifties corners them and starts talking about economics, about foreign policy, they push him away and cry, ?Gaffe, Gaffe.?

The gaffe is that the emperor is naked. The gaffe is that the smartest man in America, the technocrat in chief, stumbles onto the Letterman set, which looks almost as fake as he does, and can?t even name the size of the national debt. And who cares anyway except that it?s big and getting bigger. No one is supposed to even bring that up, harsh the mellow and bring the party down. That?s another gaffe right there.

The gaffe is that the same people who are running the country into the ground are also showing up every night on the news and every day on the sites to lie through their teeth about it. The difference between liberal media and liberal politicians has become a technical formality that mostly has to do with who signs their checks. The gaffe is that no one is allowed to remind the sweating throngs of the government-media complex that, while they party, the arrow has moved closer to midnight.

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. But that?s a myth. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is a walking hate crime. In the kingdom of the blind, sight is a crime and mentioning what you see is a gaffe. In a kingdom where the king doesn?t know how much he owes and doesn?t want to know, mentioning the amount is a gaffe. Showing the king and his advisers up as fools and knaves is an even bigger gaffe. And when the king decides to parade around in his invisible clothes?mentioning that he?s naked is the biggest gaffe of them all.
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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2012, 09:14:39 PM »
You cannot put raw footage online

Of course you can

because there are snaps and pops and coughs and all sort of visual and audio distractions.

Then what you do, IF THE GOAL IS TO BE OBJECTIVE, is provide a DISCLAIMER, RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING, that this is an edited tape.  Simple as that

Every millimeter of recorded footage you see on any TV station is edited.'s edited to frame the footage to form a certain POV that the editor wishes to convey.  Anyone who knows anything about video knows this.

Rawmoney himself admitted that the true gist of his statements were accurate.

Yes, that 47% DON'T PAY ANY INCOME TAXES.  If we want the complete "gist", we'd need to see the entire footage of video, not what the editor wanted us to see     ::)
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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2012, 09:42:16 PM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Romney video on the 47%. The real Romney revealed, at long last.
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2012, 10:48:07 PM »
No one posts disclaimers that TV tapes are edited. I have never seen such a disclaimer and neither have you.

Romney's elitist tycoon attitude is crystal clear on this tape. It is just like all the other similar crap that he has oozed since the primaries began.

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