
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Amianthus on January 10, 2010, 06:26:10 PM

Title: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Amianthus on January 10, 2010, 06:26:10 PM
Jan. 3, 2010
Bob Schieffer Says Press Conferences and Statements Aimed at Deflecting Criticism Do Nothing to Inspire Trust

By Bob Schieffer

Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano is getting hammered because her first response to the "Undie-bomber" fiasco was that "the system worked."

We shouldn't have been surprised. Sure, she looks a little silly now that the facts are dribbling out. But she was just following the modern bipartisan, public relations template in this age of information management.

First, play down the problem. Second, emphasize what did not go wrong, assure us that those in charge are "investigating," and most important; emphasize no one in any position of responsibility is at fault.

It's not lying, but it's not exactly the whole truth - certainly not the whole story. All she left out was that part about asking us to respect the privacy of those involved.

[Oh, I'm sorry. I got the government spin mixed up with the Tiger spin.]

Here is the difference: Tiger can hire as many people as he wants to make his excuses. It may do him no good, but it's his money to spend as he wishes.

When government officials insult us with spin, they are doing it on our dime, which is supposed to be used to operate the government, not to hold news conferences to tell us what a fine job people on the public payroll are doing.

As we learned during Katrina, self-serving spin at the first sign of crisis does not help the situation; it makes it worse, because it makes it harder to believe anything the government says.

Real security is built on trust in the government. That requires truth, which should be the beginning of government presentations, not the fallback position.

Original Article (
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Rich on January 10, 2010, 11:21:00 PM
>>When government officials insult us with spin, they are doing it on our dime, which is supposed to be used to operate the government, not to hold news conferences to tell us what a fine job people on the public payroll are doing.<<

This government is out of control. Not just democrats, all of it. It has a will of it's own and it no longer answers to the people. Something needs to be done to stop this. How far are we ... the people ... willing to let this go?
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Kramer on January 10, 2010, 11:47:40 PM
>>When government officials insult us with spin, they are doing it on our dime, which is supposed to be used to operate the government, not to hold news conferences to tell us what a fine job people on the public payroll are doing.<<

This government is out of control. Not just democrats, all of it. It has a will of it's own and it no longer answers to the people. Something needs to be done to stop this. How far are we ... the people ... willing to let this go?

I'm waiting for the right sign and when I see it I will jump onboard
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 01:07:36 AM

This government is out of control. Not just democrats, all of it. It has a will of it's own and it no longer answers to the people. Something needs to be done to stop this. How far are we ... the people ... willing to let this go?

Apparently pretty damn far. I'm tempted (and I guess I'm giving into the temptation), as a libertarian who has heard too often about supposed pragmatism, to point out this what comes from constantly working within the system. This is the result of the gradual "pragmatism" that so many people assure me is the way things must be done. What have you got to show for it? Financial crisis, government expanding by leaps and bounds, and a "health care" bill poised to change just about every aspect of how the economy and the society of this country function into something with far more government control than we have ever had in the past.

What was that Buckley said? "A conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling 'Stop!'" Standing athwart history and doing anything seems to be more than they can handle. Maybe the conservatives should hold off on yelling at history and just try standing like they have a backbone in Congress and working to stop the government for a while. They might accomplish more.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 12, 2010, 01:59:42 AM
So you are sitting in a car and the driver has a heart attack and the car is careening out of control, and there is only one thing to do and that is grab the wheel,turn off the ignition  and guide the car to a stopping point. That is what a pragmatist would do. And they could because they were in a position to do something.

Libertarians (Big L or not) pretty much stand on the shoulder of the road and say "look that car is crashing".
Because they are standing on the sidelines, that is all they can do.

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 07:18:34 AM
Gosh. If only there were some (small 'l') libertarian politicians... coughcoughJeffFlake&RonPaulcough... or at least some libertarians trying to influence policy... coughcoughCato&Reasoncough... or maybe just a libertarian on TV... coughcoughGlennBeckcough... then I could simply tell you to... coughcoughfrakyourselfcough...

'Scuse me. I need a throat lozenge.

Standing on the sidelines? Really? Open your eyes, BT. We're doing a lot more than that. And frankly, your defense of pragmatism is a lot like saying Drunkard A has a better chance of stopping Drunkard B from crashing his car because Drunkard A is a passenger in the car Drunkard B is driving. That sort of "pragmatism" is not actually pragmatic. Which is part of the problem. What you and others have been hailing as pragmatism hasn't really worked out all that great. You've helped bring the country to the next step toward full on socialism. You want pat on the back for your "pragmatism"? No, you don't deserve one.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Rich on January 12, 2010, 11:36:12 AM
>>Libertarians (Big L or not) pretty much stand on the shoulder of the road and say "look that car is crashing".
Because they are standing on the sidelines, that is all they can do.<<


I suppose feeling superior is enough for some people.

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 12, 2010, 12:55:02 PM
We're doing a lot more than that.

Really?  what have you done?
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 03:53:20 PM

I suppose feeling superior is enough for some people.

Says the guy who is posturing to look superior.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Rich on January 12, 2010, 03:59:22 PM
Really Prince? Recently I tried my best to invite you into the fold. It's you that continues to preen and posture as the all knowing, do nothing, outsider.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 04:37:03 PM

Really?  what have you done?

Oh let's see... Audit the Federal Reserve amendment ( 9.12 project ( Not that long ago I saw people right here assuring me, in slightly different wording, that the Republican Party was going to become more libertarian because the people of the Tea Parties were going to make it so. But by all means, you keep right on thinking libertarians are getting nothing done.

So what have you done? Patriot Act... expanding Medicare... expanding government... more militaristic "war on drugs"... massive national debt... Federal bailouts... a "war on terror" that attempts to trample basic rights in the name of a safety it cannot achieve... and token resistance, when you're not arguing how to pay for it, to a "health care" bill that will do far more harm than good. I don't see much there about which you should be proud. Oh, well, except of course for the all important "getting things done". Yes, you've certainly gotten things done. Little of it is any good, but you got it done. You still don't deserve a pat on the back. More like a kick in the ass.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 04:56:59 PM

Really Prince? Recently I tried my best to invite you into the fold. It's you that continues to preen and posture as the all knowing, do nothing, outsider.

I guess you don't even see how elitist that looks.

And if standing up for my positions without backing down in the face of "oh yeah, but we're doing something" is preening and posturing, I suppose that is what I'm doing. But from my perspective, the people doing the preening and posturing are folks like you and BT who constantly try to claim libertarians are not worth anything because they're not clamoring to be part of your group of Do Something-ers. How did that record of Doing Something work for you the past couple of election cycles? A guy who is either ridiculously naive or working on a secret agenda to remake the U.S. into a socialist country is now our President. Way to go! You really got something done there.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 12, 2010, 06:24:50 PM
Audit the Federal Reserve amendment... 9.12 project...

H.R. 1207 is still in committee after almost a year.

What is the relationship of libertarians to the 9.12 Project and what has that project accomplished?

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 06:29:15 PM
When a conservative Republican takes a stand for a limited, open government, what do the "Do Something" conservative Republicans do? They get angry because he got in the way of "Doing Something". (
         In the midst of California’s 2008–09 fiscal meltdown, with the impact of deluxe public pensions making daily headlines, the city of Fullerton nevertheless sought to retroactively increase the defined-benefit retirement plan for its city employees by a jaw-dropping 25 percent. What’s more, the Fullerton City Council negotiated the increase in closed session, outside public view. Under California’s open meetings law, known as the Brown Act, even legitimate closed-session items such as contract negotiations are supposed to be advertised so that the public has a clear idea of what’s being discussed. But the Fullerton agenda for that night only vaguely referred to labor negotiations.

Four of the five council members—two Republicans and two Democrats—seemed to support the deal. But Republican Shawn Nelson, a principled advocate for limited government, didn’t appreciate the way the council was obscuring not only the legitimately secret details of the negotiations but the basic subject matter. He called me at the Register (where I worked at the time) and, without revealing details of the closed session, shared his concerns about the way the public had not been alerted. After I wrote about the secret, fiscally reckless deal, the recriminations came down in a hurry: on Shawn Nelson.

Not surprisingly, the liberal council members were furious that the public had been informed about what was going on. But some conservative Republicans, including a prominent state senator, Dick Ackerman of Irvine, were angry as well, because Nelson’s willingness to talk embarrassed a Republican councilman whom the GOP was backing for re-election. When I later bumped into Ackerman at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, he laid into me about Nelson’s supposed violation of the Brown Act. Some officials and bloggers actually called for Nelson to be prosecuted. Local union mouthpieces and fellow council members portrayed the whistleblower as a common criminal, even though he was merely acting in the spirit of the open meetings law and showing the kind of fiscal responsibility you would hope to see in public officials.

In its embarrassment, the city council voted against the deal at the last minute, but only after council members publicly chastised Nelson, accused me of libel, and vowed to come back for more when the timing was right. One Republican councilman couldn’t figure out what the fuss was all about, given that the council enhances public employee pay and pensions all the time.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 06:43:07 PM

What is the relationship of libertarians to the 9.12 Project and what has that project accomplished?

Glenn Beck heading the 9.12 project at the very least, and it, together with the whole Tea Party thing, is apparently motivating people to get more involved in the political process. The Tea Parties are apparently more popular than Democrats or Republicans. I'm skeptical that it will change the Republican Party, because the GOP will continue to "Do Something" while they pretend to hold to ideas like limited government. But the 9.12 project is getting the ideas out there and getting them discussed on a national stage, which is more than the Republicans are doing.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 06:50:59 PM

H.R. 1207 is still in committee after almost a year.

The amendment itself has plenty of support. What have the other Republicans done in this regard? Nothing so far as I can tell. With a Republican in the White House and a Republican Congress during George W. Bush's first term, the Republicans did nothing like this at all. They did not push for transparency. They did not push for limited government. They did not do any of the things they now claim to want instead of the health care bill, except perhaps expanding Medicare. What have they done besides be the bickering partner to the Democrats?
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 12, 2010, 06:52:57 PM
In its embarrassment, the city council voted against the deal at the last minute, but only after council members publicly chastised Nelson, accused me of libel, and vowed to come back for more when the timing was right.

That particular motion was brought up again at a later meeting and passed.

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 12, 2010, 06:56:38 PM
Saying a bill has plenty of support is not synonymous with claiming to have accomplished something, the bill is languishing in committee.

Resolutions are passed all the time proclaiming the virtues of truth justice and the American way and other than providing a feel good moment,  change nothing.

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: sirs on January 12, 2010, 07:43:05 PM
Talk about spin (

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 12, 2010, 11:16:41 PM

Saying a bill has plenty of support is not synonymous with claiming to have accomplished something, the bill is languishing in committee.

Resolutions are passed all the time proclaiming the virtues of truth justice and the American way and other than providing a feel good moment,  change nothing.

Heh. I repeat: What have the other Republicans done in this regard? Nothing so far as I can tell. Republican politicians are all the time proclaiming the virtues of limited government and individual liberty, yet, other than appeasing folks who smugly assure themselves they are on the side of "Doing Something", accomplish nothing in the way of actually promoting for those virtues. Which is not offering pragmatic solutions. It's pretending to be pragmatic while remaining part of the problem. Ron Paul is attempting to actually do something, not just posture as someone who is in a position to "Do Something". Once more I say: What have the other Republicans done in this regard? Come on. You keep harping on this whole being "in a position to do something". So show me what you've done.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 12, 2010, 11:42:22 PM
What have the other Republicans done in this regard?

Um Freed the slaves, gave women the vote, funded the creation of the internet.

But remember you are the one claiming that libertarians are contributing to the evolution of the country by enacting legislation or fostering movements that actually accomplish something.

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 13, 2010, 12:52:00 AM

What have the other Republicans done in this regard?

Um Freed the slaves, gave women the vote, funded the creation of the internet.

Not sure what any of that has to do with holding the Federal Reserve accountable or reigning in the government. You know, the whole "in this regard" part of the question.

But remember you are the one claiming that libertarians are contributing to the evolution of the country by enacting legislation or fostering movements that actually accomplish something.

Interesting to see you show how you feel about the Tea Party folks. I was not aware you were so pessimistic about them. Also interesting to see you didn't come up with even a single example of Republican politicians taking a stand and doing something to limit and/or hold the government accountable in any way.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 13, 2010, 01:32:33 AM
Since when do you get to narrow the debate to limiting the size of government when the broader topic was accomplishments by the various political factions in this country.

The Republicans freed the slaves within 12 years of running their first candidate. They captured the White House within 4 years of running their first candidate.

The Libertarians have been fielding candidates since 1972 and the best showing they have had was capturing 1.1 percent of the vote in 1980.

I made no comment about the Tea Party movement, but as far as i can tell they are not sitting in the bleachers passing judgment, they are marching in the streets.

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Plane on January 13, 2010, 05:24:08 AM
If the Republican party were to change well enough to deserve the libertarian voter , who would we loose?
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 13, 2010, 01:44:49 PM

Since when do you get to narrow the debate to limiting the size of government when the broader topic was accomplishments by the various political factions in this country.

Since I asked the question. I didn't ask a question about the broader topic of whatever your excuse is this time for not answering the question.

Person A: "What do you think about this car?"
Person B: "Henry Ford was the first person to put an assembly line to use in producing cars."
Person A: "What does that have to do with this car?"
Person B: "Since when do you get to narrow the conversation to this single car?"

The Republicans freed the slaves within 12 years of running their first candidate. They captured the White House within 4 years of running their first candidate.

The Libertarians have been fielding candidates since 1972 and the best showing they have had was capturing 1.1 percent of the vote in 1980.

And you'll note, if you were paying attention, I have not been defending the Libertarian Party.

I made no comment about the Tea Party movement,

I'm sure you didn't. You meant the libertarians were fostering some other movement that no one has mentioned yet.

but as far as i can tell they are not sitting in the bleachers passing judgment, they are marching in the streets.

Are you just that narrow-minded, or was the coughcough bit too hard for you to read? I mean, if all you're going to do bitch and lie about libertarians, you're just wasting everyone's time.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Amianthus on January 13, 2010, 01:58:16 PM
Some officials and bloggers actually called for Nelson to be prosecuted. Local union mouthpieces and fellow council members portrayed the whistleblower as a common criminal, even though he was merely acting in the spirit of the open meetings law and showing the kind of fiscal responsibility you would hope to see in public officials.

Going after whistle-blowers seems to be a tradition in government circles. After all, the UBS whistle-blower just reported for prison...

"Birkenfeld, a former banker with USB AG, pleaded guilty in 2008 to helping California billionaire Igor Olenicoff and hundreds of others evade taxes. Before his sentencing, Birkenfeld cooperated with the Justice Department, a U.S. Senate investigation and the Internal Revenue Service probe of the Zurich-based financial giant, detailing how UBS helped Olenicoff and other rich Americans evade taxes.

"Birkenfeld, a former UBS banker, sought a postponement of the term imposed Aug. 21 by, and a new hearing to seek a shorter sentence. He promised to continue cooperating with prosecutors. Zloch denied the request in a one-page order.

" 'It's a setback for whistleblowers everywhere,' said Birkenfeld attorney Stephen Kohn, executive director of the National Whistleblowers Center in Washington. 'It just undermines the public interest that thousands of major tax cheats all escape any prosecution, and the one person who turned it in gets the longest sentence.' "
Whistleblower in World's Largest Tax Fraud Case Sent to Jail While Real Crooks Avoid Prison (
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 13, 2010, 02:00:25 PM
Quote from: BT on January 12, 2010, 11:55:02 AM

Really?  what have you done?

Oh let's see... Audit the Federal Reserve amendment... 9.12 project...

Is that it? One is languishing in committee and the other is a Glenn Beck Movement.

And you'll note, if you were paying attention, I have not been defending the Libertarian Party.


Which means if you aren't defending the action arm of the philosophy then you are defending the philosophy itself, which is pretty much the role of the chattering class.

Quote from: BT on Today at 12:32:33 AM

I made no comment about the Tea Party movement,

I'm sure you didn't. You meant the libertarians were fostering some other movement that no one has mentioned yet.

No you were the one who brought up the Tea Parties, are they affiliated with the Libertarian Party or are you just trying to claim credit for them?

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 13, 2010, 02:07:29 PM

Which means if you aren't defending the action arm of the philosophy then you are defending the philosophy itself, which is pretty much the role of the chattering class.

So you're just going to lie. Okay, we're done.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 13, 2010, 02:14:13 PM
So you're just going to lie.

Where is the lie?
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 13, 2010, 04:31:16 PM
So you're just going to lie.

Where is the lie?

The repeated nonsense about doing nothing. You know, "if you aren't defending the action arm of the philosophy" (as if somehow the Libertarian Party are the only libertarians trying to accomplish anything) and basically the whole "libertarians aren't doing anything" bit. You know better, and yet you repeat this excrement over and over. Talking with you about it is clearly nothing but a waste of time.

This arm of the discussion got started because someone, not me (, said, "This government is out of control. Not just democrats, all of it. It has a will of it's own and it no longer answers to the people. Something needs to be done to stop this. How far are we ... the people ... willing to let this go?" Apparently the conservative Republicans are in a position to do something but are choosing to do nothing. Yeah, that makes you so much better. I hope you find a soft spot for when you fall off your high horse.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 13, 2010, 04:43:16 PM

If the Republican party were to change well enough to deserve the libertarian voter , who would we loose?

Probably not many. Most libertarian folks would probably be onboard with the Republican Party if the party would try to do just a few things to genuinely limit government. Rather than a marriage amendment to the Constitution, how about getting the government out of the marriage license business? How about when the Republican Party has a majority in Congress and a person in the White House, the party actually pushes for genuine smaller government reform rather than passing bills for ever expanding spending and regulations? Could the Republican Party try that much? Republican politicians talk all the time about standing for limited government and individual liberty. Would seeing the Republican Party fight for that be so much to ask? Rather than pushing for more laws in the "war on drugs" how about some pragmatic policy adjustment, rather than continuing support for ineffectual policy that results police abuses and millions of people in jail for something that violates no one else's rights? Would the Republican Party fall apart over that? Would the Republican Party lose its base to the Democrats over that?
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 13, 2010, 06:06:39 PM
The repeated nonsense about doing nothing. You know, "if you aren't defending the action arm of the philosophy" (as if somehow the Libertarian Party are the only libertarians trying to accomplish anything) and basically the whole "libertarians aren't doing anything" bit. You know better, and yet you repeat this excrement over and over. Talking with you about it is clearly nothing but a waste of time.

I asked for examples and you provided two.

I mentioned that the first was still in committee and the second was a Glenn Beck movement.

So where is the lie and where are the accomplishments?

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 13, 2010, 06:20:23 PM

So where is the lie and where are the accomplishments?

You won't answer my questions, but now you're demanding I answer your question, after I've already answered it. Discussing these issues with you is a waste of time.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 13, 2010, 06:45:31 PM
You are the one who called me a liar. I'm simply looking for information as to where it was that i lied. So either i lied or i didn't, and if i didn't why would you lie and say i did?

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 13, 2010, 10:58:14 PM (
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 13, 2010, 11:11:57 PM
You are the one who provided the two examples as accomplishments.

Upon examination, they aren't accomplishments at all. They are efforts at best.

Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: Universe Prince on January 13, 2010, 11:34:40 PM
Goddamn, you can be dense sometimes.
Title: Re: The Truth on Government Spin
Post by: BT on January 13, 2010, 11:46:11 PM
Goddamn, you can be dense sometimes.

Quite possibly. But those were your two examples of accomplishments were they not?