Author Topic: I can really start to see this guy as president now  (Read 15688 times)

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I can really start to see this guy as president now
« on: March 29, 2011, 12:58:54 AM »
I'm speaking of Donald Trump. I like a lot of what he is saying, and I think he could beat Obama.

Obama Spent Millions 'to Get Away From This Issue ---Donald Trump


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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2011, 01:17:10 AM »
Trump does this presidential bit every four years, when he has a book to peddle. He is just a huge ego with a nest of weird hair on top.The GOP won't likely give him the nomination, because he has never run for anything before. The economy would have to be a whole lot worse for him to have a chance.
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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2011, 01:21:31 AM »
Trump does this presidential bit every four years

What is your source on that?


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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2011, 01:27:36 AM »
Another thing is I'm getting really tired of you saying who does or does not have a chance at becoming president or anything else. You don't know shit. You are almost always wrong. You were a loser in life. You have to spend 30 minutes googling every answer you give and you still get it wrong. You thought Dennis Kucinich would be president. And you were dumb enough to vote for Obama and help put us in this mess. So go fuck yourself.


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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2011, 01:56:26 AM »
I did not say that I thought Kucinich would be elected president. I said I voted for him in the Democratic primary, and at the time, he expressed views closer to what I believe in than anyone else.

 I am afraid that I am not going to stop saying things you don't like because you are getting tired of hearing them. Your opinions are pretty much just run of the mill Limbaugh trash, expressed in a manner inferior to Limbaugh himself.

 In 2004, Trump said he was thinking about running, then he said it again in 2008. I think you will find that he came out with a couple of books in those years. Not that he WROTE them. I see Trump as a gasbag ego who likes publicity, probably because he craves approval for some odd reason.

It would be fine with me if he got the GOP nomination. It would be interesting to watch him go down in smoke and flames. The GOP will never nominate anyone that does not suck up to the oligarchy even more than the Democrats.

The mess we are in was caused by Cheney and Juniorbush: two wars, a huge debt and then a crash caused by greedheads taking advantage of idiots repealing proper regulations. Note that the choices for president were Obama and McCain. McCain was clearly  just an obsessed old codger who would say anything to get elected: he said he was a maverick, and now, he has somehow magically ceased to be a maverick.

I am a fine success as far as I am concerned: I had a job I enjoyed, I pursued studies that were interesting to me, and I was never unemployed. I am pretty sure I'd take it over your life any day of the week.

You the anti-genius as far as I am concerned, but Kramer is dumber still.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 02:44:56 AM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2011, 09:31:36 AM »
I lost all respect for you when you trashed Cris Christie. We both know that Christie would whip Obama's sorry behind. So would Donald Trump, but you are a partisan hack who will trash anybody to prop up your boy president. How about stating the reasons that Obama should not be president? Then you would be being honest. He's the worst president since Jimmy Carter, and I haven't decided who was worse yet. You insisted that Kucinich would be the Democrat nominee. And I told you he never would be. How did that turn out for you?

You never have an original idea. Anything you post is something that you googled within the previous 5 minutes. You try to act like you are pulling all this information from your memory banks until I caught you recently ripping off somebody's thoughts pretty much word for word online. You are a silly hack. You still haven't provided the source you found on google which told you that Trump does a presidential bit every 4 years. He doesn't even have a book out now. Trump may have considered running in '08 but decided it wasn't the right time. It certainly is the right time now. Things have deteriorated so much that even Donald Trump is now considered a viable candidate.


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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2011, 09:42:44 AM »
Trump is definitely a "wild-card"
My only fear is we nominate him and he would stumble
and allow Obama to keep appointing Supreme Court Justices.
2012 is really our big chance....we need to not blow it.
But I like a lot of what Trump says.
Trump is super PRO-AMERICAN which I really, really like to hear!
The establishment both Dem and Repub would hate to see Trump gain momentum.
Trump is his own man....he's not gonna tote anybody's line.
Which is another reason I like him!  :D
I just hope Trump doesn't end up running as a 3rd Party candidate
because that would hand four more years to Obama.

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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2011, 10:17:24 AM »
Trump is his own man....he's not gonna tote anybody's line.
Which is another reason I like him!  :D
One of the people's lines he will not toe would be yours.

I think the expression is TOE the line,  not TOTE the line.
Lines are too light to "tote".

There is a distinct disadvantage to a president who pays no attention to anyone but himself, I'd say.
The GOP won't nominate anyone they don't think they can control.

And Christie might get a second term in NJ, maybe. A presidential candidate, no way. Watch and see, it will not happen. I don't think even Christie expects this.

I NEVER claimed that I was convinced that Kucinich would get the nomination. I voted for him because has guts and opposed invading Iraq. When I saw I was only one of two people in my Democratic precinct that voted for him, of course I knew he would not be the candidate.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 03:07:05 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2011, 10:30:43 AM »
I think the expression is TOE the line,  not TOTE the line. Lines are too light to "tote".

XO I am just curious...why do race to point out my grammatical mistakes
but don't ever point out Plane's spelling mistakes that appear in
everyone of his posts? Remember "glass house"....I'm gonna slam on it!  ;)
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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2011, 10:48:03 AM »
I used to tell Plane about his spelling, but I have given up.

Plane posts interesting stuff about science and aviation, and he does not call me nasty names. I have accepted his creative spelling as a part of his personality.

I figured that you might want to know that the idiomatic expression was "toe the line", rather than "tote the line". Like "ect.", such misuse of cliches, idioms and metaphors are the verbal equivalent of a piece of spinach caught between one's front teeth.

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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2011, 11:21:28 AM »
You were saying the same thing about Kucinich, something like "He is going to get the nomination. You just wait and see. He is against the Iraq war." And you were quite wrong. Kucinich is a joke and he never had a shot at anything. And for you to share thoughts of Dennis Kucinich makes you a joke as well.

I hate people who correct somebody's grammar. It is really gay. It's obvious CU4 meant "toe" the party line, but was typing fast to get his post up. Just like your stupid posts have ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and ///////////// in them when you post something hastily, asshole.


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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2011, 11:33:33 AM »
It's one of the reasons he's garnered the label, Spelling nazi and/or Grammar nazi.  Used to do it most of the time, until Ami started doing it back at him, for his errors.  After that, he definitely toned it down
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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2011, 12:28:41 PM »
he does not call me nasty names

I am a "counter-puncher"
If you notice I never start calling you names unless you are being a shithead first (a.k.a. bully)

I have accepted his creative spelling as a part of his personality.

Maybe I should accept you sometimes being a shithead as a part of your personality?...j/k
Ok...yeah I'd rather not be known for mistakes....
So go ahead....keep me honest.....preeeSheAteIt!
I used to never use the spell check on 3DHS
I sometimes get in a hurry....but I use it mo these dayz!  ;)
I've thought about telling him to use it...
But he probably wouldn't....

I figured that you might want to know that the idiomatic expression was "toe the line",
rather than "tote the line". Like "ect.", such misuse of cliches, idioms and metaphors
are the verbal equivalent of a piece of spinach caught between one's front teeth.

I floss everyday and I water pic everyday
If I would have started that 20 years ago I'd still have a lot more of my teeth
But a super-clean mouth is almost an obsession now
So no spinach 'tween my teeth....
But I do love raw spinach....cooked spinach is yucky.
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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2011, 03:06:07 PM »
AS I recall, I never said that I expected Dennis Kucinich would be elected president.
 I said that there were three reasons why he would NOT be elected
(1) having "Dennis" as a first name. Everyone thinks of Dennis the Menace.
(2) having "Kucinich" as a last name. It is too Slavic for most Americans.
(3) being short. Americans like tall presidents.

I added that these were bogus reasons, because he should be elected, but that this was why it would not happen.

In the same way, we will not elect a bald guy, or a fat guy, not because they would be incompetent, but because image is everything to many Americans. I have nothing against my country being led by a competent bald guy, fat guy, short guy or Slavic guy. I was commenting on the way Americans create images. It is a topic that has long interested me.

You remember what I posted incorrectly. I know what I said, but you do not remember. That is not my fault.

I believe that if you refer to anyone as "shithead" they will consider this insulting.

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Re: I can really start to see this guy as president now
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2011, 04:01:03 PM »
I believe that if you refer to anyone as "shithead" they will consider this insulting.

Yes like I said if you behave like a shithead then yes I punch back,
but I rarely if ever throw the first punch.....but all my life I've
enjoyed throwing the counter punch at a bully.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 04:37:51 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987