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The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« on: October 21, 2008, 05:15:25 PM »


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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2008, 05:50:25 PM »
Wow , I never thought of a connection with John Wayne Gacy.

But the connection is the scale of the crime , if no more than that I think it is true.

That bomb did go off and did kill some people , but even though they were definately killed by a bomb and one of the bomb builders has confessed, there will be no punishment , because the prosicutors fouled up the evidence.

I suppose that when Ayers looks upon the fate of Timothy McVeigh , he can say "There but for a lack of competance go I"


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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2008, 06:07:03 PM »
Ayers did not say he wished he had killed more people. He said he wished he had set off more bombs. Setting off bombs and killing people are entirely different things. He most likely just said what he said to annoy the establishment. We know that he is no longer into setting off bombs anywhere, because he has not set any off.

When I was in junior high, I must have set off dozens of rockets and bombs, just to watch them go foosh! and boom! My hero was Charles Goddard, the rocketman.

Obama had zero to do with Ayers' plans. Being as the Weather Underground was a group of rock music loving anarchist potheads, it is likely that Ayers knew nothing of any attempt on Ft. Dix.

Ayers may vote for the Socialist Workers Party, not that it matters. I hardly think the buffoons that put together this miserable piece of stupid propaganda actually know who Ayers will vote for.

Electing John McCain will not put Ayers in prison, or force him to repent, or even remove him from his job.

Voting for Obama will not demonstrate to anyone that the voter is against Ayers and his former crew of totally incompetent terrorists.

It will pretty much indicate that one is a rather gullible moron, though.

Do we want a president who thinks foreign wars of adventure are justifiable and something we need more of wo has a tendency to fly off the handle, or do we want a president who does not want more wars who can really keep his cool?
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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2008, 07:53:51 PM »
Ayers did not say he wished he had killed more people. He said he wished he had set off more bombs. Setting off bombs and killing people are entirely different things. He most likely just said what he said to annoy the establishment. We know that he is no longer into setting off bombs anywhere, because he has not set any off.

When I was in junior high, I must have set off dozens of rockets and bombs, just to watch them go foosh! and boom! My hero was Charles Goddard, the rocketman.

Ever pack a big one with nails and enter a conspiracy to leave it lit at a dance?

Ah boys will be boys.


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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2008, 08:02:31 PM »
Ever pack a big one with nails and enter a conspiracy to leave it lit at a dance?

There is no fun in that. The one they were "planning" to set off at Ft Dix was never actually completed, by the way.
To be accused of a crime, you have to do more than just talk about it. The most they can get you for talking is a conspiracy charge.

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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2008, 08:05:30 PM »
Ever pack a big one with nails and enter a conspiracy to leave it lit at a dance?

There is no fun in that. The one they were "planning" to set off at Ft Dix was never actually completed, by the way.
To be accused of a crime, you have to do more than just talk about it. The most they can get you for talking is a conspiracy charge.

They don't bother to charge you at all if your bomb demolishes the house you are in and kills you and everyone elese in the house.


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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2008, 08:42:38 PM »
They don't bother to charge you at all if your bomb demolishes the house you are in and kills you and everyone elese in the house.

It has always been difficult to prosecute the deceased.

There are never any people prosecuted for a successful suicide, despite it being illegal.

This is the main advantage, as well as the main disadvantage of a suicide bomber.

There was once a Roman Catholic Pope they dug up after he was dead, and tried for heresy, and then hung and hacked to pieces.
I have heard that he never practiced any more heresy.
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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2008, 12:48:15 AM »
They don't bother to charge you at all if your bomb demolishes the house you are in and kills you and everyone elese in the house.

It has always been difficult to prosecute the deceased.

There are never any people prosecuted for a successful suicide, despite it being illegal.

This is the main advantage, as well as the main disadvantage of a suicide bomber.

There was once a Roman Catholic Pope they dug up after he was dead, and tried for heresy, and then hung and hacked to pieces.
I have heard that he never practiced any more heresy.

There was a potential to prosicute the survivors , includeing Bill Ayers , but now that his prosicution has been bungled he can freely confess his guilt and remain free as a bird.


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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2008, 09:32:18 AM »
There was a potential to prosicute the survivors , includeing Bill Ayers , but now that his prosicution has been bungled he can freely confess his guilt and remain free as a bird.

The guy who was supposed to track down Ayers has said that they should just leave the whole thing alone.

Ayers is no threat to anyone. When the government screws up, that is what yoiu get. You should be angry with the FBI and the cops about this, not with Ayers.

A year ago no one gave even the most fleeting of thoughts to Ayers and how he beat the rap.
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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2008, 06:52:42 PM »
There was a potential to prosicute the survivors , includeing Bill Ayers , but now that his prosicution has been bungled he can freely confess his guilt and remain free as a bird.

The guy who was supposed to track down Ayers has said that they should just leave the whole thing alone.

Ayers is no threat to anyone. When the government screws up, that is what yoiu get. You should be angry with the FBI and the cops about this, not with Ayers.

A year ago no one gave even the most fleeting of thoughts to Ayers and how he beat the rap.

No he is smaller scale than OJ Simpson , but like OJ when the courts failed to make justice apparent we tolerated his freedom to preserve the flawed law because flawed law is better than no law.

Ayers is a very bad example to hold up as a role model , when someone who thinks you would be a good target emulates Ayers methods you might think diffrently.

Thinking of it , someone who thinks Ayers is a goodtarget ought not emulate Ayers either.


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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2008, 07:30:07 PM »
No he is smaller scale than OJ Simpson , but like OJ when the courts failed to make justice apparent we tolerated his freedom to preserve the flawed law because flawed law is better than no law.

Someone who blew up statues is a smaller fry than a guy who murdered his wife and her boyfriend?

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Re: The shocking video McCain should run 24/7!
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2008, 07:48:50 PM »
No he is smaller scale than OJ Simpson , but like OJ when the courts failed to make justice apparent we tolerated his freedom to preserve the flawed law because flawed law is better than no law.

Someone who blew up statues is a smaller fry than a guy who murdered his wife and her boyfriend?

Someone who blew up half of his own gang you mean?

I don't understand your minimiseing his wrongdoing .