Author Topic: The Cain Gingrich Discussion  (Read 8259 times)

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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2011, 11:58:30 AM »
I am not the one to decide this, the public will decide. I am not the judge.

This thing will fester and stink to high heaven and Cain is doomed unless he comes clean.

I am only offering my opinion. I can say what I like and you cannot stop me. None of you lumpenproletarians would believe me if I showed you photos of Cain buggering an Airedale, anyway. I really do not care whether you believe me or not. It is what it is and the end will not be pretty.

By 2014 Cain will be sitting in his Barcalounger talking to the tube and by 2020 he will be forgotten, if he lasts that long. He had cancer, remember? What are the actuarial statistics on such people? five years? Two years?

Watch and see Cain plummet.

The guy with the black hat is pretty much always the villain. He chose the hat, now let him show us he is not a villain.

It is not a court of law. It is a court of public opinion and I have been watching it work for fifty years.

Go on, believe that he will be the best president ever. Believe Tinkerbelle can fly. Get your eyes and squinty and BELIEVE REALLY HARD.

I don't believe.
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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2011, 12:03:36 PM »
Cain is teflon. His numbers improved after this smear campaign by the media.

You offer no proof of sexual harassment. Your opinion is not based on fact, but on an alternate reality that you wished was true, but is not. I asked you what he said and to who, and you couldn't answer. You are talking out of your ass. Telling a woman that she is the same height as his wife is not sexual harassment. And it never will be, even in your demented, little mind.


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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2011, 12:38:28 PM »
It is far, far more than telling some woman that she is the same height as your wife.

Do you seriously think that any association would pay $45,000 for that? If so, you are naive enough to send me $500 just to keep me from telling the world that you are ugly.

Suppose that Cain actually gets the nomination and refuses to address this: Now it is not Teflon, it is velcro.

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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2011, 08:01:14 PM »
Poor misunderstood Cain.

How they mistreat him.

After all, it's just his word against hers,

And hers,

AND hers.
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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2011, 08:05:15 PM »
Poor misunderstood Cain.

How they mistreat him.

After all, it's just his word against hers,

And hers,

AND hers.

still you have no name, no when, no what and no where. Now I know why you were suckered into voting for Obama. You are a flawed individual.


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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2011, 08:21:09 PM »
Never as incredibly and unspeakable flawed as you.

three women and $80 grand says there is a lot more to Cain's lechery than he has admitted to.

Eventually, as Tee said, it all comes down to someone like Larry Flynt putting up the money to get the truth out.

Cain cannot get the toothpaste back in the tube. Time for you to back the chubby Newtster.
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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2011, 08:26:01 PM »
Never as incredibly and unspeakable flawed as you.

three women and $80 grand says there is a lot more to Cain's lechery than he has admitted to.

Eventually, as Tee said, it all comes down to someone like Larry Flynt putting up the money to get the truth out.

Cain cannot get the toothpaste back in the tube. Time for you to back the chubby Newtster.

I back any Repub over Obama. I could care less what race, religion or gender.


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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2011, 02:26:46 AM »
I back any Repub over Obama.
I am sure that that this is true. Just like Ignatz the Mouse always threw a brick at Krazy Kat, and Krazy always saw it as an expression of love. Then Ossifer Pup always arrested Ignatz for assault and battery and put him in the Coconino County Jail.

Henny Youngman said "Take my wife! No, REALLY take her!"

Comedy routines can be eternal.
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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2011, 06:18:38 AM »
Newt philandered on wife No.1 and Wife no 2. You can look up the dates.

I think Newt has admitted this.

Whatever Cain did

You said he committed sexual harrassment. What exactly did he say?
There is no evidence , nor have the specific accusations been made public.


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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2011, 10:16:16 AM »
Evidence is not necessary, because this is not a criminal or a civil case. It will be decided by the voters and the voters alone, based on whatever information is available at that time.

You can tell me that I cannot convict Cain: this is true. I cannot absolve him, either, nor can anyone. Each voter in the GOP primaries will decide,and collectively Cain will win or lose.

All I am saying is that my opinion is that he will lose, because based on other similar incidents, those who stonewall tend to lose. One day they say that they are 1000% firm and unyielding in their position, the next day they collapse and resign. Trent Lott did this, the Newtster did this, Agnew did this, Nixon did this. Cain is quite likely to do the same thing. If not, he will simply lose a primary or two and withdraw, and since he is already 65, he will retire of perhaps go back to giving motivational speeches and we will not hear from him again.

Cain is the one who must prove his innocence, because, again, this is the court of public opinion, not a court of law and different rules apply.
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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2011, 10:40:20 PM »
   Provable innocence?
    This cannot be the standard.

     Anyone can make a false accusation and in presidential politics there are many with motive and little to loose.

      Imagine your favoriate canadate is accused of molesting underage hens on the poltry farm, no proof is offered but since your canadate can't prove he was not there will we have to assume that he was ?  Must we assume all acusation true untill proven otherwise?

      Can you tell me with certainty and with proof where you were this date two years ago?
       Do you have an alibi concurrent with every robbery that had occured in your sector of your state for the last year?
Would you require proof of innocence from a Social liberal?
Would you require proof of innocence from a white man?


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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2011, 12:01:33 AM »
All I am saying is that the public, or in this case, the voters in Iowa and NH will decide by voting for Cain or voting for someone they consider preferable. Innocence is not the goal here. No real crime has been committed. The only penalty is that Cain might not become the nominee or the president. Neither will I or you of any of us. This is not about justice, but selecting a capable leader.

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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2011, 01:29:32 AM »
All I am saying is that the public, or in this case, the voters in Iowa and NH will decide by voting for Cain or voting for someone they consider preferable. Innocence is not the goal here. No real crime has been committed. The only penalty is that Cain might not become the nominee or the president. Neither will I or you of any of us. This is not about justice, but selecting a capable leader.


    Then the potential for crime is great.
     We might be denied the leader we need and want by the efforts of false witnesses.


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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #28 on: November 08, 2011, 10:48:29 AM »
WE are surely deprived of many more capable leaders by a lack of funding than false accusations. Colin Powell was one example of this. I hardly think that Cain is the capable leader we need. As I have said, he seems to me to be a blowhard and a crackpot. If Bialek were the only woman to come forward, perhaps it would be just his word against hers.But it is not: it is his word against hers, and hers and hers and hers.

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Re: The Cain Gingrich Discussion
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2011, 07:30:07 PM »
  If liars were rare , then finding four would be amazing.