
General Category => 3DHS => Topic started by: Xavier_Onassis on July 06, 2015, 06:20:07 PM

Title: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 06, 2015, 06:20:07 PM
Trump complains that "China is eating are heart out!" (

Then David Letterman checks out one of The Donld's neckties and asks "Where are these made?"

Yeah, The Donald would make a GREAT president.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 06, 2015, 09:29:51 PM
I buy some products from China and also wish they
would put huge tariffs on stuff from China.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 06, 2015, 10:23:44 PM
Dream on, never gonna happen.

Trump is not the man to even try to do this, and his neckties are the proof of his real attitude.

Neckties are very expensive in stores, considering how little fabric and sewing goes into them. A seamstress I know once turned out 20 of the damned things in an hour.

They probably cost Trump under two dollars to make and sold for over ten times as much.

I do, actually get to decide what profit margin is adequate: when I think some cheap imported crap is overpriced, like Trump's ties, I do not buy it.

I have not worn a necktie since I retired, but when I was working, I wore one almost every day. Most of them are American made, purchased by me in yard sales. It is quite a spectacular collection.

And, yes, we DO need someone to inspect bottled water so that we do not get poisoned or infected with bacteria.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 07, 2015, 05:33:07 PM
so what?

do you now want the gvt nanny to rush in with price controls on neckties?  ::)

how about bottled water? we need a gvt nanny to price control bottled water?  ::)

people can FREELY choose which ties and what water they buy.....
they don't need you or Gvt Nanny!

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 07, 2015, 05:52:14 PM
You cannot have it both ways.

Either we buy neckties made in China endorsed by Trump, or we simply limit ourselves to buy ties made by Americans.
It is clear that neckties could be made in the USA and sold at a decent profit in Macy's. Trump prefers 200% rather than a modest 150%.

So go ahead, buy Trump's overpriced neckties, I don't care. But if you do not like the Chinese taking over US markets, then Trump is not your ally, he is part of the problem.

You say you want HUGE TARIFFS on Chinese goods. How is that different than some nanny telling you what to buy?

I am not telling you what to buy. I am telling you that if you oppose China taking over US markets, then Trump is NOT your guy.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 07, 2015, 06:09:22 PM
Trump's profit by selling to willing buyers is no concern of yours.
You don't decide what is a the "correct" profit margin.
More power to anyone that can legally make something for a dime and sell it for $1000.
Many software companies pretty much do that already.
I wish I could invent something I could make for a penny and sell for $500.

Trump would not negotiate the wussy deals Obama does.
Obama is about to cave to the Iranians again.
Americans want tough negotiators, not some post-colonial-guilt-driven wussy negotiating our deals.   

You say you want HUGE TARIFFS on Chinese goods.
How is that different than some nanny telling you what to buy?

It is as different as slave labor and non-slave labor.
Countries using slave labor should not be allowed to destroy the US manufacturing base.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 07, 2015, 08:16:02 PM
So, mere major exploitation of teenage Chinese farmgirls who sleep in shifts, are sent by their parents to factories and maybe get to keep a third of the $5 a day they are paid, that is okay by you, but SLAVE labor, there is where you draw the line?

Bangladesh is now the cheap labor capital in this current race to the bottom. There is not all that much difference between what third world children are forced to do and slave labor, and if Trump were president he would do nothing about it.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 07, 2015, 08:35:06 PM
Trump would cut PRO American deals
Trump is not driven by some strange guilt or apologist behavior.
And trade is not even an issue I find very interesting with Trump.
I like that he speaks what is on so many American's minds.
He speaks about what is being done to our country by an insane border policy.
The guy would kick some serious ass.....
and I know the entrenched would not like their apple-cart up-ended. 
I doubt he can overcome the corrupt oligarchy and get elected...but it's fun to watch people squirm.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 08, 2015, 10:45:54 AM
Trump is a total asshole, and I hope he gets the nomination, because he needs a major defeat. No way this egotistical grandstanding demagogue could ever get elected anywhere. It would be sweet to watch Trump get trumped.  The guy has ZERO people skills.  He embodies all that is absolutely worst about this country.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 08, 2015, 11:06:27 AM
Trump's profit by selling to willing buyers is no concern of yours.
You don't decide what is a the "correct" profit margin.
More power to anyone that can legally make something for a dime and sell it for $1000.
Many software companies pretty much do that already.
I wish I could invent something I could make for a penny and sell for $500.

The HELL IT ISN'T my concern. I am a consumer. The consumer decides what stuff is worth to them

Sure, you would love to find a deal as sweet as peddling Trumps Chinese made neckties.
If you found something you could make for a dime and sell for $1000, you would be the first in line to get it made for a nickel in China.
And any government official that tried to slap a tariff on it, you would accuse of being an enemy of free enterprise and The American Way.
What a total fucking hypocrite!

You care about yourself more than about the people of this country.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 08, 2015, 12:04:43 PM
The HELL IT ISN'T my concern. I am a consumer.
The consumer decides what stuff is worth to them

Exactly are ONE consumer.
So if enough consumers want to buy $1000 ties it's none of your damn business.
Whether you personally think it is a "fair" price doesn't matter in the big picture.
You may not think a Cadillac or luxury SUV is a "good buy".
But ask me or millions of consumers that buy luxury SUV's if they
give a damn what you think is "over-priced" or a waste of money.

If the game right now is to have stuff made in China to be competitive yes I would definitely do that.
but at the same time I support ending China's one way street game rules.
You can play ball in a game that you don't agree with all the rules.
If I am a manufacturer I'm not going to sit on the sidelines and go broke...that's nuts.
I will play the game with current rules, but vote for people that will change the rules to make America great again.
It's really not brain surgery.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 08, 2015, 12:14:38 PM
So you don't think America is great now?

You would make a deal with the devil himself for your own personal  advantage. You put yourself of this country and its people and claim that it is all to make the country "great again" because somehow, a country with a Black president just can never be great. But no, of course you are not a racist. You are just a fine American patriot that wants to secede from the country. But you are against slavery, especially when you do not have to watch small children make clothing for $1.50 a day in some Bengaladesh sweatshop for American Eagle.  That is not really slavery, after all.

There is no way that you or The Donald or anyone can get concessions from the Chinese without raising the prices American importers pay for the schlock they have made there. It would cut into your profits to make a deal, and you and your greed are far more important to you than this country.

I encourage you and everyone to make The Donald your next Republican't hero. 
I would be fun to watch him get even fewer votes than Rawmoney.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 08, 2015, 12:55:18 PM
a country with a Black president just can never be great.
But no, of course you are not a racist.

Default Mode Alert From the Racebaiting Party!
Gotta be racism if disagree with Leftist Control Agenda.
Even though reality is I would vote for the following African Americans for President
Dr. Thomas Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Alan Keyes, Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams,
Tim Scott, JC Watts, and would all make fine Presidents, much better than the apologist we have now.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: sirs on July 08, 2015, 01:19:22 PM
Come on C, don't keep confusing the poor professor with reality and facts to the contrary.  You know what that can do to him
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 08, 2015, 01:24:16 PM
Watch and see all those famous right wing token Blacks fade into obscurity.

How long did it take for Michael Steele to vanish *poof!* like the Snuffleupagous?
Token Cuban senator Martinez has fallen off the Earth.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 08, 2015, 01:53:49 PM
So you don't think America is great now?

XO sadly America has a rotten to the core corrupt oligarchy that is in
full mode to destroy the country most Americans know and love.
They recklessly spend trillions more than they take in, they debase (devalue)
our currency with massive printing of money to cover their out of control budgets,
 they use the IRS to target political groups they do not agree with then plead the 5th and/or
delete all e-mails regarding the issue, they pass hugely important
bills/legislation that they don't even bother to read, they take "bribes" from
lobbyist, they do not enforce laws that disagree with their agenda, they spy
on Americans without warrants,  etc...x 1000!

The oligarchy does it primarily by bypassing the voters
using un-elected judges and un-elected bureaucrats.
They bypass the ballot box with un-elected judges,
un-elected judges that overturn the people's vote,
and they bypass the ballot box by allowing tens of
millions of poor uneducated law breaking immigrants
to flood the country that is intended to fundamentally change the country.

You would make a deal with the devil himself for your own personal  advantage.

You are the one that is greedy and selfish.
You think giving away other people's money is somehow noble....ridiculous!
There is nothing noble about XO giving my money away.
LIberals: "Oh I feel so good about myself ordering others to pay for my "charity"

You are just a fine American patriot that wants to secede from the country.

I am sure you would have been complaining about the patriots that wanted to leave England
or that wanted to become independent from England.  The Declaration of Independence
states "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government
Read it it sinks in.
Unlike you the Declaration does not demean people that tire of oppression.

But you are against slavery, especially when you do not have to watch small children make clothing
for $1.50 a day in some Bengaladesh sweatshop for American Eagle.  That is not really slavery, after all.

Uh? What are you talking about?
I am against allowing other countries using basically slave labor to destroy the American manufacturing industry.
Unions are also at fault.....but that is a different subject.
I want a President like Trump that always thinks "AMERICA FIRST"
Putin thinks "RUSSIA FIRST"
Many leaders think of their own county first.
But we have a guy overwhelmed with nonsensical post colonialism American guilt.
Trump would have none of the Chinese one way street non-sense.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: sirs on July 08, 2015, 02:12:50 PM
Watch and see all those famous right wing token Blacks fade into obscurity.

How long did it take for Michael Steele to vanish *poof!* like the Snuffleupagous?
Token Cuban senator Martinez has fallen off the Earth.

Notice how fast xo completely dropped the point being made, in order to degrade such great conservatives as simply "tokens"
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Plane on July 08, 2015, 05:58:36 PM
How long did it take for Michael Steele to vanish *poof!* like the Snuffleupagous?

   He isn't gone,... he isn't totally happy , but he isn't gone.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Plane on July 08, 2015, 06:37:51 PM

So there are American made ties.

Is there such a thing as American made silk?

Well what do you know.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 09, 2015, 07:55:35 AM
We have silkworms, they are not patented, and the technology is not secret, either.
Trump could have his stupid ties made in the US and still make a bunch of money, selling them at the same price.

China is not to blame, they merely are providing what they are paid for. It is guys like Trump that are to blame for throwing Americans out of work.

Trump is a part of the oligarchy, and one of the worst parts to boot.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 09, 2015, 11:17:22 AM
Trump could have his stupid ties made in the US and still make a bunch of money, selling them at the same price.

Oh yeah sure...and I am confident tight-wads like you when you walk in places that have
an American made broom for $14 (unions) or one made in China for $6 (slave labor) you would do
the "right thing" like you think Trump should do and you buy the higher priced American made broom? (ha ha  yeah right!)

After you'd still have a "bunch of money"'s just a broom.  ::)

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 09, 2015, 12:02:29 PM
If The Donald thought "America First", he would have those damned neckties sewn by Americans. 

Of course, you would surely prefer cheap Chinese stuff make by teenage peasant girls to anything made by an American Union worker: they aren't real Americans like you. Theer is nothing more despised by a typical greedhead American capitalist that someone with the guts to unionize and stand up to The Man.

All the brooms I have bought in the last twenty years or so I have bought in garage sales. Some were American made, some were made in Mexico and Venezuela. They all worked just fine and $3.00 is the most I paid for any of them.

People here die and leave their estates to the relatives, and all that household stuff it too expensive to ship from Miami to wherever, so they sell it to the first person who asks: me. Never buy photo frames, photo albums or car care products retail. Nearly every sale has a lot of these, and there is no shelf life problem.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 09, 2015, 04:30:12 PM
Of course, you would surely prefer cheap Chinese stuff make by teenage peasant girls to
anything made by an American Union worker: they aren't real Americans like you.

XO...come on you realize you are making no sense?
If as you say I preferred cheap Chinese peasant labor why would I call for hammering China?
I have stated in this thread China should be forced to play on an even playing field & not destroy our manufacturing.
In other words tell the Chinese and their "teenage peasant girls" to go screw themselves.
If we did that...and American manufacturing came back....of course some union workers would benefit.
So you see...once again you make no sense.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 09, 2015, 04:42:47 PM
People here die and leave their estates to the relatives,
and all that household stuff it too expensive to ship from Miami to wherever,
so they sell it to the first person who asks: me.

Tell me about it...
Last Dec I sold my late brother's house on a "quick sale".
And that meant getting rid of a ton of stuff very quickly.
Some people got away like bandits...
But I was able to hand pick many of the bandits.
I had no time to sell stuff on Craigslist or hold out for better offers.
He lived in a gated community...and they do not allow garage/estate sales.
The cost of having it all moved...stored...and then sold...didn't sound like something I wanted to do.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 09, 2015, 07:17:46 PM
You seem like a gated community type.

I always ask the person running the sale, how much for this and that. If they give me a reasonable price, I do not haggle, if not I make an offer.

I avoid the sales run by the several companies that run estate sales, because they always jack the prices up far too high.

Most people that are selling are very pleasant, since they usually made a HUGE profit on the house.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 09, 2015, 08:48:50 PM
You seem like a gated community type.

I would absolutely love to live in a gated community!
My late brother could leave his garage door up like on
a Saturday and nothing ever get stolen. If he knew I was
coming over and he had to run some errands he would
just leave the front door unlocked.

Problem is my real estate agent says "gated" basically costs
about $200K in the nice parts of Dallas. So a $400K house
that is gated becomes a $550K or $600K house.

Of course even most apartments here in Dallas are gated now
to help keep at least some of the non-resident riff-raff from wandering in and out.

I avoid the sales run by the several companies that run estate sales,
because they always jack the prices up far too high.

A friend tells me they drop the price a bunch on the final afternoon.
Of course he goes the first he has a chance at everything,
but sometimes he picks up some nice stuff dirt cheap on last day.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: kimba1 on July 10, 2015, 12:21:18 AM
on the subject of America first is what I really believe why we`re failing.

it`s no secret if you a  park a import car by an American auto plant it may not stay intact but if you leave a American car by a foreign auto plant chances are it`ll stay intact. this behavior to me means americans are not competitive and when they see a rival product will attack and not try to do a better job. instead of buy American only how about making something americans would like to buy. I go to this store that sells heattech clothes which is made only in japan. I would buy it in a American store but no American store sells heattech like clothes.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 10, 2015, 10:09:13 AM
Gated communities are for paranoids. They are also highly inconvenient. Just going to the store requires a car to leave the community.
Gated communities are a very poor answer to the problem of income inequality.
Not only do you have to pay a huge amount more to live surrounded by fellow paranoids, you will never be free of monthly payments, you will always be paying hundreds to the community association so they can hire inspectors to report you for painting something a disapproved color, working on your car, planting unapproved trees and flowers.

Gated communities are self-imposed fascism for paranoid greedheads.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 10, 2015, 11:42:31 AM
Gated communities are for paranoids.

Ha Ha...yeah sure.
Most apartments are now gated communities.
Are the apartment dwellers paranoids too?
Why would anyone think it's better to allow crooks easier access?
Why not have an extra layer of security if you can afford it?

They are also highly inconvenient. Just going to the store requires a car to leave the community.

Totally wrong.....they are no more "inconvenient" than apartments with coded gate entry.
The gate reads the embedded chip in windshield and you easily drive thru gate.
In most neighborhoods in Dallas, people are not walking to the store.
Most people get in a car and drive to all kinds of stores.
And gated is more convenient in many ways too.
An extra layer off safety equates to convenience....little kids on bikes....women jogging...garage doors left open.

Gated communities are a very poor answer to the problem of income inequality.

People's choices of housing is none of your business in your socialist views of "income inequality"
Income inequality is a great thing compared to most parts of the world...
Places that have income equality are usually shit holes.
You pretty much have income equality in North Korea.
You pretty much have income equality in Sudan.
It's funny how millions are pouring in here where you claim "income inequality" is so bad.

you will always be paying hundreds to the community association
so they can hire inspectors to report you for painting something a disapproved color,
working on your car, planting unapproved trees and flowers. 

Isn't America great?
Don't like gated communities...don't move there!
Don't like HOA communities.....don't move in one.
Personally I love HOA communities and that's why I live in one.
I don't want boats and trailers parked on street or driveways.
I like rising home values as an investment....I like a clean upscale neighborhood.
But if you don't like those things...2EachHisOwn.
So I freely chose to move into an HOA that does not allow that.
If someone wants to park campers, boats, trailers in the driveway....don't move in.
The rules are clearly spelled people can decide beforehand...."is this for me?"

you will never be free of monthly payments

Wrong....I am confident there is a higher percentage of people that live in gated
home communities that do not have house payments than the typical non-gate neighborhood.

Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 10, 2015, 01:25:28 PM
Pretty much everyone that lives in a gated community has monthly community fees to pay every month, which range as high as over $1000 here in Miami. The usual monthly is in the $200-400 range.

Paranoia can be pricey.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: sirs on July 10, 2015, 02:03:38 PM
This is pretty impressive.  If you have a're paranoid.  If you live in a gated're paranoid.  If you live in an Apartment complex that's behind a gate, you're paranoid.  If you have to pay HOA fees, you're a rich paranoid.  Gotta love the paintbrush as broad as the Canadian border used by the left
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 10, 2015, 03:10:47 PM
Pretty much everyone that lives in a gated community has monthly community fees to pay every month,
which range as high as over $1000 here in Miami. The usual monthly is in the $200-400 range.

If you are a doctor, lawyer, engineer, business owner, etc...making $300 an hour...$200-$400 a month is about an hour of pay.
An hour of pay per month many would find well worth the security a gated community provides.

You can pretend gated equates to "paranoia" but if given the choice most families raising children,
the elderly, pretty much most demographics would choose gated if they could.

Same thing with apartments that have secured resident only gates.
Most people want the extra layer of protection these days.

Paranoia can be pricey.

"Pricey" is relative and also in the eye of the beholder.

Non-paranoia can be pricey too!


Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 11, 2015, 12:08:55 PM
I am indeed surprised that with your vast fortune, you stiil do not believe that a gated community is worth it to you.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 13, 2015, 11:34:22 AM
I am indeed surprised that with your vast fortune, you stiil do not believe that a gated community is worth it to you.

I do not have a vast fortune, but I would love living in a gated community.
Living in a gated community that is in my budget would double my drive-time everyday.
At this time I am not willing to make that trade-off.
My neighborhood is safer than most....and my drive of 20-25 mins is already far enough.
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 13, 2015, 12:46:24 PM
What a pity!
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Christians4LessGvt on July 13, 2015, 01:33:01 PM
What a pity!

yes I am so pissed, jealous, and angry at people that are able to live in a gated community!
since i can't live in one I wish they would out law gated communities to make it "fair"
gosh darn it...if i cant do must be "stupid" or it must be just "assholes" that live there!
life is no fair and i am angry as hell about that!  ::)
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: sirs on July 13, 2015, 01:48:07 PM
....and don't forget, paranoid      ;)
Title: Re: The Donald gets busted by David Letterman
Post by: Xavier_Onassis on July 13, 2015, 01:59:49 PM
I did not say the should outlaw them. I do not say they should outlaw neck tattoos or Nazi flags or sticking tampons in your ears, either.