Thanks Ami, that was all I was asking. And no, I didn't think anyone was "in" on anything. I didn't realize there was an exception for drilling or mining industries.
I have no idea what your rant was about Sirs. Please quit going off the deep end. You started talking about profit margins...I never asked anything about margins.
I never "raged" about refineries. I tried to explain to you why they aren't being built. You try and make this into high school economics and it just isn't. You act like you understand, but you clearly do not. It isn't this grand conspiracy to harm the oil companies that you pretend it to be.
Your understanding of business and economics is remarkably sophomoric Sirs. I'm sorry to put it that way, but it really is. It is terrible. You buy into all of the political garbage like "energy independence" and the evil environmentalists, and the truth is you're no different than some nutty tree-hugger. You're just on the opposite scale, but you don't understand any more of the issue than they do. And you do not care to learn.
Maybe if you could get past your animosity of actually reading intelligent literature or possibly listening instead of taking everything so damned personally and defending anything that you see as remotely right-wing, then you could learn a little.
I don't mind making a mistake. I'm glad Ami corrected me. That was all I asked. I learned something new. You, on the other hand, learned nothing. You think ANWR is still the answer and energy independence is still possible if environmentalists just get out of the way.
Fucking daft.