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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2015, 03:38:00 PM »
Speaking of imbeciles, who claimed or even implied we currently have open borders??
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2015, 05:11:18 PM »
  One of the problems with the way we are maintaining our border right now is that the patrol is in depth.

   You can get stopped at a roadblock fifty miles from the border and need to present ID.

   This is troublesome to people who live there and might get stopped like that several times a week.

    If the fence worked better , this might be less needed.


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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2015, 05:28:33 PM »
Anger issues?
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2015, 07:52:08 PM »
Speaking of imbeciles, who claimed or even implied we currently have open borders??

That would be YOU: This is what you said:

So, the Dems have a choice.....they can have open borders or they can have a welfare state.  They can't have both
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2015, 08:46:51 PM »
Such a sad state, when a language professor can't grasp simple English language & context.   ::)   We HAD open borders & immigration back in the late 1700's & into the 1800's.  Then I CLEARLY stated Back when we passed the 14th, we had open borders & open immigration.  But something changed in this country....that being the emergence of the welfare state.

In other words, we adopted a Welfare state.  But apparently the left wants both, in which I also made it clear that its not fiscally sustainable.  We haven't had open borders for a LONG imbecile
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2015, 12:35:41 PM »
YOU claim that the Democrats want "open borders". That is what you said. They do not, you are the imbecile.

No Democrats has proposed that border controls be relaxed. Fewer illegals are entering now than when Juniorbush was in power, yet the idiot Republican'ts say they don't want to do anything about immigration until the government "regains control of the borders', although there are tighter restrictions now than ever before.

The actual situation is this: some Republicans want  illegals to stay in the country and continue being illegal, because they are more docile and they are forced to accept less money. The management of the Republican Party uses the illegal alien issue to incense the ignorant nativists to think that the illegals are taking their jobs, are keeping wages low and are all on welfare. This is the cryto fascist know nothing bunch that Trump and others are catering to. The leaders of the GOP, the National Chamber of Commerce and Cato Crew, use the ignorant nativists to get elected. Other ignorant groups are the forced birthers, the religious nuts who think there is a war on Christians, the  Climate Change Deniers, the Confederate Flag Fanatics, the Exceptionalists and the remnants of the Klan. That is the Republican't Coalition. And it is shrinking, shrinking, shrinking.
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2015, 03:02:40 PM »
EVERYTIME the notion that our border needs to be better secured, the Dems go apoplectic, as in they want the most relaxed means to enter, as possible.  The more that cross illegally, the better.  Until the Dems demonstrate a will to want to better control the flow of who does and doesn't enter illegally, makes any concept of "comprehensive immigration reform" moot, as they have no intention of enforcing anything, if they can't even enforce the simplest of laws, that of entering our country.  And sorry, the facts are more illegals are entering this country, than ever before.  Less Mexicans, but far more of everyone else, led by Central Americans.  Not to mention how THIS administration decided to change the parameters of how we designate deported vs not.

Bottom line in refuting your rant, is that the "GOP" that might support illegal immigration, or to keep illegal immigrants here, is fraction of a fraction.  While the vast majority of the Democrats embrace the idea of illegal immigration, especially those in political power.  The more poor that they can import, the more need for Government services.....and which party is the one that pushes for MORE Government services again, AT TAX PAYER EXPENSE?
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2015, 03:54:41 PM »
There is no reason to stall on extending the possibility of legal residency to people already here who have been here for a decade and have American-born children. This is entirely unrelated to making it harder to enter.

It is NOT easy to get into the US. Most illegals have to pay $1500 or more.  They come across in trucks, hidden among merchandise. There are tunnels and people with ladders.

The fact is that some Republicans, especially those in meatpacking, construction, hotels and agriculture like to have workers who are afraid to complain about dangerous jobs and crappy wages.

Others are simply suckers who were whipped into a frenzy because they are ignorant jerks.
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2015, 05:54:57 PM »
The FACT is that a vast majority of Democrats in power want ILLEGAL immigration despite the poverty that's imported, and the jobs taken away from LEGAL Americans & immigrants, stagnating wages in the process, all the while ending up with vastly more people in need of Government services.....AT TAX PAYERS EXPENSE

Until the border is more secure, which would demonstrate Democrats willing to enforce existing laws, they have no credibility what-so-ever in any claims they'd be willing to enforce new laws
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2015, 07:32:33 PM »
Recently I've been thinking for asians mainly we need more immigrants legal or otherwise. Im noticing we dont really multiply very well bere in the U.S. The thing about not having kids till we can afford is really screwing us up big time


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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2015, 08:44:19 PM »
Another good reason to fix the system, vs maintaining a system that encourages illegal activity. ... even rewards the illegal act
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #26 on: September 01, 2015, 11:34:37 AM »
You cannot cause the number of illegals to fall to zero. Not even the East German Volkpolitzei could do that, and they had a quarter of the country spying on the rest and shot people trying to get over the wall on sight.

Now we have this pathetic bunch of imbeciles crying "MISTER PRESIDENT, BUILD UP THIS WALL!" And they claim to actually believe it will work. But it is only useful as a propaganda tool, not as any real deterrent.

What happens is that it only raises the price to cross the border, to get smuggled across in a tunnel or a container truck. When the price to get in goes from $1500 to $5000 what really happens?  The illegals that are already in the country do not go home, because they will not have the money to return. Those with the crappy low paying jobs that sirs will not do, slaughtering chickens, picking lettuce, tarring roofs, they are the ones that will not go back.The rich ones who sell drugs, well, they have more money and will come and go at will.

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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2015, 01:19:18 PM »
Why oh why oh why do you keep pushing hyperbolic extremes that no one either expects or advocates.  OF COURSE WE'RE NOT GOING TO STOP ALL ILLEGAL BORDER CROSSINGS.  The effort is to greatly decrease it.  That starts with ENFORCING OUR CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS.  A Physical fence with greatly help with that as well

This isn't about deporting who's here.....this starts with putting an end to the flood, bringing it down to a managable trickle.  And anyone that "comes and goes at will" demonstrates precisely how porous our border currently is.  This isn't rocket science, no matter how often you try to argue science faction
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2015, 04:30:32 PM »
What is a "manageable trickle" for you? 

As I said, the Republicans who want cheap labor want them here and want them undocumented and vulnerable to threats. Somebody complains that they are being poisoned with insecticides in the fields or that the chicken cutting machinery in a slaughterhouse is too dangerous to use, someone talking union and the Boss Man, he calls La Migra and within a day the guy is arrested and on his way back home. THAT is what the Republicans want, and no trickle will ever be small enough to negotiate residency. 

You are so fucking DENSE it is truly pathetic.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 04:35:37 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: Whats the status on us god damn foreigners?
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2015, 04:38:28 PM »
What is a "manageable trickle" for you?  

A reduction of 40-50% would be a good start, and we work from there

As I said, the Republicans who want cheap labor want them here and want them undocumented and vulnerable to threats

Which as I said is a fraction of a fraction of Republicans in power.  While the vast majority of Democrats in power WANT illegal immigration, because of the perpetual power cycle they believe it gives them. 

News flash.....the vast majority of Conservatives & Republicans, support LEGAL immigration.  They also support immigration reform.  What they don't support or believe is the Democrats' word in that they'd actually enforce anything passed, that functions as anything enforcement
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle