
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: BT on September 30, 2011, 10:13:01 PM

Title: Connection?
Post by: BT on September 30, 2011, 10:13:01 PM

Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on September 30, 2011, 10:51:30 PM

Probably the connection is what Sarah Palin talks about...."crony capitalism".
Wall Street, the big banks, & crooked politicans all in collusion
are a big part of why that girl is unemployed
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: BT on September 30, 2011, 11:54:42 PM
Hmmm. I thought she might be unemployed because her particular skill set did not compete well with her competition for employment's skill set. Wonder what her field of study was.

Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Kramer on October 01, 2011, 12:03:20 AM
My first thought was if your worth a shit, had some talent, had some ability, had some logic, and forward thinking, it wouldn't matter whether she had a college education or not. After all, what is a college education these days anyway? Poor victim! I am sure she has plenty of excuses why she can't get a job. She her biggest obstacle!
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Plane on October 01, 2011, 12:30:31 AM
  Who should feel entitled to employment?
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Kramer on October 01, 2011, 12:56:28 AM
  Who should feel entitled to employment?

People that listen to Obama's words not his actions.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Kramer on October 01, 2011, 01:23:09 AM
If you feel untitled is there any reason to get off your ass and find a job? Entitled means it should just land in your lap.

I think Affirmative Action made Obama feel entitled to a lot of stuff.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 01, 2011, 10:55:38 AM
After all, what is a college education these days anyway?

Statistically, it means that your probability of being unemployed is 5%

Without a degree, it is around 15%.

Although there are those who are immune to education (we know of one whpo hides in your mirror), as a rule, it indicates superior skills in one or more fields.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: kimba1 on October 01, 2011, 11:50:07 AM
it`s true a degree will get one more chances  and ironicly the major does not have to be related. I know a Ad guy whose masters is  european mythology.He brags how his degree got him the jobs,but does nothing related.

I gotta wonder if businees prefer hiring actively employed people( no ladd-off folks) does that make them more vulnerable to hire people with invalid degrees? Business who don`t hired laid-off people tend to not do background checks.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 01, 2011, 12:57:47 PM
I imagine that the people in Human Resources simply want to make their own job easier. So instead of trying to find the absolute best person for the job, which might involve detailed background checks, they simply opt to cover their asses by hiring someone they could not be faulted for hiring. If the applicant lies, then they can blame the applicant. If they said they did not do a check, they can say, "there is no money to do this in my budget".

All people with college degrees are clearly not better for all jobs, even all white collar jobs, than all people who lack degrees. But if HR hires only people with degrees, they have covered their butts and have expended less effort in the process.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Kramer on October 01, 2011, 01:36:48 PM
After all, what is a college education these days anyway?

Statistically, it means that your probability of being unemployed is 5%

Without a degree, it is around 15%.

Although there are those who are immune to education (we know of one whpo hides in your mirror), as a rule, it indicates superior skills in one or more fields.

you are very predictable

I dare say that every person responsible for the predicament we are in (our nation) right now has a college education and probably a higher degree as well. Boy XO you are really stupid. I dare say that this country was better off 50 years ago and surely less people had college degrees back then than now so you clearly don't know the difference between your asshole and a hole in the ground.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 01, 2011, 02:11:17 PM
Yeah, this country was better off 50 years ago. You are incapable of rational thought if you believe that.

I was here 50 years ago. The country was just about to plunge off the cliff of Vietnam. Churches were being firebombed because Black people were demanding the right to vote, there was no Internet, kids were having to play "duck and cover" and most modern conveniences did not exist.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: BT on October 01, 2011, 02:32:56 PM
The unemployment rate from 50 years ago:
1961-09-01   6.7

During the Tet Offensive:
1968-02-01   3.8
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Kramer on October 01, 2011, 04:02:23 PM
Yeah, this country was better off 50 years ago. You are incapable of rational thought if you believe that.

I was here 50 years ago. The country was just about to plunge off the cliff of Vietnam. Churches were being firebombed because Black people were demanding the right to vote, there was no Internet, kids were having to play "duck and cover" and most modern conveniences did not exist.

you are proof a college education can be a disaster.

Let me put it this way. Not one of this nations economic problems was caused by someone with less than a college degree. And not even an asshole such as yourself can deny that fact.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 01, 2011, 04:17:48 PM
None of the problems was caused by illiterate people, either. So we should put illiterates in charge, by your lame standards.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Kramer on October 01, 2011, 09:17:13 PM
None of the problems was caused by illiterate people, either. So we should put illiterates in charge, by your lame standards.

People that haven't been to college CAN be more intelligent or as intelligent as those that have graduated from college. People that haven't graduated from college aren't always illiterate, And further your genius president really isn't very smart after all. Many people are self taught!

XO you are a bigot, racist and dunce all rolled up into one fat-ass ugly body! (

Generally, most elected and appointed politicians and public officials do have academic degrees. When I researched which United States politicians did not have college degrees, I discovered a startling fact about 10 U.S. Presidents. The following list of Presidents are individuals that never attended or completed college:

    George Washington, served as 1st President of the United States from 1789 to 1797
    Andrew Jackson, served as 7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837
    Martin Van Buren, served as 8th President of the United States from 1837 to 1841
    William Henry Harrison, served as 9th President of the United States in 1941*
    Zachary Taylor, served as 12th President of the United States from 1849 to 1950*
    Millard Fillmore, served as 13th President of the United States from 1850 to 1853
    Abraham Lincoln, served as 16th President of the United States from 1861 to 1865*
    Andrew Johnson, served as 17th President of the United States from 1865 to 1869
    Grover Cleveland, served as 24th President of the United States from 1893 to 1897
    Harry S. Truman, served as 33rd President of the United States from 1945 to 1953

Three of the most famous Presidents — ones with their own dollar bills commemorating their legacies — were educated men, but possessed no official college or university degree recognizing their intelligence**.  A number of these men served in the military, were Senators, judges, Vice Presidents, or publicly served their states and country.

A few months back, I read this BusinessWeek article, CEOs Without College Degrees, that notes the top 16 successful business executives that never completed college or earned a paper diploma.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 01, 2011, 10:01:21 PM
I did not say people who did not attend college are stupid or unqualified, I said that statistically, they are much less likely to be unemployed.

I really doubt that we will elect a president who did not attend college. It has been a long time since Harry Truman.

I did not say that a president had to have a college degree. I said that your comment that the present economic crisis was not caused by non-college grads is foolish, as a similar case can be made for illiterates and pinheads.

Being a CEO is hardly the be all and  end all of intellectual activity. I am unimpressed if all they could find was 16. 16 out of how many? All 500 companies in the S&P 500? That would be 3.2%.

If you went to college Kramer, seriously, you deserve to get a full refund.

Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Kramer on October 01, 2011, 10:05:14 PM
what does ent mean?
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 02, 2011, 01:58:11 PM
WENT, of course.

You must not be very good at crosswords if you cannot figure that one out.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on October 02, 2011, 02:20:32 PM
Bill Gates and Michael Dell did not finish college and it could be argued that
Bill Gates changed the world as much as any one individual in the last 100 years.

But with that in my opinion is a huge piece of the puzzle in bringing those behind up to par.

After-all if the guy has a college degree..odds are...he's probably not gonna be breaking your door down to do a home invasion.

I wonder what percentage of prison inmates have college degrees? I bet it's pretty low.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Kramer on October 02, 2011, 02:42:54 PM
WENT, of course.

You must not be very good at crosswords if you cannot figure that one out.

uck you
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Plane on October 02, 2011, 04:05:07 PM
what does ent mean?

    A forest sprit, like and elf or a dryad   sometimes portraed as an animated tree.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Plane on October 02, 2011, 04:06:35 PM
WENT, of course.

You must not be very good at crosswords if you cannot figure that one out.

uck you

Or not, belay my last.
Title: Re: Connection?
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on October 03, 2011, 01:39:38 PM
I know what and ent is, but in this case obvious word was WENT. If Kramer could not figure that out, then he is probably not very good at word games like crossword puzzles. His literary talents, such as they are, seems to be more of the bathroom stall poetry sort, and not as an original poet, either.