General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Kramer on July 21, 2010, 12:48:53 PM
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The ENQUIRER reports in an exclusive bombshell exclusive that police
have investigated charges from TWO MORE WOMEN who claimed they were abused by former VP AL GORE!
The allegations come hot on the heels of an ongoing Portland, Ore., police investigation that reopened after The ENQUIRER exclusively revealed accusations by a licensed massage therapist who says Gore groped her in 2006.
The ENQUIRER recently uncovered shocking allegations, from two other massage therapists.
The first incident allegedly took place at a Beverly Hills luxury hotel when Gore, 62, was in Hollywood to attend the Oscars in 2007.
The second reportedly occurred a year later at a hotel in Tokyo.
A Beverly Hills hotel source told The ENQUIRER:
"The therapist claimed that when they were alone, Gore shrugged off a towel and stood naked in front of her.
"He pointed at his erect penis and ordered her, 'Take care of THIS.'"
The ENQUIRER recently uncovered shocking allegations, from two other massage therapists.
Gore shrugged off a towel and stood naked in front of her.
"He pointed at his erect penis and ordered her, 'Take care of THIS."
And to think this whack-job was almost the President of the United States!
This guy has mental problems.
Poor, poor Tipper...that woman must have went through hell with the A-Hole!
Again with the "therapist" who visits men in hotel rooms to provide "therapy." Not that there's anything wrong with it, but 99% of men who order "massage therapy" in a hotel room are ordering up the world's oldest profession. They know it and so do the providers.
If that is a sign of mental illness ("whack job") then the whole fucking world must be crazy.
This whole story is one big YAAAAAWWWWWNNNNN. Poor Albert.
Again with the "therapist" who visits men in hotel rooms to provide "therapy." Not that there's anything wrong with it, but 99% of men who order "massage therapy" in a hotel room are ordering up the world's oldest profession. They know it and so do the providers.
If that is a sign of mental illness ("whack job") then the whole fucking world must be crazy.
This whole story is one big YAAAAAWWWWWNNNNN. Poor Albert.
maybe Tipster dumped him because he was screwing whores. Doesn't all that sex just add to global warming?
yeah it's such a great thing that married al gore attempts to bang whores in hotel rooms!
too bad for him the women were not whores and were simply working soccer Moms
i get regular massages for a chronic shoulder injury & it is ridiculous to imply they are whores
when i visited Toronto on business back in 2003 or 2004 I had one to my room
quit dismissing shameful behavior
yeah it's such a great thing that married al gore attempts to bang whores in hotel rooms!
too bad for him the women were not whores and were simply working soccer Moms
i get regular massages for a chronic shoulder injury & it is ridiculous to imply they are whores
when i visited Toronto on business back in 2003 or 2004 I had one to my room
quit dismissing shameful behavior
I agree
Mikey is shameful for even bringing it up
I find he does that a lot with women that gets in the way of his agenda
When my wife and in-laws were on vacation in Hawaii, my Father-in-law and myself had 2 massage therapists come up to the room, and provided great massages.....and nothing more. According to Tee, we were supposed to be provided something else? Perhaps he meant to reference 98%
Again with the "therapist" who visits men in hotel rooms to provide "therapy." Not that there's anything wrong with it, but 99% of men who order "massage therapy" in a hotel room are ordering up the world's oldest profession. They know it and so do the providers.
The providers you're thinking of advertise under the section called "escorts". Massage therapists are not prostitutes. One company I worked for brought in massage therapists every two weeks for the employees.
<<maybe Tipster dumped him because he was screwing whores. Doesn't all that sex just add to global warming?>>
Would you feel any cooler if Big Al were locked up for a few years?
<<maybe Tipster dumped him because he was screwing whores. Doesn't all that sex just add to global warming?>>
Would you feel any cooler if Big Al were locked up for a few years?
no I want him shot by a firing squad, then locked up for the rest of his life.
<<i get regular massages for a chronic shoulder injury & it is ridiculous to imply they are whores
when i visited Toronto on business back in 2003 or 2004 I had one to my room
quit dismissing shameful behavior>>
A registered massage therapist has the letters RMT after his or her name. Some work for sports-injury or rehab clinics. Some will do outcalls. They are legitimate.
There are also "massage parlours," all of which have to be "licensed." If I'm not mistaken, the employees also have to be licensed. They also do in-house or outcall work. "Licensed" basically means you pay a hefty fee to the municipality and don't have any recent convictions for prostitution, living on the avails or running a whorehouse.
The differences are readily apparent. If you are looking for therapeutic massage, you will see simple ads for registered massage therapists, perhaps with the number of years experience or the types of injuries treated. If you are looking for what Algore was looking for, you will not see "registered massage therapy" in the ad or "RMT" after the advertiser's name. You will see somewhat lurid descriptions of the "masseuse's" qualifications, such as "exotic," "beautiful, "exquisite," long-haired," "busty," "Asian" or "East European," or similar descriptions of a physical nature which you will never see in an ad for an RMT.
Now crediting Algore with minimal intelligence and common sense, I am sure that what he ordered up was NOT an RMT. The only other explanation I can think of is that the community he was visiting was so puritanical that the "erotic massage" people weren't allowed to advertise as openly as they do in Toronto and thus poor Al had to take his chances ordering from a bunch of advertisers all of whom were forced to advertise therapeutic massages only, and then take his chances on getting one of the "dirty" rather than one of the "clean" advertisers. In which case, blame the puritanical municipality or state for a legislatively-created ban on clarity in advertising, not poor old Al for having to take his chances in what should have been a clear choice.
Anyone get too dizzy after that spin?
Now crediting Algore with minimal intelligence and common sense, I am sure that what he ordered up was NOT an RMT. The only other explanation I can think of is that the community he was visiting was so puritanical that the "erotic massage" people weren't allowed to advertise as openly as they do in Toronto and thus poor Al had to take his chances ordering from a bunch of advertisers all of whom were forced to advertise therapeutic massages only, and then take his chances on getting one of the "dirty" rather than one of the "clean" advertisers. In which case, blame the puritanical municipality or state for a legislatively-created ban on clarity in advertising, not poor old Al for having to take his chances in what should have been a clear choice.
Portland is NOT known as a "puritanical community" - it's known as being nearly as liberal as San Francisco. Also, it's LMT in the US. And here is the wording on her advertisement:
Jin Shin acupressure and Swedish massage for body, mind, heart & spirit
503-938-1766, Southeast Portland, OR
So, would you like to amend what you said?
Also, it's LMT in the US.
LMT = Licensed Massage Therapist.
CMT = Certified Massage Therapist.
RMT = Registered Massage Therapist.
In the US, licensure is the highest level of regulation and this restricts anyone without a license from practicing massage therapy or by calling themselves that protected title. Certification allows only those who meet certain educational criteria to use the protected title and registration only requires a listing of therapists who apply and meet an educational requirement. (
<<Portland is NOT known as a "puritanical community" - it's known as being nearly as liberal as San Francisco. Also, it's LMT in the US. And here is the wording on her advertisement:
Jin Shin acupressure and Swedish massage for body, mind, heart & spirit
503-938-1766, Southeast Portland, OR
<<So, would you like to amend what you said?>>
Sure, if Al came from a community like mine, RMT stands for legit massage therapists and LMT could easily be mistaken for "licensed" which is the most sexually-oriented one. So either the Portland paper that he used permitted advertising only by LMT's and he figured that since all the advertisers sported the same initials he would have to take his chances or else he was too lazy or tired to figure out what was the difference between the LMT and the RMT. Why the hell he - - or anyone else - - would expect sex from a legitimate massage therapist is beyond my imagination. Common sense tells me he had to have a reason to expect sex from this woman. At worst, he made a mistake - - BFD, he's an out-of-towner and he didn't know the ins and outs of the Portland sex industry. I myself did not know them. This is enough to make "whackos" out of Al and me? In your dreams!
Sure, if Al came from a community like mine, RMT stands for legit massage therapists and LMT could easily be mistaken for "licensed" which is the most sexually-oriented one.
Did you read my followup post?
<<Did you read my followup post?>>
I did. What's your point?
I did. What's your point?
LMT = Licensed Massage Therapist.
CMT = Certified Massage Therapist.
RMT = Registered Massage Therapist.
In the US, licensure is the highest level of regulation and this restricts anyone without a license from practicing massage therapy or by calling themselves that protected title. Certification allows only those who meet certain educational criteria to use the protected title and registration only requires a listing of therapists who apply and meet an educational requirement. (