
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: sirs on October 22, 2010, 06:23:37 PM

Title: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: sirs on October 22, 2010, 06:23:37 PM
Man Fired for Wearing Bush Sweatshirt at Obama Rally

October 22, 2010
(USC) -- Don't try wearing a Bush hat or sweatshirt at an Obama rally.

Duane Hammond says it's what got him fired.  Hammond is a union stagehand who was part of the crew that built the platform for the Obama event on campus.

He came to work early this morning wearing clothing that says "George H. W. Bush".   Hammond's son is in the Navy, currently serving on the aircraft carrier U.S.S. George H. W. Bush.

Hammond says he was not trying to make a political statement.  He says he got the sweatshirt and hat during a visit to the aircraft carrier on Family Day.  The back of his sweatshirt has a large drawing of the ship.

He says he wore it to show how proud he is of his son.

That didn't go over well with his union supervisor.  Hammond says he was told to take off the sweatshirt, or he would have to go home.

He refused.  They told him he was fired from the job.

Move over Juan Williams (

Now, remind why private employers can get in so much trouble if they dare tell someone that they can't wear various pierced appendages or certain political and/or provocative attire while working, because it "abridges their 1st amendment rights".  ACLU-like trouble to boot, but this guy gets fired for wearing a shirt that's not even related to the prior administration, just simply proud of his son??

Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Plane on October 22, 2010, 06:41:16 PM
As Commander in Cheif President Obama has the right to inspect the USS Bush and the USS Reagan too.

If I were him I would it would be funny to have papers with the headline "Obama boards Bush" or if he is SCUBA qualified he could go for " Obama inspects George Bush's bottom".
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: sirs on October 22, 2010, 07:01:21 PM
I think you mean, Chub in Chief          8)
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Kramer on October 22, 2010, 07:48:11 PM
As Commander in Cheif President Obama has the right to inspect the USS Bush and the USS Reagan too.

If I were him I would it would be funny to have papers with the headline "Obama boards Bush" or if he is SCUBA qualified he could go for " Obama inspects George Bush's bottom".

I can pretty much bet ya that there will never be a ship named the USS Barack Hussein Obama.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Plane on October 22, 2010, 07:54:04 PM
As Commander in Cheif President Obama has the right to inspect the USS Bush and the USS Reagan too.

If I were him I would it would be funny to have papers with the headline "Obama boards Bush" or if he is SCUBA qualified he could go for " Obama inspects George Bush's bottom".

I can pretty much bet ya that there will never be a ship named the USS Barack Hussein Obama.

Why not?

There is a USS James Earl Carter.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Kramer on October 22, 2010, 09:21:21 PM
As Commander in Cheif President Obama has the right to inspect the USS Bush and the USS Reagan too.

If I were him I would it would be funny to have papers with the headline "Obama boards Bush" or if he is SCUBA qualified he could go for " Obama inspects George Bush's bottom".

I can pretty much bet ya that there will never be a ship named the USS Barack Hussein Obama.

Why not?

There is a USS James Earl Carter.

Yeah and the sailors serving aboard hold their breath. Plus Jimmy was in the Navy too.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 22, 2010, 11:49:04 PM
James Wright, a business representative from IATSE Local 33, says the union is still investigating what happened.

"If he was sent home because of the sweatshirt, he will be paid for the day," he said.

***UPDATE:   Duane Hammond says union officials called him this afternoon to apologize for the incident.  He say they are "bending over backwards" to make it up to him.

Move over Juan Williams or not (
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: sirs on October 23, 2010, 02:43:58 AM
Ahhh, the outrage at the hypocritical firing was too great for even the union to bare?  Wow, I'm impressed
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 23, 2010, 03:19:27 AM
Ahhh, the outrage at the hypocritical firing was too great for even the union to bare?  Wow, I'm impressed

Don't know why you think it is a hypocritical firing. Wrongful perhaps, but hypocritical?

What do you know of the union supervisor on the job that would make this action hypocritical?

Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: sirs on October 23, 2010, 04:21:44 AM
Hypocritical in that many who support unions are also the ones who would be supporting those ACLU-like defense of anyone wearing anythng to work, based on some 1st amendment ground
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 23, 2010, 12:34:22 PM
Hypocritical in that many who support unions are also the ones who would be supporting those ACLU-like defense of anyone wearing anythng to work, based on some 1st amendment ground

Judging by the scant information provided by the article, seems the controversy is based upon the actions of one individual, that of the job supervisor, who took exception to the sweatshirt wearers refusal to comply with the demand to dress more "appropriately". Whether the request was prompted by those who contracted the stage crew (the Obama advance team) is unknown. In either case, i don't see how supporters of unions or the union itself should be held accountable for the actions of this supervisor, especially in light of the fact that the union local itself was quick not only to pay the employee the full days wages, but also to investigate and hopefully better train supervisory staff.

My guess is that future stage crews like this will be staffed by uniformed employees so that dress codes are clearly defined.

Dress codes are not a first amendment issue. Especially if the contractor is not a government entity, and in this case it wasn't.

This controversy is much ado about nothing. 

Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: sirs on October 23, 2010, 03:44:07 PM
Hypocritical in that many who support unions are also the ones who would be supporting those ACLU-like defense of anyone wearing anything to work, based on some 1st amendment ground

Judging by the scant information provided by the article, seems the controversy is based upon the actions of one individual, that of the job supervisor, who took exception to the sweatshirt wearers refusal to comply with the demand to dress more "appropriately". other words a Union leader.  Contrary to popular opinion, those that rail against unions, are almost universally railing against union leadership. 

Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 23, 2010, 05:16:45 PM
Quote other words a Union leader

I fail to see how you can define a job supervisor as a union leader. Union leaders in my mind would be the Local's president or executive staff.

Then again i have never belonged to a union, so i'm not sure what the chain of command is. Perhaps Plane can enlighten us.

Contrary to popular opinion, those that rail against unions, are almost universally railing against union leadership. 

Guess that makes me different.

I just don't see the need for unions. And i certainly don't like the idea of being forced to join one.
Which is not the same as being against the union leadership or for that matter the rank and file that join unions. I'm sure they are fine fellows. Plane seems nice enough. I know a shop steward at the post office and he's a good guy too.

Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 23, 2010, 05:19:28 PM
And as a side note, I'm sure the whole brouhaha was more about location than any freedom of expression issue.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: sirs on October 23, 2010, 05:33:32 PM
Quote other words a Union leader

I fail to see how you can define a job supervisor as a union leader. Union leaders in my mind would be the Local's president or executive staff.  

Or someone put in charge by Union leadership
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Plane on October 23, 2010, 07:16:21 PM
Union officials on the scene are shop stewards , and they do not order work for the company, they don't even tell you that your break is over.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 23, 2010, 08:03:41 PM
Union officials on the scene are shop stewards , and they do not order work for the company, they don't even tell you that your break is over.

So the job supervisor would not necessarily be a union leader? Could just be a member running a crew?
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Plane on October 23, 2010, 11:22:49 PM
Union officials on the scene are shop stewards , and they do not order work for the company, they don't even tell you that your break is over.

So the job supervisor would not necessarily be a union leader? Could just be a member running a crew?

Generally management doesnt join the union.

Was this a contractor or was the union itself setting up the event?

The work leader could be union if this was a union event , otherwise foremen are representing the management.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 23, 2010, 11:51:12 PM
My guess is the event organizers (University of Southern California?) contracted directly with the union to get the stage built. Wonder what the bid process looked like. I know Locals have their own business units that compete for contracts. So this may be a hybrid, where regulations require union wages and the Local competes against private enterprise for the available work.

Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Plane on October 24, 2010, 12:24:14 AM,0,7529887.story (,0,7529887.story)

Looks as if it was a Union affair if I understand this article aright.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 24, 2010, 12:52:43 AM,0,7529887.story (,0,7529887.story)

Looks as if it was a Union affair if I understand this article aright.

At about 10 a.m. on Friday, Frank Jenkins, a first-grader from Tom Bradley Elementary Magnet School, arrived at USC to see the president speak.

?I wanna see Obama,? seven-year-old Frank said. ?I never saw Obama.?

Frank ? who said he thought Obama would be better to watch in person than on television ?because you get to see him? ? was one of 40 students from Bradley who attended the ?Moving America Forward? rally, which was organized by the Democratic National Committee and hosted by USC?s Student Political Assembly. (
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Plane on October 24, 2010, 09:58:04 AM

  Yes ,but they had the union itself provide the stagehands, so the supervisor might have been a union official,rather than management from a contractor, this never happens where I work.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: BT on October 24, 2010, 03:03:06 PM

  Yes ,but they had the union itself provide the stagehands, so the supervisor might have been a union official,rather than management from a contractor, this never happens where I work.

I guess the task at hand would be to define union official.
Title: Re: And folks wonder why Unions get such a bad rap
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 24, 2010, 04:31:08 PM
I would think that a union official would be anyone who holds a union office. Most of these are determined by a vote of the members.