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Guest 09:34:41 AM Viewing the topic O'Donnell casts a spell over Delaware.
Guest 09:34:30 AM Viewing the topic Obama throws Israel under the Bus.
Guest 09:32:34 AM Viewing the topic Going to war leaves US soldiers' kids at risk.
Guest 09:28:28 AM Viewing the topic gender dysphoria.
Guest 09:26:37 AM Viewing Plane's profile.
Guest 09:25:39 AM Viewing the topic Just as I thought. Bushidiot is a sociopath.
Guest 09:24:10 AM Viewing the topic My Predictions Have Come True In Part.
Guest 09:23:42 AM Viewing the topic New Survey - Iraq Invasion Cost Over Half Million Iraqi Lives.
Guest 09:22:24 AM Printing the topic "Breakfast and Brunch: Grilled Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich | Submitted By: KATIES8422 ".