
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: RoboPoster on August 13, 2010, 02:30:05 PM

Title: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: RoboPoster on August 13, 2010, 02:30:05 PM
Ground Zero for Free Speech

 Katha Pollitt, The Nation
Park51, aka Cordoba House, won't be a mosque;  it will be a $100 million, thirteen-story cultural center with a pool, gym, auditorium and prayer room. It won't be at Ground Zero; it will be two blocks away. (By the way, two mosques have existed in the neighborhood for years.) It won't be a shadowy storefront where radical clerics recruit young suicide bombers; it will be a showplace of moderate Islam, an Islam for the pluralist West—the very thing wise heads in the United States and Europe agree is essential to integrate Muslim immigrants and prevent them from...
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Kramer on August 13, 2010, 04:39:47 PM
Building Departments or in NYC whatever you want to call them are supposed to look a projects and determine whether that are a good fit for the city. This has nothing to do with free speech or any other civil rights horse-shit.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Michael Tee on August 13, 2010, 04:53:25 PM
Well, it would be kind of puzzling if churches, synagogues, cathedrals and other houses of worship, massage parlours, topless bars, rock-climbing walls, indoor skating rinks, tennis courts, coffee shops, Apple Stores, restaurants, theatres, dry cleaners,
 etc. were all a "good fit" for the city but a mosque wasn't.  Somebody would hafta start thinking First Amendment rights, wouldn't they?

I love NYC, visit it a lot and don't have a clue why everything else is a good fit for the city, but not a mosque.  Racist and/or religious bigotry is the only explanation I can see for that.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Kramer on August 13, 2010, 05:06:04 PM
Well, it would be kind of puzzling if churches, synagogues, cathedrals and other houses of worship, massage parlours, topless bars, rock-climbing walls, indoor skating rinks, tennis courts, coffee shops, Apple Stores, restaurants, theatres, dry cleaners,
 etc. were all a "good fit" for the city but a mosque wasn't.  Somebody would hafta start thinking First Amendment rights, wouldn't they?

I love NYC, visit it a lot and don't have a clue why everything else is a good fit for the city, but not a mosque.  Racist and/or religious bigotry is the only explanation I can see for that.

If you don't think Christian churches are shot down for various reasons you are wrong. I would wager you a bet that somewhere in the USA an application to build a church has been refused for one reason or another. And I would go as far to say in at least one case because the church wanted to build it 'too close' to a Mosque or some other religious dwelling.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: sirs on August 13, 2010, 05:12:14 PM
Actually, a more concrete rationale is that, according to the constitution, Government is to avoid setting any 1 religion over another.  Can anyone imagine the apoplective outrage if the Government were pushing for a nice big Christian Church, at ground Zero.  Something along the lines of the Crystal Cathedral, here in Orange County.

So the problem here is 2 fold.  One is the above issues with Government actually using tax payer dollars to facilitate this Imam's push in highlighting the greateness of Islam, and indirectly helping to finance this Mosque.  and 2, the huge insensitivity it is for such a structure to be built right next to the location of the greatest terrorist attack in our history, done so in the name of Islam

I'm sure, folks should have no problem with a Mosque being built ANYWHERE else.  It's the location of the mosque, not the the folks pushing Islam.  This is a country with freedom of religion, so they can practice their religion, with no problem.  That should debunk the racist/bigot dren
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: BT on August 13, 2010, 05:13:56 PM
You can't stop a church even in residential neighborhoods, because they are a church. What you can do is set requirements for enough parking for a reasonable number of visitors and disallow street parking.

I'm thinking some smart entrepreneur should open a lesbian BBQ joint and bar that caters to Jewish women across the street from this planned cultural center.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: sirs on August 13, 2010, 05:23:56 PM that would facilitate some apoplectic outrage and cries of insensitivity.  How utterly offended those attending the Mosque might become.  We can't have that now
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Plane on August 13, 2010, 06:39:52 PM
Would the right of free speech ,as protected by the first admendment,  protect the builder of a nineteen foot tall vulva made of volvos across the street?

Perhaps an oblisk , in form , uncircumcised?

Talk about a good fit for the city.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Kramer on August 13, 2010, 06:53:42 PM
You can't stop a church even in residential neighborhoods, because they are a church. What you can do is set requirements for enough parking for a reasonable number of visitors and disallow street parking.

I'm thinking some smart entrepreneur should open a lesbian BBQ joint and bar that caters to Jewish women across the street from this planned cultural center.

planning dept won't let it happen.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Kramer on August 13, 2010, 06:59:33 PM
I take it back, that just might fly. And that's a good one too.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Michael Tee on August 14, 2010, 02:03:24 PM
<<If you don't think Christian churches are shot down for various reasons you are wrong. I would wager you a bet that somewhere in the USA an application to build a church has been refused for one reason or another. And I would go as far to say in at least one case because the church wanted to build it 'too close' to a Mosque or some other religious dwelling.>>

So THAT explains it!  I was wondering how come one never sees a church or cathedral in NYC.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Kramer on August 14, 2010, 02:23:10 PM
<<If you don't think Christian churches are shot down for various reasons you are wrong. I would wager you a bet that somewhere in the USA an application to build a church has been refused for one reason or another. And I would go as far to say in at least one case because the church wanted to build it 'too close' to a Mosque or some other religious dwelling.>>

So THAT explains it!  I was wondering how come one never sees a church or cathedral in NYC.

strange how your mind works. Your brain short-circuits when it come to using logic.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: sirs on August 14, 2010, 03:08:40 PM
<<If you don't think Christian churches are shot down for various reasons you are wrong. I would wager you a bet that somewhere in the USA an application to build a church has been refused for one reason or another. And I would go as far to say in at least one case because the church wanted to build it 'too close' to a Mosque or some other religious dwelling.>>

So THAT explains it!  I was wondering how come one never sees a church or cathedral in NYC.

strange how your mind works. Your brain short-circuits when it come to using logic.

Especially when you consider this about where specifically, in NYC we're talking about.  It's mentally easier & lazier when one avoids the point of the whole issue
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Michael Tee on August 14, 2010, 10:46:44 PM
<<strange how your mind works. Your brain short-circuits when it come to using logic.>>

Well, set up the circuit without the short.  Show me where a proposed church was banned from Ground Zero.
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: sirs on August 15, 2010, 12:11:08 AM
What other churches have applied??
Title: Re: Ground Zero for Free Speech
Post by: Plane on August 15, 2010, 12:43:25 AM
The name is the thing.

If it were named "The Islamic Apology Center" ....