
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Christians4LessGvt on October 17, 2011, 10:55:21 PM

Title: Blacks vs Immigrants
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on October 17, 2011, 10:55:21 PM
It's pretty funny (and also sad) watching
blacks spout their culture of victimhood & entitlement.
They will never reach their destiny as long as they
continue down this insane path. Work your ass
off in school and then work your ass off at work
is the best ticket towards improvement, nobody is
gonna give you shit! - Convenience Store Confrontation and fun facts about immigrants (
Title: Re: Blacks vs Immigrants
Post by: Kramer on October 17, 2011, 10:59:37 PM
My hats off to you for understanding what is being said..