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Messages - Stray Pooch

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3DHS / Re: Does pornography equal obscenity?
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:20:35 PM »
If the jury is asked to decide whether a film is obscene, and cannot see the entire film, then the trial is bogus.

If I had a movie with one scene in it where a child was raped, would it be necessary to see the rest of the movie to determine if the film was obscene? 

If the movie contains material sufficient to - in and of itself - be considered obscene, then the rest of the film couldbe about Saint Bernadette and it would still be obscene.

3DHS / Re: Jaywalking
« on: July 06, 2010, 11:38:52 PM »
The unintended point is, Grandpa was taught in schools before schools were staffed by college professors like that one.

<<I'm not sure about oblivion, but it is not a step up by any means.  Israel doesn't need a NATO ally.  The de facto military arm of NATO is already her biggest ally.  >>

That may be starting to change.  In any event, I have always wondered, when the shit hits the fan, just how far that "biggest ally" is willing to go for its little sidekick.  This is, after all, an "alliance" never formalized in a mutual defence treaty, in which all of the benefits of the "alliance" seem to flow in one direction only.

Yeah, but there is way too much history there.  And if you want to be completely cynical, keeping Israel over there to occupy the ragheads helps keep them from getting any funny ideas about forming an actual working Pan-Arab alliance which just might become another major power - even a superpower - and would introduce a whole new problem in that oil-rich region.  OPEC is quite enough to deal with.  Israel keeps them all jockeying for power while trying to avoid getting on Big Brother's hit list.  Eliminate Israel and they could have enough free time on their hands to start thinking about mergers.  It could be like a wall-street orgy with five breaks a day for prayer. 

I don't see the US backing off from supporting Israel anytime soon.  And if we did, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Israel courting Russia and China (and them falling in line for the same destabilization reasons).  World politics is a funny pup.

3DHS / Re: More facts come out about Obama not born in USA
« on: July 06, 2010, 01:36:19 AM »
Nothing in Tim Adams' job title indicates he had access to state birth records and his superior says unequivocally that he did not.  He was a temp.  This guy has no credibility whatsoever.  A certified extract from the state records should settle the issue and Obama has produced one.  Unless there is proof that the certified extract is either a false document or a forgery, the matter is closed.  Nobody has been able to prove that the certified extract was either a forgery or a false document.  Case closed.

That's not a good counterargument at all, Michael.  The word of the government generally has no credibility for you, and in this case there is a perfectly good reason (phenomenal cosmic power) for the government of Hawaii to deny these claims.   In order to discredit the certified extract, investigation must be performed with the end of discovering the original birth record.  I have to tell you, I generally discredit this kind of thing, but since producing an orginal birth record would solve the problem permanently, and neither Obama nor the Hawaiian government has done this, it smells kind of fishy.  Let's face iot, ifd there were a minor official working a temp job who claimed to have found a bombshell piece of evidence that Bush wrote a million dollar check to Osama bin Laden that was cashed on 9-10-2001, you would most likely think that man a voice of truth against power.  There is just as much chance that this fellow is the same thing. 

OTOH, the Globe is about six steps below Wikipedia as a credible source.  Actually, it is six steps below whatever is already six steps below Wikipedia.  It is at least a couple of steps below reading entrails.  It is, to its credit, still above the Weekly World News . . .

But in the end, since his mother is a US citizen, what his father is and where he was born is a minor technicality.  I doubt that his birth in Kenya (if indeed such a thing were true) would be a disqualifier in fact, and in spirit it is irrelevent.  Say what you want to, the man is American. 

What a bunch of undisguised garbage.  Murder is murder and most of the world can understand it as such. 

Fortunately, this is not murder.  It is "selective execution" of "enemies of the people." 

Man, you shoulda seen that post . . .

Anyone who can't see this as a distinct lurch toward oblivion by the Israelis is definitely looking at this with blinders on.

I'm not sure about oblivion, but it is not a step up by any means.  Israel doesn't need a NATO ally.  The de facto military arm of NATO is already her biggest ally. 

3DHS / Re: Iran Fears Attack from Four Directions
« on: July 05, 2010, 02:34:39 PM »
<<Well, MT, you're gonna win this debate by electronic default.  . . . .  So you are left with the last word ont the subject, and I am left with sad stories about the post that got away.  It was [-----THIS BIG------] I'm tellin' ya!>>

LMFAO.  I believe ya but - - Pooch, that is almost word for word the post I was gonna send YOU if I got another in-detail rebuttal from you, which I am sure was on its way. 

Well there may be no God to punish the U.S.A. for its multiple "infractions" (as XO terms them) but there sure as hell are gods of the internet and this time they were on my side.  Let's call it a draw because I surely would have defaulted from sheer exhaustion had you actually been able to hit the SEND button at the right time.  And BTW, I certainly did not intend any personal disrespect in my sarcastic remarks about long study of Iran etc., only that neither of us knew enough about the situation to formulate such hi-falutin ideas about what (beneficial) results would come to Iranian domestic politics out of the invasion. Hope there are no hard feelings on that account

Didn't I just tell ya that I didn'thave any "hard" feelings left??  :D

Anti-Israeli Bravo Sierra aside, I have to agree with the general gist of XO's initial analysis.

Israel has every right to establish whatever relationship with any nation it chooses.  But cultivating better relations with Greece - if it has anything at all to do with their relationship with Turkey -  is a ridiculous move by Israel. 

First, by simple comparison, Turkey has, indeed, all of those Muslim ties, along with power and prestige in the Middle East that Greece lacks entirely.  In regional terms, Greece as a strategic partner has nothing to offer.  That relationship would be nothing compared to the loss of Turkish partnership. 

Second, Greece is rocked by internal strife and economic catastrophe right now.  It's like one passenger on the Titanic clinging to another. 

Third, Greece is STILL an enemy in all but name to Turkey.  The effect of improved relations with Greece - especially if flaunted as an antidote to the loss of Turkish support - would drive a last nail into the coffin of Turkish-Israeli relations.  It might well also drive the Turks to openly support Iran and other regimes currently hostile to the west.  Turkey is a moderate nation, but the Turks are a proud people and eventually they are going to see a lot more sense in sticking with their Muslim brothers than in groveling at the feet of the US and Israel.  They have already resisted the overtures of the US concerning their fight with the Kurds and involvement in the ongoing conflicts, in spite of our NATO relations.  I think we squander our own goodwill with Turkey at great peril.  Israel needs them even more. Turkey seems like no threat right now, but Iran seemed pretty secure in 1976. 

Finally, somewhere, the Maccabees are turning over in their graves.

3DHS / Re: Iran Fears Attack from Four Directions
« on: July 05, 2010, 01:10:05 PM »
Well, MT, you're gonna win this debate by electronic default.  I spent about an hour and a half crafting a response to your latest.  I looked up the Stalinist purges, the writing of Herr Goebbels, direct quotes from the Communist Manifesto, and I addressed your points one by one.  I gave you all kinds of hell for "selective execution."  I smacked you in the face with it about a million times after that.  Man you shoulda seen the result.  You ain't never seen a post that good.  You woulda renounced Communism as a fraud and begged to be forgiven for your sins, I'm telling ya!

Turns out, that non-existent God (or at least the cyber-Gods) had other ideas.  I went to post it, and it was stopped because there had been 4 other responses since I started typing.  So I decided to try again.  But this time I wanted a preview, which I had forgotten to ask for and I always like to do before a big cut-and-paste to avoid confusing missed HTML tags.  So I hit the "Preview" button and IE committed harakiri.  I mean it just up and died on me.  Gone with the Goebbels quotes.  Gone with the Marxist raves.  Gone with the cult of personality.  Apparently, my entire masterpiece was "selectively executed."  (At least I got ONE in on ya!)

I have already vented my overarching brilliance in that now-deceased diatribe.  I lack the energy, the will or the motivation to recreate it.  I am old, and suffering from intellectile dysfunction.  I just can't keep my brain "up" that long.  So you are left with the last word ont the subject, and I am left with sad stories about the post that got away.  It was [-----THIS BIG------] I'm tellin' ya!

3DHS / Re: Iran Fears Attack from Four Directions
« on: July 05, 2010, 03:16:44 AM »
<<Iraq demonstrably supported terrorism and clearly met the description in his initial speech. >>

There were many nations, the U.S. and Israel included, that "supported terrorism" at the time.  Iraq was a minor player in the "supporting terrorism" game and there was no indication at that time that Bush was proposing to invade Iraq.   

Do you really intend to continue your silly argument that "Bush never mentioned Iraq" means Bush did not intend to attack Iraq?  That's pretty lame, MT, because Bush mentioned that there were, IIRC OVER 60 nations worldwide that supported terrorism.  He did NOT name 60.  He named probably about two or three.  Iraq had already been identified as a threat nation in need of regime change by the CLINTON administration.  We had been involved in a military action to suppress Iraq only ten years earlier.  Was it really a shock to see that Iraq was on that list of nations?  Please.  You have decisively lost this argument and you are grasping at straws.

My tactic is very transparent.  Against all the bullshit arguments for invading Iran today, I juxtapose the same bullshit arguments for invading Iraq in 2003 to show that the war-mongering bullshit of the fascists, militarists and Zio-Nazis never changes.  It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now.  It was lies then and it's lies now.  It was ruinously expensive then and it will be even more ruinously expensive now.  It accomplished nothing then and it will accomplish nothing now.  (Apart from the ownership of the oil wells changing hands out of the public eye.)  I hope that's clear enough for you.

Yes, it is.  This is the part that is clear:   "My tactic is very transparent." "It was bullshit then and it's bullshit now."

<<And how's that Jihad working out?  Where is this great hero.  Well by gosh, he's hiding out of sight. >>

And he calls himself a guerrilla leader!!!  Just curious, plane, but WTF did you expect?  A Playboy Mansion where he holds court and receives guests and diplomatic representatives, look me up, the number's in the book?

No.  How about a leader's mansion? You know like Number 10 Downing Street or the White House.  If he is a great hero and a great leader and wonderfully successful at his mission why is he afraid to walk out in the open?  President Obama does.  President Bush does.  Presidents Clinton, Carter and Bush the elder do.  It can't be money.  Bin Laden is a rich man.  But he has no mansion, no seat of power, no office, no residence, no forwarding address.  He is hiding.  We're not hiding - he is.  We have a government.  He has a dwindling organization of loose cannons.  We have an entire city of government buildings.  He has a hideout.  We have an infrastructure.  He has an apartment somewhere where he is trying to invent a shoebomb that works.  We have an army.  He has a lot of dead friends and untrained fanatics.  We brought down two governments.  He brought down two buildings. This is your idea of a guy who's kicking our ass.  I brushed some dandruff off my shoulder this morning.  It was a far bigger hit on me than anything bin Laden has done or will do.  I watched fireworks this evening to celebrate 234 years of freedom.  He is hiding in a hole somewhere watching the skies for predator drones.  I sleep in the same bed every night, and never worry that some big, bad Muslim boogieman can get me.  He moves from place to place and pisses himself everytime he sees a bird's shadow on the ground.   Great hero my backside.

Really?  How about where the drone controllers operate their killer drones from?  I understand it's underneath a shopping mall in Las Vegas.  You got an address for that mall?  Can ya find it on Google Earth?  Think they're still there now when even a schmuck like me knows that much?

Well, see they are actually involved in the war.  Bin Laden isn't.  He's the "leader" hiding out of harm's way.  Obama doesn't control the drones, because he is a political leader - not a military one.  Now, General Petraeus, see, he has a HEADQUARTERS.   He shows up in public places.  Bin Laden, the great hero, can't do this because we would kill him.  He knows where OUR leaders are, but he can't kill them.  If we knew where he was, he would be dead in minutes.    He's had nine years to kill Bush, but he can't do it.  He isn't even a little threat.  So, we have driven him out of his stronghold into a hiding place, we have toppled the regime that supported him.   He has drawn us out of our country to go to HIS country to punish him.  Every time his piss ant soldiers show themselves and come against us, we kill them.  Lots of them.. Far more of them than they kill of us.  But you keep talking all you want to about how he is kicking our ass and the Taliban runs Afghanistan.  You keep talking, because the silence would otherwise have to be filled with a reality you love to deny but that keeps laughing at you.

<<How is that "destroying America" thing working out for the mighty Jihad. >>

Maybe you know some other group of a few hundred men that have cost the U.S. what they forced it to spend.  Please, tell us, who could they be?  Your whole fucking nation teeters on the brink of insolvency and these guys did it all on a budget that probably is less than any mid-sized American city's.  You're on the edge of an abyss and I can't think of any group that had more to do with your predicament than al Qaeda and the ruinous wars they tricked you into starting.

Oh, you mean we're having money problems and it had nothing to do with the mortgage meltdown, the horrors of deregulation and the inherent evils of our capitalist system?  Gosh, Michael, you should try to save some of that ammo for another thread.  You're getting your causes and effects all higgeldy-piggeldy.   So OK, you're right.  I was unaware of it while I was spending the money I make from my military retirement and my current decade-old job or my wife's excellent sales bonuses and regular salary, but apparently the nation has done been destroyed right out from under me!  I guess that means I can finally stop paying the damn IRS.  Wonder what the President and Congress are doing now that our government has been toppled?  Gosh darn them pesky Talibanners. 

Yeah, like I said, how's that Jihad going?

<<They could, of course, be more effective than say, putting a poorly constructed malfunctioning bomb in Times Square and then claiming that the almighty Allah had struck a blow for them in the great Jihad (I suppose some of the SUV was damaged, and maybe it was American made or something.  Praise Allah!) >>

Well, first I'd like to see some kind of proof that this guy really was al Qaeda or similar.  Like the Amsterdam-Detroit bomber, there's enough going wrong with these "monstrous attempts" that really shouldn't be going wrong that, especially in the case of the airline "bomber," you have to wonder if these aren't just U.S. government theatricals staged to persuade wavering taxpayers that all the money spent on "Homeland Security" has to be spent.  But if these guys are genuine, it just proves that it's more luck than skill that keeps the jihad from scoring.  That wouldn't reassure too many sane and normal people, or it shouldn't.  It means that the vulnerability remains despite all the torture, invasions, massacres and violence you have initiated.  As you say, the game ain't over till it's over.

Hmm, so you're saying, in response to my claim that Al Quaeda hasn't been successful except for a few failed attempts that they weren't really EVEN Al Quaeda attempts.  And in fact, another good point to prove that Al Quaeda has TOO been successful, dammit, is that they are SO successful at attacking our country that our own government has to MANUFACTURE terror attacks to make it look like Al Quaeda is, umm, being successful in attacking, umm, us because they are, uhh, so . . . successful . . . wait.  Wait a minute, that wouldn't make any sense.  You wouldn't MANUFACTURE terror attacks if Al Quaeda was ALREADY successful in attacking us since 9-11.

Look, I'm sorry, but your logic is getting a little confusing.  Now, I'm saying Al Quaeda's mighty Jihad isn't working, cuz they aren't getting any attacks in on us.  You give me three options.  Either the only attacks that DID seem to work at least in theory are actually US manufactured attacks (which would mean Al Quaeda has had ZERO successful attacks on America) or they were failed attempts by terrorists who were NOT Al Quaeda (which would mean Al Quaeda has had ZERO successful attacks on America) or it was just good luck on our part, not skill (which would mean Al Quaeda has had ZERO successful attacks . . . wait, is this Deja Vu?).  Of course, maybe you meant to assign that lack of skill to the brilliant plotters of these attacks which is justified.   But see, I just can't see how any of your claims rebut my point that Jihad ain't working so well for the mighty hidden warriors of Allah.

<<I never said terrorism was an ideology.  You political whining doesn't change the facts.  As to the US supporting regimes that have used terrorist tactics, that's probably true.  Too bad.>>

Kinda undercuts your justification for attacking Iraq, though, doesn't it?

Nope.  You smack my wife, I shoot you.  You smack somebody else's wife, meh.

<<  Communism has a history of deadly suppression of the people of the countries where it has been established.  >>

Bullshit.  Communism does not suppress "the people," they suppress the enemies of the people.

Yeah, just like Hitler did.  He killed the enemies of the people - Jews, Gays, Catholics, those type.  Damn shame about those enemies of the people, though.  They keep popping up in commie countries and going and having to get themselves killed, like in China in Tiananmen Square.  Or those damn pesky enemies of the people like Lech Walesa.  He sure ain't a "people."  Damn enemy didn't even have the courtesy to get himself killed, dammit!  Went and got a whole lotz of them enemies of the people and got the workers of Poland to unite!  Karl Marx would have just been APPALLED at somebody uniting the workers against an oppressive regime.  And then ya know what them enemies of the people went and done?  Michael, ya wouldn't belief the NERVE Of them people - I mean ENEMIES of the people.  They went and OVERTHREW the Soviet Union.  Then the whole damn Iron Curtain went and rusted straight through, and the walls came a-tumblin' down around the Brandenburg Gate and THOUSANDS of them enemies of the people started shouting and singing and acting like they was free, instead of stuck on the wrong end of a wall or something.  And all that just a few decades after Saint Joey the Stalinite had already killed MILLIONS of them enemies!  That damn enemy of the people Nikita Kruschev even had the nerve to apologize for that wonderous act of noble mass murder.  He shoulda been hung for it!  Stupid enemy!

But hey THANK GODLESS for Pol Pot.  He sure knew how to take care of those enemies, didn't he?  And Chairman Mao?  Yeah, a real hero of the people there. 

Communists are mass-murderers by ideology.  Like all tyrants they are scared to death (and justifiably, as the fall of the Soviets and their satellites has proved, and the uprisings of the Chinese population continue to demonstrate) of the ACTUAL people - the real bread-and-butter workers and ordinary folks who got initially fooled by promises of "land, bread and peace" none of which came true.  The useful idiots who have the nerve to get wise.  Your pathetic, transparent, bigotted crap about those millions killed  by communist regimes being "enemies of the people" have the same filthy stench as the claims by slaveholders that blacks were not people, but property.  It is EXACTLY the same rationale as Hitler used for killing millions of people.  It was the same motivation that led European settlers to give smallpox-infected blankets to indigenous people.  You talk about American soldiers being murderers.  They are rank amateurs in the face of ANY Communist regime.  Fortunately, America is STILL a strong 234 year old nation, while the mighty Soviet Union is a fading memory that lasted far less than a century, Communist China is quietly abandoning communist practice for Capitalist gains and the few remaining countries who actually take communism seriously have to survive by crushing the will of the people (like in Venezuela) or starving the population (like In North Korea) and then still only amount to a fart in a whirlwind in the real world. 

Enemies of the people, my eye.  The enemies of the people in communist countries are all party members.

<<You still support it.  You support your ideology by suggesting that anybody who fights against communism is a fair target. >>

God-damn right I do.  Either you're for the Revolution or you're against the people.

The "revolution" is not, and never has been the people.  It is only a transfer of wealth and power from one elite set of people to another.  The only difference is that the first group generally earned the power and wealth and knew how to maintain it.  No Communist system ever made life better for its population, created any real wealth (except when it resorted to capitalism) or succeeded in any real way. 

<< Well, I feel the same way about freedom (you know, the opposite of communism). >>

First of all what you support has nothing to do with freedom. 

I support the free election of leaders in a multiple-party system.  That's freedom.  You support sham elections in a one-party system.  That's oppression.  I support the right to earn your keep, make your way and better yourself and your family.  That's freedom.   You support the subjugation of the individual to the state.  That's oppression.  I support the right to worship God, protect my family and do what I choose to do.  That's freedom.  You support the abolishment of religious freedom, the dismantling of the family unit and giving the state the right to dictate my choices.  That's oppression.  You wouldn't know how to define freedom.  You think forced labor, mass-murder and government control is freedom.  What I support has EVERYTHING to do with freedom.  What you support has only to do with oppression.

If Mubarak or the Kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia are "Freedom," then I am V. I. Lenin.   The U.S.A. stands for fascism abroad, torture, arbitrary arrests and assassinations, even of its own citizens.

If Lenin, or Stalin, or Mao are better than Mubarak or any of the governments you complain about than I am V. I. Lenin's gay, atheist lover.  And you must have made a typo.  You said U.S.A. when I'm sure you meant USSR. 

To confuse the U.S.A. with Freedom is absurd. 

To confuse Communism with good is far worse.

Regardless, the simple fact is that what I support is good and what you support is evil. 

Leaving aside the continued demonstration of your inability to distinguish fact from opinion, your opinion in this case is 180 degrees out of phase with reality.

So you can't equate your support of "Freedom" (as you so absurdly call it) with my support of Communism.

I wouldn't equate it.  My support of freedom (as I so correctly call it) is far superior to your support of communism.

<<  So I have no problem using the tactics of Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung against communists, Islamists and fascists (all of who are from the same mold).>>

More of the same wrong-headed crap.  What you stand for is dead wrong, but because YOU stand for it, you can defend it with the tactics that you consider evil. 

And this differs how from YOUR assertion that those tactics are OK when YOUR side uses them?  You obviously consider these tactics as acceptable, so the only reason they would be wrong is if used by those YOU don't support.  Your position has no more merit logically, morally or ethically than mine.  I would have to say, to use your muddle-headed term, that you're just spouting off wrong-headed crap.

Pooch, it wouldn't matter HOW you supported your dead-end ideology, you could use the tactics of Joe Stalin AND Mother Teresa or both, and you'd still be in the wrong.  Why?  Because your cause sucks.  Because despite all the fine window dressing you hang around it, it still stands for militarism, fascism and the oppression and exploitation of the poor and helpless by the rich and powerful.

You just described communism in ever iteration it has ever existed.

My point is that Bush's rant against "anyone" who supported "terrorism" was in such general terms that no one would take it as a call to invade Iraq.  That came much later, and when it did, specific reasons were invented for it, not the general "they support terrorism" which would never have justified an invasion and a war in the eyes of the American people.  They needed to see much more specific threats than that.

That is your opinion.  It is not fact.  What Bush said about this being a long, multi-objective, multi-national war is fact.  You used the argument that Bush never said anything about length, difficulty, etc. BEFORE the war until I proved that was not the case.  Then you switched to "No, but THAT doesn't count because, umm, it wasn't ABOUT Iraq, only the other numerous nations and lengthy battles and potential heavy casualties he mentioned."   But I didn't fight you with opinions.  I fought you with facts.   But I did offer some opinions.  That's when your searing logical abilities stepped up to the plate (The sarcasm alert was implicit there, right?):

<<So you set yourself up as some educated, intelligent genius and try to denigrate my own knowledge base. >>

Where'd I try to denigrate your knowledge base? . . .

Excuse me, but if this rant is related in any way to my allegedly extolling my own knowledge at the expense of yours, I'd at least like to know what particular post of mine got you started in on this.

<<Ooops!  I guess "greeted as liberators" has kind of worn out its welcome.  Now there's another hare-brained scheme to replace it - - you'll "drive the hardliners and the opposition together."  And you know this of course by your long and patient study of Iran, its government, people and customs.>>

<<Both segments of that opinion [That there will be no day of reckoning for the guilty just proves to me that there is no God] will change.>>

That opinion will never change.   As an American, you just better hope that there is no God.

I am an American, and an American soldier at that.  I don't hope their isn't a God, I know there is one - and that fact gives me comfort, not fear. 

3DHS / Re: Iran Fears Attack from Four Directions
« on: July 04, 2010, 12:31:17 PM »
Bullshit.  He did NOT say of the invasion of Iraq that it would be a war measured in years, he was speaking of the war against those who had destroyed the WTC.

No he wasn't and I have posted the proof.  He was talking about ANY nation that supported terror.

<< He also said that the objective was NOT to capture bin Laden or defeat Al Quaeda but to target ALL terrorist groups of global reach and ANY nation that lent them aid. >>

Again, not referring at all to the disastrous invasion of Iraq.

Iraq demonstrably supported terrorism and clearly met the description in his initial speech.  I see your tactic now.  You are trying to insist that the war on Iraq does not "count" because it doesn't fit your narrow description of the objective of this war.  The problem is that YOUR description of the objective doesn't fit Bush's STATED description of the objective. 

<<Liberals have been spreading an alternative reality for almost nine years now.  They say our war efforts are a failure because:

<<1)  bin Laden hasn't been caught.>>

That's a failure of the first magnitude.  The guy murders almost 3,000 non-combatant U.S. citizens and residents and you haven't been able to do a God-damn thing about it.  He's a folk hero to millions of Muslims who are still watching videos of the Twin Towers falling into rubble and he's inspired hundreds of thousands to join his jihad.

And how's that Jihad working out?  Where is this great hero.  Well by gosh, he's hiding out of sight.  The whole world knows where President Bush is.  Any clown with a PC can get the coordinates of the White House, the Capital, the Pentagon, you name it.  They know where we are.  How is that "destroying America" thing working out for the mighty Jihad.  They could, of course, be more effective than say, putting a poorly constructed malfunctioning bomb in Times Square and then claiming that the almighty Allah had struck a blow for them in the great Jihad (I suppose some of the SUV was damaged, and maybe it was American made or something.  Praise Allah!) 

<<2)  Iraq had "nothing to do with 9-11.">>

Also true.  Saddam was reviled as a Godless apostate by those ignorant fanatics and Arab Socialism wanted nothing to do with them.

Potentially true, but irrelevent.  You prove my point by arguing this way.  Whether Iraq was directly involved in 9-11 or not is NOT relevent to the attack.  Toppling a regime that supported terrorism was within the scope of our multinational war.  And it worked.  Not only did Saddam get hung, but Khaddafi (pick a spelling) got his balls cut off.  Syria also started looking carefully at how far it was willing to go.  Iran is still beligerant, but a smackdown now would further illustrate the point - and it WOULD work.  I did not suggest that this point wasn't TRUE - I suggested that it was irrelevent.  It is. 

<<3)  The Taliban has not been defeated.>>

Not been defeated?  They're growing in strength from year to year.  Why do you think Karzai is referred to as "the Mayor of Kabul?"

And again, you make my point for me.  If the Taliban has not been defeated, why is Afghanistan not governed by them? 

<<4)  The voters didn't reject George Bush - oh, wait, that's THEIR objective, not Bush's.>>

That's so stupid and childish it's not worth posting, let alone replying to.

And yet you did . . .

<<In fact, the toppling of the Iraqi regime was a perfectly valid objective in this war.  Ending a nation which supports TERRORISM - not "Al Quaeda" but ANY terrorist organization, was part of the original mission.  Iraq clearly supported international terrorist groups . . . >>

First of all, "terrorism" is a method, not an ideology.  All nations, including the U.S.A., have used and supported terrorists.  The U.S. sheltered for years a terrorist who was  convicted years ago (i.e. before Hugo Chavez) in a Venezuelan court of blowing up a Cuban civilian airliner and killing over 70 civilian passengers.  The U.S. supported the Contras who waged a terrorist campaign against the legitimate Nicaraguan government of the day.  To this day the U.S. refuses to pay damages assessed against it in the World Court for its support of terrorism.  

I never said terrorism was an ideology.  You political whining doesn't change the facts.  As to the US supporting regimes that have used terrorist tactics, that's probably true.  Too bad.  Communism has a history of deadly suppression of the people of the countries where it has been established.  You still support it.  You support your ideology by suggesting that anybody who fights against communism is a fair target.  Well, I feel the same way about freedom (you know, the opposite of communism).  So I have no problem using the tactics of Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse Tung against communists, Islamists and fascists (all of who are from the same mold).

Secondly, the "terrorist" groups that Iraq supported were directed against Israel and as far as I can see, only against Israel.  The issue was which "terrorists" had attacked Americans on American soil, and to invade Iraq for doing no more than the U.S. itself had done (i.e. support "terrorists" for its own political agenda) was completely illegitimate.  War is a last resort against an enemy which has attacked you or an ally which you are treaty-bound to defend.  No "terrorist" group supported by Iraq had until then attacked either America or any country that America was treaty-bound to defend.

Bush did not mention ONLY terrorists who targetted America.  Again, he said all terror groups of global reach.  Further, Hussein himself attempted to have the elder Bush assassinated.  You keep trying to redefine Bush's definition of this war.  It was NOT just against terror organizations who had attacked Americans on American soil.  That is YOUR claim - not the President's. 

<<AND even attempted to export its own terror groups. >>

I'm not aware of any such attempt.

That's possible.  Some of the things that happened before 9-11 were not necessarily of interest to a Canadian who was not friendly to America.  9-11 raised a lot of awareness - including those among Americans.  Since I was military and interested in such things I kept track of them.  YMMV. 

<< The Taliban is still fighting.  So what.  The Taliban is not, and has not been for several years, the legitimate government, the de facto government, the government in exile or any form of government at all. >>

Bottom line:  they have not been defeated after nine years of war.  So it's a failure.  The "legitimate government" could not exist for 24 hours without U.S. support.  There is in fact NO legitimate government of Afghanistan at this point.  So you knocked the ball out of the Taliban's hands nine years ago and the ball is still in play.  I call that a failure, that after nine years the  U.S.A. was unable to defeat a piss-ant country like Afghanistan and is still fighting with the locals for control of it.

The Soviet Union, without many of the restraints that democracy has put on us, couldn't do that either.  If we had unlimited warfighting authority - if we could fight a war like the world used to fight wars - we could destroy the Taliban with sheer brutality.  We could do pretty much whatever we wanted.   If we started hanging everyone who even looked like a Taliban supporter, then buried their bodies wrapped in pigskin, the Taliban would soon lose its motivation for battle. Oh it would piss off a lot of the people - but it is easier to join up when the enemy is expected to  try to win your hearts and mind instead of opening them up with a bayonette.  If we nuked a few mountain ranges in Northern Pakistan, we could pretty well end the Al Quaeda threat - though bin Laden would never be found (at least not without a geiger counter).  If we did that, we WOULD win, win decisively, win permanently and establish quite safely (with the exception of the occasional Times Square bomber) any government we wanted there.  You would of course then complain about our barbaric war practices, so in your mind even absolute victory would be wrong.  Of course, in the case I have described, I would be inclined to agree with you.  But the Taliban is defeated for all practical purposes.  The Islamist movement has made too many enemies in too many regions to continue to grow as a powerful ideology.  It can take over countries, but when it begins to threaten areas outside the region, it can only play the competing powers against each other for so long.  Iran is beginning to find that out.  Germany found that out a bit too late.

<< The fact that Osama bin Laden has not been captured is true, but it simply means that one objective of the war on terror is not yet accomplished.  Osama has TALKED a lot in the last nine years from his hidey-hole.   He has accomplished nothing.  We have not yet put the dog down, but we have certainly put him on a leash.  He growls a lot,  but he has no bite.>>

You didn't do what you said you'd do and that is a failure.  The rest is just mealy-mouthed excuses.

Really?  Well hell, the Yankees haven't won the World Series this year.  I guess that makes them failures.  To quote the Great Yogi, "It ain't over . . . "well, you know the rest.

So you set yourself up as some educated, intelligent genius and try to denigrate my own knowledge base.  Well, you may have read more books by leftist idiots and the occasional marxist tome, but I am no more impressed with your credentials than you are mine.  I have educated myself, both by study and experience, about the conditions, the mindsets and the parties involved in this crisis.  I can hold my own in a debate with a partisan communist any day of the week.  It's just that communists don't admit when they are wrong, they just change the facts to fit their theories.

That there will be no day of reckoning for the guilty just proves to me that there is no God.

Both segments of that opinion will change.

3DHS / Re: Iran Fears Attack from Four Directions
« on: July 04, 2010, 11:50:11 AM »

George Bush Post 9/11 speech pt 2

OK, Michael.  Let's see you weasel your way out of this one.

This is the post 9/11 speech, given NINE DAYS AFTER THE ATTACKS.  Ami may remember it as a SOTU address because he references the SOTU at the beginning of it (part 1, which you can find on youtube if you desire, but that part is mostly introducing the POTUS and acknowledging visitors).

NOTE:  This was posted to youtube in Oct 2009, but the speech occurred (as referenced by Bush himself during the speech) on Spet 20, 2001.

Here is where Bush made it clear that EVERY GOVERNMENT that supports terrorism was a target.

5:10  Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them.

Here is where he clears up that Al Quaeda is NOT the only terror group we are after.

5:29 Our war on terror does begins with Al Quaeda, but it does not end there.  It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.

Here is where he makes it clear that this will be a long, unusual war, not like any previous war.  He also makes it clear that ANY nation that supports terror is a legitimate target.

8:37 "Now this war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with a decisive liberation of territory and a swift conclusion.  It will not look like the air war above Kosovo two years ago where no ground troops were used and not a single American was lost in combat.  Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes.  Americans should not expect one battle but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen.  It may include dramatic strikes visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success.  We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place until there is no refuge, or no rest.  And we will pursue nations who provide aid or safe haven to terrorism.  Every nation, in every region now has a decision to make:  Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.

Now.  THIS IS CONCLUSIVELY BEFORE THE WAR IN IRAQ, THE WAR IN AFGHANISTAN or ANY front in the war on terrorism.  THIS IS CONCLUSIVE PROOF that Bush warned America this would be a long war with many fronts.

How will you change your story now to make your argument fit the facts?

3DHS / Re: Iran Fears Attack from Four Directions
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:59:48 PM »
Of course Bush said, on several occasions, that this would be a war measured in years, not months, and that it would last well beyond his adminstration.  He said it before a shot was ever fired, he said it within weeks of 9-11 and he said it repeatedly.  He also said that the objective was NOT to capture bin Laden or defeat Al Quaeda but to target ALL terrorist groups of global reach and ANY nation that lent them aid. 

Liberals have been spreading an alternative reality for almost nine years now.  They say our war efforts are a failure because:

1)  bin Laden hasn't been caught.
2)  Iraq had "nothing to do with 9-11."
3)  The Taliban has not been defeated.
4)  The voters didn't reject George Bush - oh, wait, that's THEIR objective, not Bush's.

In fact, the toppling of the Iraqi regime was a perfectly valid objective in this war.  Ending a nation which supports TERRORISM - not "Al Quaeda" but ANY terrorist organization, was part of the original mission.  Iraq clearly supported international terrorist groups AND even attempted to export its own terror groups.  The Taliban is still fighting.  So what.  The Taliban is not, and has not been for several years, the legitimate government, the de facto government, the government in exile or any form of government at all.  THe fact that Osama bin Laden has not been captured is true, but it simply means that one objective of the war on terror is not yet accomplished.  Osama has TALKED a lot in the last nine years from his hidey-hole.   He has accomplished nothing.  We have not yet put the dog down, but we have certainly put him on a leash.  He growls a lot,  but he has no bite.

Now MT says we are about to take on the mighty, mighty Iranian forces.  Crap.  Everybody said the same thing about Iraq before Desert Storm.   "Third largest army in the world!"  "Massive casualties expected."  "Won't be a pushover."  "Mother of all wars." 

How'd that work out for ya, Iraq?

The fact is, for all their bluster and nuclear ambitions, Iran would fall in weeks, maybe days.  Like Saddam, they would throw out some missiles towards Israel, call their Muslim allies to assist them (which calls would largely be ignored) and deny their defeat as it happened.  But the result would be the same.  We have (I think wisely) avoided attacking Iran because unlike other Muslim nations, the people of Iran REMEMBER western-style freedoms that are denied them now.  I used to think that the Iranian people would eventually overthrow the mullahs as they did the Shah.  But the crackdown on the opposition has changed my mind.  I think the people want democracy, but they have no way to achieve it.  If we attacked Iran, the people would resist, as they did in Iraq.  But there would be a difference.  There is not a three-faction population in Iran as there is in Iraq.  There is a large and growing popular movement to overthrow the theocracy.  Unlike in Iraq, where Saddam had brutally cowed the population and there was never any sense of freedom, Iran has an active and vocal opposition, with internal leaders already identified and more rising. 

We would not be "welcomed as liberators" but we could put into play the forces of reform simply by decimating the military cacpabilities of the government and (paradoxically) driving the opposition and the hardliners together.  By gaining a foothold in their own government, the crisis would give the reformers power they lack now - and the hardliners, though momentarily on the upswing, would lose power through their demonstrated inability to make good their boasts.  I don't see this resulting in a friendly Iran, just the opposite.  But I do see it making a less beligerant and more internally focused Iran.  They'll hate us for a while at least, but they"ll be more focused on stabilizing their nation and becoming a player in the world market than on bullying their middle-eastern allies and destroying Israel. 

Iran has a fledgling nuclear capability.  But it's military is a sad remnant of the powerful force that the Shah, with western support, had built.  It is they, not us, who are a paper tiger.  As long as we did not attempt to take over the oil resources (which would trigger an immediate response from Russia and China and threaten a world war) we could go in, dismantle the threat, sign a few treaties with a puppet government and leave.  What happened after that wouldn't matter much.  If Russia and China are holding back and turning a blind eye, you can bet their interests have already been addressed by the US in backchannels.   Iran may be pissing its pants for good reason.   

If, in fact, this scenario or something like it should occur, and Obama is the driving force behind it, it would greatly change my opinion of the man.  It might well be the antidote to the disastrous Carter years that got us here in the first place.

3DHS / Re: "Just Say No" any Ground Zero Mosque!
« on: July 01, 2010, 12:23:53 AM »
Fanatical hatred of Muslims is just as demented as fanatical Muslims hating everyone else.

True, but we can't ignore that there is a rather significant mitigating circumstance in this case. 

Even though this incident was not the fault of the religion itself, it would be just as insensitive as the Mormons building a church where the Mountain Meadows Massacre happened, the Japanese building a Shinto shrine in Pearl Harbor and the Germans building a beer hall in the ruins of Auschwitz.

This is scary, son.  I was going to post just about the same thing in my original but changed my mind and went with the pork processing theme instead.  (Senator Byrd just died so "pork" was on my mind, I guess.)  But I was going to suggest a Japanese Cultural center at the Arizona memorial or a Nazi Awareness center at Dachau.   The Mountain Meadows reference didn't occur to me but it was valid as well.  Still, very spooky.  I think you have your mother's ESP.

3DHS / Re: "Just Say No" any Ground Zero Mosque!
« on: June 29, 2010, 08:01:55 AM »
This has got to be one of the most tone deaf ideas ever contrived.

It will be very repellent and cause problems .

Perhaps one should consider that one has rights to do things that are counterproductive , in other words - a bad idea.

Tone deaf is a very interesting way to word that.  I am not sure, Plane, that this is a case of confusion.  The continued insensitivity seems planned and the idea seems deliberately in-your-face.  But if it isn't - if these people really think this is a manner of building bridges - then you are quite correct.  They clearly don't get it.  I agree (not too surprisingly) with Stray Pup that the ideals of our nation compell me to side with the rights of the faith to express itself freely, even if it is extremely distasteful.  But I would like to have a pork processing plant located right next door and see how quickly they protest our "insensitivity."  Maybe Hebrew National Hot Dogs can open on the other side. 

There is a part of me that views the building of a mosque on ground zero as a triumph of freedom.  After all, in most countries the idea would be quickly rejected by the government.  Allowing these people to do this shows the freedom of expression and the tolerance America is well known for.  But it will not build bridges.  It will just be a magnet for controversy and violence.  I think that is the intent.

3DHS / Delta tops United for worst luggage disaster.
« on: June 27, 2010, 01:49:46 AM »
Remember that guy whose guitar got destroyed by United Airlines and they wouldn't compensate?  He wrote a series of songs about it and embarrassed United royally. 

Well, I found out about this from a FB friend.  His mother's ashes were lost byDelta!  What is really funny is that the article talks about his wife, Rebeccah.  He isn't married to her.  His wife is named Sunny.  This is jus great, yet anothr false media report of Mormon polygamy - lol!

The good news is that all ended well.  The bad news is, according to Carl, the attendant told Rebeccah that she (the attendant) wasn't paid enough to care.  Incredible.  I hope her pay just dropped by about, oh, say 100%.

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