Author Topic: Putin accuses US of provoking conflict in Georgia, possibly for the election  (Read 13998 times)

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Putin blames US for Georgia role

BBC Link

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has accused the US of provoking the conflict in Georgia, possibly for domestic election purposes.

Mr Putin told CNN US citizens were "in the area" during the conflict over South Ossetia and were "taking direct orders from their leaders".

He said his defence officials had told him the provocation was to benefit one of the US presidential candidates.

The White House dismissed the allegations as "not rational".

Georgia tried to retake the Russian-backed separatist region of South Ossetia this month by force after a series of clashes.

Russian forces subsequently launched a counter-attack and the conflict ended with the ejection of Georgian troops from both South Ossetia and another rebel region, Abkhazia, and an EU-brokered ceasefire.

Diplomatic wrangling

Mr Putin said in the interview: "The fact is that US citizens were indeed in the area in conflict during the hostilities.

"It should be admitted that they would do so only following direct orders from their leaders."

Mr Putin added: "The American side in effect armed and trained the Georgian army.

"Why... seek a difficult compromise solution in the peacekeeping process? It is easier to arm one of the sides and provoke it into killing another side. And the job is done.

"The suspicion arises that someone in the United States especially created this conflict with the aim of making the situation more tense and creating a competitive advantage for one of the candidates fighting for the post of US president."

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino rejected the allegation.

"To suggest that the United States orchestrated this on behalf of a political candidate - it sounds not rational," she said.

"Those claims first and foremost are patently false, but it also sounds like his defence officials who said they believed this to be true are giving him really bad advice."

Diplomatic wrangling over Russia's actions in Georgia continued on Thursday with the Georgian parliament urging its government to cut diplomatic ties with Moscow.

Earlier, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner suggested some EU countries were considering sanctions against Russia.

Mr Kouchner insisted France had made no proposals for sanctions itself but, as current president of the EU, would aim to get consensus among all 27 countries of the bloc if sanctions were envisaged.

France has called an emergency EU summit on Monday to reassess relations with Russia.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described talk of sanctions as the working of "a sick imagination".

Such talk was an emotional response that demonstrated Western confusion over the situation, he said.

The US has said it is now considering scrapping a US-Russia civilian nuclear co-operation pact in response to the conflict.

"I don't think there's anything to announce yet, but I know that that is under discussion," Mr Perino said.

The White House has also announced that up to $5.75m (£3.1m) will be freed to help Georgia meet "unexpected and urgent refugee and migration needs".

Rocket test

Earlier on Thursday Russia failed to get strong backing from its Asian allies over the Georgia conflict.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), comprising Russia, China and Central Asian nations, met in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, and spoke of its deep concern.

The group did not follow Russia in recognising the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev insisted he had the backing of the nations over Moscow's actions.

Amid the rising tension, Russia announced on Thursday it had successfully tested its long-range Topol ballistic missile from a launch site in Kamchatka in the far east of the country.

Russia says the rocket is capable of penetrating the proposed US missile defence.

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Didn't realize Putin was an Obama supporter.  Who'd a thunk it      ;)
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Michael Tee

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<<The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), comprising Russia, China and Central Asian nations, met in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, and spoke of its deep concern.>>

Admittedly, I haven't delved into today's headlines, but one that I thought I saw on the Yahoo home page seemed to say that Russia had obtained China's support on the Georgian issue.


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I would think a former KGB leader would not espionage on the part of the US when he sees it.


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I guess Grenada was justified after all.


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This doesnt surprise me in the least . I am waiting for the phoney phucks Repubs to capture and or kill Osama just before the election. They probly were always able to get him, but he was too useful to pull out as a boogeyman every 4 years. His usefulness is now over and here is the big chance.
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Michael Tee

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This doesnt surprise me in the least . I am waiting for the phoney phucks Repubs to capture / and or kill Osama just before the election. They probly were always able to get him, but he was too useful to pull out as a boogeyman every 4 years. His usefulness is now over and here is the ig chance.>>

They don't even have to get Obama - - all they need is some poor schmuck with the right height and build, kill him in a phony "air strike," publish the usual self-congratulatory crap, and then after the election's all over and done with, "Ooops, sorry!  Big mistake.  But what could we do?  The best intel at the time said the poor guy was Obama."  WMD all over again because the dumbass American sheeple never learn.  Ever.


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This doesnt surprise me in the least . I am waiting for the phoney phucks Repubs to capture / and or kill Osama just before the election. They probly were always able to get him, but he was too useful to pull out as a boogeyman every 4 years. His usefulness is now over and here is the ig chance.>>

They don't even have to get Obama - - all they need is some poor schmuck with the right height and build, kill him in a phony "air strike," publish the usual self-congratulatory crap, and then after the election's all over and done with, "Ooops, sorry!&nbsp; Big mistake.&nbsp; But what could we do?&nbsp; The best intel at the time said the poor guy was Obama."&nbsp; WMD all over again because the dumbass American sheeple never learn.&nbsp; Ever.

The problem with that is that the last Spanish fascist govt wasn't able to pull off the train bombing charade.

Scores die in Madrid bomb carnage
Powerful explosions have torn through three Madrid train stations during the morning rush hour, with latest reports speaking of 173 people killed.
Near simultaneous blasts hit Atocha station in the centre of the Spanish capital and two smaller stations.

No group has admitted responsibility but Spain's government blames Basque separatist group Eta for the attacks which come ahead of Sunday's election.

"There is no doubt Eta is responsible," said Spain's interior minister.

'Criminal killers'

"Eta had been looking for a massacre in Spain," the minister, Angel Acebes, said after an emergency cabinet meeting.

The scene I am seeing is hellish
"Unfortunately, today it achieved its goal," he told a news conference, saying the security services were certain Eta was behind the blasts.

There was no warning ahead of the attacks. In total there were 10 blasts, Mr Acebes said, and police had defused three other devices hidden in backpacks.

The three explosions at Atocha happened at about 0630 GMT , destroying a train that was pulling into the station.

There were also four blasts in a street outside.

"People started to scream and run, some bumping into each other," Juani Fernandez, a civil servant who was on the platform, told the Associated Press.

"I saw people with blood pouring from them, people on the ground."

A 28-year-old man called Mariano, who was travelling on the train, told El Pais newspaper that the carriage behind his had been thrown up in the air.

As people scrambled out, he tried to help the injured.

"I held a girl as she died in my arms," he told the newspaper.

Atocha is a huge rail station used by commuter and inter-city trains, which also has a metro station.

There were similar scenes of destruction and chaos at two smaller commuter stations: El Pozo and Santa Eugenia.

There was a very big blast in the trains and everything that happened after that has been very confused
Ignacio, Madrid, Spain
From the initial confusion, the scale of death and destruction has become ever more apparent.
The authorities say that, so far, 173 people are known to have died.

At least 600 people have been injured and Madrid's hospitals, swamped with casualties, have made an urgent appeal for blood donations.


Spain's political parties suspended campaigning for Sunday's poll.

The BBC's defence correspondent Jonathan Marcus says that, in the absence of an Eta claim of responsibility, there will inevitably be continuing speculation about other potential perpetrators.

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Spain's strong support for the US and Britain in the run-up to war with Iraq could make Spain a target in the eyes of shadowy Islamic groups, he says.
Such a suggestion has already been made by the leader of the banned Basque separatist party Batasuna, who denied that Eta could have been behind the attacks.

Arnald Otegi pointed the finger instead at what he called "the Arab resistance".

Mr Acebes, speaking earlier from the scene of the blast at Atocha, said, "Have no doubt, those responsible will be caught and will pay for their crime."

The Basque regional president, Juan Jose Ibarretxe, stressed that Eta does not represent the Basque people.

"When Eta attacks, the Basque heart breaks into a thousand pieces," he said.

The Spanish government has declared three days of mourning for the victims and called on Spaniards to stage rallies on Friday evening to condemn the attacks.

Bomb plots

If it is confirmed as Eta's work, it would be their deadliest attack in more than three decades of armed struggle for independence.

July 2003 : Bomb attacks in Alicante and Benidorm, 13 injured. Further explosion at Santander airport days later
Jan, Feb 2000: Car bombs explode in Madrid and the Basque capital Vitoria
June 1998: Car bomb kills Popular Party councillor Manuel Zamarreno
July 1997: ETA kidnaps and kills Basque councillor Miguel Angel Blanco
June 1987: 21 shoppers are killed in an attack on a Barcelona supermarket
1980: In ETA's bloodiest year, 118 people are killed
Dec 1973: Assassination of Prime Minister Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco

Last month, two Basques suspected of being Eta members were arrested as they headed to Madrid in a truck laden with explosives.

Spanish police said they were arrested about 140km outside the city with 500kg of explosives hidden in the vehicle.

And last December, Spanish authorities said they foiled a Basque separatist plot to blow up a train at a Madrid rail station.

France has stepped up its police presence on its border with Spain in response to Thursday's attacks, the French news agency AFP reports.

Close co-operation between the two countries has led to dozens of arrests of suspected Eta members in southern France in recent years.

1. Atocha station, 0639 GMT: Four bombs explode on a train entering the station, 59 people killed. Three blasts on a train inside the station, 30 people killed
2. El Pozo station, 0641 GMT: Two explosions, 67 people killed
3. Santa Eugenia station, 0642 GMT: One explosion, 17 people killed

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2004/03/11 13:46:08 GMT


Michael Tee

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The beauty of the Republican scheme is the same as the WMD - - they don't have to fool all the people all the time, because they're absolutely shameless.  The guy's killed, they get the "intel," make the announcement, celebrate and the morning after the election, then it's "OOOPS!  Big mistake.  Sorry folks."  Even if most people don't believe them by now, they turn around enough morons to decide the election.  If the people didn't lynch Bush for stealing the first election and then lying the country into a war, what the hell are they going to do about a fake Obama death?  It's small stuff compared to what Bush already got away with.


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The beauty of the Republican scheme is the same as the WMD - - they don't have to fool all the people all the time, because they're absolutely shameless.  The guy's killed, they get the "intel," make the announcement, celebrate and the morning after the election, then it's "OOOPS!  Big mistake.  Sorry folks."  Even if most people don't believe them by now, they turn around enough morons to decide the election.  If the people didn't lynch Bush for stealing the first election and then lying the country into a war, what the hell are they going to do about a fake Obama death?  It's small stuff compared to what Bush already got away with.

It is just that Bush doesnt directly benefit from this action if it is indeed phoney. It is McCain who will be made to look the buffoon early in his Presidency should there be one. The Spanish got caught and the Dems might be reactive enough to catch it this time. (I am just hoping , ya know)


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once again we see the leftist must resort to some wild conspiracy "to make all the dots connect"
yeah Spain pulled off the Madrid bombings themselves
9/11 was actually a Dick Cheney inside job
Florida was "stolen"
Ohio was "stolen" in 2004
Israel controls the US government
if Bin Laden is captured it's a big hoax
blah blah blah

as usual no official investigative sources have made those findings
democrats would have to be in on alot of it too
sheer lunacy to to live in a pretend land where all the dots fit

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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<<It is just that Bush doesnt directly benefit from this action if it is indeed phoney. >>

Bush doesn't count for shit.  McCain neither.  Never did and never will.  They're clowns.  They are just front men for big interests.  If it benefits the big interests - - that is, if they really think of Obama as a threat and not as an integral part of the whole "elections" farce feeding at the same trough as Bush and McCain - - then they would have some legitimate interest in defeating him at the polling booth, rather than having to put together another "lone nut gunman" scam.

<<It is McCain who will be made to look the buffoon early in his Presidency should there be one. The Spanish got caught and the Dems might be reactive enough to catch it this time. >>

All they want is another four years of pulling the strings.  McCain is expendable.  Probably they wouldn't even let him in on the scam, since he's not a professional anyway.  At most, they'd let him in on the cover-up afterwards, or just drop a few hints that a really vigorous investigation might not be in his own best interests.  He's no genius, but even he could get the message.

<<(I am just hoping , ya know)>>

Yeah, but "hope" and "American politics" don't seem to go all that well together, as I'm sure you've noticed.


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sounds like the Georgian people need some IED's
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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once again we see the leftist must resort to some wild conspiracy "to make all the dots connect"
yeah Spain pulled off the Madrid bombings themselves
9/11 was actually a Dick Cheney inside job
Florida was "stolen"
Ohio was "stolen" in 2004
Israel controls the US government
if Bin Laden is captured it's a big hoax
blah blah blah

as usual no official investigative sources have made those findings
democrats would have to be in on alot of it too
sheer lunacy to to live in a pretend land where all the dots fit

These are only your perceptions of what others believe filtered through the prism of your own hatred and lunacy.
Spain didnt do the bombings . They only lied about themin an attempt  to get re-elected
Dick Cheney didnt do 9/11 himself. He was just delighted with the results that gave him a chance to enhance executive power, impinge on all our rights and fight a bullshit war with Iraq which he always wanted.
Well, at least the last 4 are true.
No official sources have confirmed it because they are contolled by the criminals taht did the deeds . The Dems have gone a long wayto expose some of your abuses. When Barack is elected you will have nowhere to hide your evil.