General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: sirs on June 30, 2010, 02:27:16 AM
And this current Judicial nominee embodies it. And te scary thing, is she will become one of the Supreme Court Justices, of this country
Kagan Declines To Say Gov't Has No Power to Tell Americans What To Eat (
Our founders have to be rolling in their graves :'(
What if the food was really really harmfull?
Our government has forbidden alcohol, at one time totally ,it forbids selling a long list of drugs and forbids selling food contaminated with a lot of toxic substances.
What If I Like My Chinese Candy With A Little Contamination? What if I like a little cat in my pork sausage?What If I find Lead tasty on my chew toys? Salmonella? Yum.
The government does not have the power to tell Americans what to eat. But the public deserves food that is safe to eat,and it is the government's function to see to it that food that claims to be safe, is indeed safe.
Those who like poison can snack on D-Con or the ever-popular Drano. I note that catfood does not indicate a calorie or ingredient label, and the government does not have a law against eating 9-Lives of Friskies or even Wal*Mart "Special Kitty".
My cat likes "Special Kitty" more than more expensive brands.
What if the food was really really harmfull?
Our government has forbidden alcohol, at one time totally ,it forbids selling a long list of drugs and forbids selling food contaminated with a lot of toxic substances.
What If I Like My Chinese Candy With A Little Contamination? What if I like a little cat in my pork sausage?What If I find Lead tasty on my chew toys? Salmonella? Yum.
It appears the government wants to force me to eat my peas & green beans like my parents did in the 60's.
It also painfully appears that Xo has no idea of what the Power of the Government can impose under the Commerce Clause. Just listen to nominee Kagan, for some clarity
It also painfully appears that Xo has no idea of what the Power of the Government can impose under the Commerce Clause. Just listen to nominee Kagan, for some clarity
this is the power they want over us to say you want our medical then it's our way or the hi-way. You want health care eat this and don't drink that. Leave the gun alone because it's to dangerous. Then they want to control our thermostat. How often you drive and the size of vehicle. What you can read, and censor what's on TV, Radio and the Internet.
You are a doofus. You hear voices.
I do not take you seriously in any way.
Kagan is will be an excellent justice and will be appointed and there is nothing you can do about it.
That is a good thing, because doofi who hear voices should not be take seriously.
For someone who doesn't take much of anything here in the saloon that doesn't follow a strict liberal line as serious, that someone sure spends alot of time responding to so-called non-serious nonsense
Yes, she'll be an excellent LIBERAL justice, and yes, she will be appointed. That doesn't make her any kind of an excellent justice in general. Rest assured, your lopsided left Stephens chair will remain staunchly aimed left & extra constitutional. Lots of empathy, I'm sure
You are a doofus. You hear voices.
I do not take you seriously in any way.
Kagan is will be an excellent justice and will be appointed and there is nothing you can do about it.
That is a good thing, because doofi who hear voices should not be take seriously.
the only thing worthy to muster up to your silly diatribe is to call you a penis brain. and you have a small brain at that.
You should tell your voices to be more creative than that.
You should tell your voices to be more creative than that.
If you would back off the Viagra your headaches might retreat and your hats might fit better.